Bella's Monthly Gift

Day 4: Swimming in La Push

Bella did not know why she had agreed to go with her school friends to the beach at La Push, but she assumed that it was because she just wanted to get out of the house. Or perhaps it was PMS messing with her emotions again. Either way, she was even more surprised when Edward had let her go; he normally didn’t like her going into the wolves’ territory, mainly because he could not cross over and save her if she needed it. Instead, he told her it was alright and was awaiting her faithfully at the treaty borderline with a good book.

“You aren’t going to go swimming, Bella?” Mike asked her, disappointment just screaming off of his face.

Someone wanted to see her in a swim suit. Preferably a bikini.

Bella looked up into the beautiful sunny day. It was rare when there was weather like this, and boy did she enjoy the warm sun. Of course, it was nothing like her old home in Phoenix where it was quite the opposite of Washington, but that was why this moment was special to her, because of how rare it was.

“No,” she answered after a minute, trying to be as vague as possible. She didn’t want these people to know about her little, er, problem. “I’m not a very good swimmer.”

“You can just swim along the shallow ends,” Angela suggested, earning her a glare from Bella.

“Maybe I’ll walk around with my shoes off or something,” Bella said with a shrug, tugging her coat closer to her, despite the warmer weather.

Mike smiled at her, but ran towards the water after Jessica had thrown a water balloon at him. Bella never understood why those two never got together. Sure, it was obvious that Mike liked her, but it was also quite obvious that Jessica liked Mike. They even went to prom together.

Just as she promised, Bella took her shoes off and set them aside on a nearby algae-infested rock. She dipped her toe in slightly, and found that the water was a little chilly, but not bad. Submerging both of her feet in the water, Bella began walking around and squishing the wet sand in-between her toes.

She was happy, despite not having her love here next to her, because of how much better she felt. The past three days had been hell to her, the worst she had ever had in her entire life. Right now was a little mini-vacation for her, and she was completely satisfied. Nothing could ruin this right now…

…Until Mike picked her up and, despite her protests, dumped her into the chilly water, soaking her entire body. And worse.

Mike was giving Eric a high-five, who was chuckling right along with him like a couple of immature, and stupid, five year olds. Bella’s head popped out of the water, and she was gasping for air; not because she was under for long, but because she was so surprised. Her jaw clenched and she slowly turned her head towards the two laughing baboons. The two stopped laughing immediately.

“Oh my god, SHE’S PISSED! RUN!” Eric yelled at the top of his lungs with fear in his eyes.

Mike and Eric took off running into deeper waters, knowing that she would not go after them out there. Seeing that there was nothing she could do, she stood up and left the beach with as much dignity as she could muster.

Edward held open the door of his silver Volvo for her, with his crooked smile on his face. It was apparent that he was trying not to laugh.

He closed the door behind her and got in on his side. It took him a minute before he could start the car.

“Do you want to dry off first?” he asked her, jingling the keys in his hands. “Because these are leather seats and-“

♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I know. This was a short one. But I really didn't think that there should be much to this chapter. Bella really doesn't like her friends that much. Well, not so much that she doesn't like them, it's that she's too awkward to have normal friends. Besides, it would not have ended on such a funny note if I had not left it here.

So no one's noticed that Bella is a little OC in this story. And I'm glad. I was afraid that someone was going to flame me and say, 'Bella is totally not like that! What's wrong with you?' Well to people who are thinking that I say, 'Have you ever been yourself whilst PMSing?' And to all you dudes out there thinking this, have you ever met a girl who was normal during PMS? Yeah, I didn't think so. But I will admit that I did exagerate her symptoms a bit. I did it on purpose. Bella is such a 2-Dimensional character that I figured it would be fun to make her a little crazy. And oh yeah it totally is.

So tell me what you thought of today's chapter. Was it funny? Dumb? Terribly written? Etc? Leave a comment!

Day 5: Dinner with the Cullens
The chapter you've all been waiting for. Who's the one vampire that gets a little excited over blood?