Bella's Monthly Gift

Day 1: The Beginning

It was 4:22 in the morning, and Bella was sleeping peacefully in her bed at Charlie’s, dreaming, once again, of her vampire lover, Edward.

“I love you, Bella,” he repeated to her once again.

The two of them were lying in the field as Edward sparkled before her. She was once again trying to convince him to bite her, and therefore turn her into a vampire, so that they could be together forever.

“I love you, too,” she whispered softly, but knew that he had her heard. “That’s why you need to turn me into a vampire. Then we can be together.”

“You’re right, Bella,” Edward answered, surprising Bella. “I don’t ever want to lose you. I want you in my life forever.”

Bella was beaming as he touched her face with ice cold hands, tilting her head upwards and revealing her pale neck. He, too, tilted his head to reveal his perfect white teeth. The vampire leaned closer to her neck until he finally touched it. She waited for the teeth to break through, and the pain. She felt the pain alright, but it wasn’t exactly where she had expected it to be.

There was a sharp pain in her lower torso, and she cried out. Edward looked at her worriedly, and his face began to dissolve before her.

Everything was disappearing. The field, the flowers, and Edward. Bella jumped up and screamed, but instead of finding herself in the liquefying field, she was in her bed, panting, and with sweat sliding down her back. Bella believed for a moment that she was still dreaming, for the pain was still there.

“Ow,” she moaned painfully, holding her stomach. “What the heck is wrong with me-oh crap.”

She slowly got up out of her bed and ran to her calendar. Yep. It was Sunday morning, the day that her monthly present began. She moaned again and began slowly slumping down the hall to the upstairs bathroom. Whipping open the cabinet, she was pissed off to find that it was seriously lacking the supplies that she needed, so she angrily closed the door and descended downstairs to the other bathroom in high hopes that there would be something there to help her with her needs. She opened the door slowly this time, in fear that it would be like the one upstairs; empty. But she let out a sigh of relief when she found that it had a bag with a few maxi pads resting in the back behind the spare rolls of toilet paper.

Once she was finished applying the supplies, she realized that she needed to now change her undergarments, and swore quietly under her breath. She trudged back up the stairs, which now seemed twice as long to her, and went straight to her underwear drawer. She pulled out a fresh new pair of panties and changed into them quickly.

She laid down back into her unkempt bed and tried earnestly to fall back asleep, but could not. There were fifty or so birds on the tree right outside her window singing loudly. She began crying out of frustration, utterly pissed off at her whole situation. Throwing her covers up angrily once again, she ran to the window, threw it open, and began yelling at the birds loudly, so that they all flew away in a huff of feathers. Thoroughly satisfied with herself, she returned to her bed in false hopes that she would return to her slumber. Her stomach made sure that she would stay awake for the rest of the night.

“Damn you mother nature!” she swore angrily, throwing the covers over her head. Although, she was secretly thankful that Edward was off hunting once again with his brothers and his dad, Jasper, Emmett, and Carlisle for the next two days or so. She usually didn’t like being away from him, but she was just not in the mood to deal with him and his crooked smile and perfectness.
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Alright, now this is a week-long event, starting today and should end either Friday or Saturday. I have yet to decide. Tell me what you all think! It gets a little disgusting after this, but how can it not be? Just write a review and tell me your thoughts. More chapters coming soon!

Day 2: Out of Supplies
Guess who must go get them?