Status: Active. :] for sure.

This Is the Bottom Line, It's True


"You sure you can pull off getting four outfits in an hour?" Joe asked as we stepped off the bus, it was our initiation for our jobs today.

"Oh, I can pull it off in just half an hour." I said. "Just gotta know your favourite colours."

"Forest Green." Kevin piped up.

"Blue." Nick and Joe said at the same time.

"JINX! OWE ME A SODA!" Joe yelled at his younger brother. Nick just rolled his eyes, unamused at Joe's antics.

"Kay, green-"

"Forest green." Kevin corrected.

"Kay, forest green, blue, and-" I looked to Greg, though his nickname from everyone is Garbo because of his last name.

"Any colour, really." He shrugged. I stood there for a minute.

"Alright, got the perfect colour." I nodded.

"You sure you got this?" Kevin asked, making sure.

"You four have yet to witness her in action." Bri said, she just woke up from a nap. Bri already went through her job initiation.

"Alright, meet us at the venue in an hour." Joe said. I nodded, they walked on the bus and left. I walked into Kholes and went completely insane.

Within a matter of 25-30 minutes I was done and at the venue. All four of them looked at me like I was crazy.

"It's probably some freakin horrible outfit." Joe said, trying to sneak a peak at the bag.

"Hey, I resent that. I worked very hard on find an outfit for you, jackass." I said.

"Ohh, fiesty." Joe said, I sneered at him as he did with me.

"Oh what a beautiful friendship." Bri smiled, we all walked into the dressing room. Bri got Joe and Nick ready while I got Garbo and Kevin ready.

"You're really quiet, Garbo. Almost as quiet as Nick." I pointed out.

"Oh, yeah." He laughed slightly. "Just don't know what to talk about." He shrugged as he started putting his outfit on.

"Well, hun. With me, you can talk about anything." I laughed, he smiled. Bri was in all her glory with Nick. This was going to be the start of something great.

Once the guys were all dressed and their hair was perfect they got their instruments and went on stage, Bri and I were backstage just jamming out to S.O.S.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I know this is a short starting chapter, but I don't know too much about the Jonas Brothers, but I'm learning. :]




