Status: Complete

Before the Fall

Ch. 13

Nace was still cuddled up against her when Faye woke up. At first, she thought that she was still dreaming, but he was too warm, too firm to be a dream. She sighed happily and fell asleep again, unwilling to get up.

The next time she woke up, she was alone. She patted the bed behind her, confused, before she laughed at herself. When she was awake enough to put two thoughts together, she was glad that she’d been asleep when he’d woken up. He hadn’t meant to do that, to hold her so close. Which meant that it would have been embarrassing and awkward, waking up that way. Especially with the knowledge that she didn’t mind it one bit.

Of course he hadn’t meant for that to happen. Or so she thought at first. But when he came into the room with a tray full of what he’d learned were her favorite breakfast foods, Faye wasn’t so sure. Nace looked at her with light eyes, and she couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“Breakfast in bed?” she asked, not bothering to mask her delight.

He grinned wider. “I really did miss you. This is my bribe- don’t go away again.”

Faye heard in those words a double meaning that she wasn’t sure he’d meant. Did he mean, don’t go on any more trips with Logan when you should be here? Or, scarier, did he mean that in a more permanent way?

Faye insisted that Nace eat half of the ridiculously large meal he’d prepared for her. And so it was that they were sitting companionably on the bed, telling each other about the time they’d spent apart, when Liz walked in.

It was so unexpected that Faye dropped her fork, and Nace stopped chewing what was in his mouth. “Oh, darlings, I’m glad I caught you here together. We really need to start making plans for the wedding, you know,” Liz said.

“I never agreed to one, Mrs. Hillard,” Faye said. Nace didn’t miss the waver in her voice, or the iciness. No, she hadn’t warmed up to the idea any. He hadn’t even known that he’d been hoping beyond hope that she would until that moment.

“Don’t be silly. What else would you do? Besides, you stopped objecting,” was Liz’s reply.

“It stopped coming up. And I’m sure that I could find somewhere to go, if I had to.”

Nace kept his mouth shut. He didn’t know whose side to take. He wanted to marry her, but he didn’t want her to be forced into it. He was stuck.

But Faye looked at him, pleading, and he had to help. “Mother, I think you should leave. Faye’s distressed.” Liz gave him a cold look, and walked briskly out of the room.

“Thank you,” Faye whispered. She leaned back against the headboard, drawing her knees up to her chest. She shut her eyes and put her head down, then held her breath for seven long counts. Then she sat up straight, eyes still shut, and took in seven deep breaths. When she opened her eyes, they were clear.

“Thank you,” she told him again. Her voice was stronger. Nace never failed to be impressed by her ability to calm herself so effectively.

“It was nothing. But, Faye… I think that you should know… I want you to stay. I want you to marry me. And sure, part of that- a very small part- is because I know my parents would never choose someone else for me who’s half as good as you. But the rest… well, even without my parents, without all of this, I would want to marry you.” His eyes found hers, held.

Faye froze. As soon as she felt in control, he had to do this. Some part of her, deep down, was rejoicing, but a bigger part only felt this as a blow. She’d thought he understood that she could never stay. Not after the way his parents had treated her.

“Faye?” Nace asked with pain evident in his voice. He could tell from the look on her face that nothing had changed.

“I… can’t,” she choked out, and ran out of the room before he could stop her.

He chased after her, but she was quick. In only her nightgown, without even socks, she ran outside. Appropriately, thunder crashed and the skies wept along with her. Wind whipped through the air at thirty miles per hour. Nace couldn’t see his own hand in front of him, it was raining so hard, and his hair was flying every which way.

Still, he stood and looked around, hoping she might come back. This was no weather to be out of doors in. Soon, he started to shiver. This was truly bizarre weather for August. Bizarre, but not unheard of.

And he knew that she had to be as cold as he was, in that flimsy nightgown she’d worn to bed. Thunder crashed again and Nace began to seriously worry about her out there.