Status: Active. :] for sure.

This Is the Bottom Line, It's True


"So? I got on the bus, didn't I?" I asked.

"But I wouldn't have known you got here safe if I didn't stay up." He said.

"Garbo... you didn't have to... if something was wrong I'd call you guys."

"I'm just making sure you were safe." He said.

"Oh.. well... thanks." I blushed, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Did you have anything to drink?" He asked.

"Well, they wouldn't sell alcohol to minors, but me and my new friend Tasha got backstage with the guys and they offered us some." I looked at the ground, he grumbled. "I'm sorry. Plus it wasn't even bad, I just had one. Then I told them I had to leave."

"Doesn't change the fact they could've hurt you."

"You are REALLY over protective." I glared at him.

"I have to be! No one else is." He said.

"Just because you're the oldest doesn't mean you can take the responsibility of being protective. We're all a bunch of teenagers on this bus!" I said. "We'll talk about this later." I said, he took my hand.

"No, we'll talk about this now."

"Why? Why can't we forget about it? Whoopdie doo, I was an hour and a fucking half late." I said, he didn't say anything, just kissed me. I stood there for a minute before pulling away. We both looked at each other and he stormed to the bunks. I blinked, I couldn't believe what just happened. I just turned the TV off and went to my bunk. I had to talk to him. "Garbo, you still awake?" I whispered, popping my head out of my bunk, looking up to the top.

"What?" He was acting shy now.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?" He popped his head out.

"Why'd you kiss me?"

"I don't know... impulsive thinking I guess."

"You can't think if it's impulsive." I said. He shrugged.

"Go to sleep." Joe groaned from his bunk.

"Text me." He said, I nodded and we both retreated to our bunks.

Please, just tell me why you did it.

I did it because I cared, and plus, if I never got to see you again I don't know what'd I do.



I'm nothing special, Garb. Just some random 19 year old chick who is good at fashion.

That works for the Jonas Brothers.

Well yeah, so.

Do you know how many girls applied for that?

I have a good idea, but I'm still nothing special.

To me you are.

Well, thanks. But I'm going to bed. Night Garbo.

..Night Tori.

I shut my phone off and plugged it in. I turned around in my bunk, looking at the wall. The only reason I'm blocking myself off from all attractivness and emotions is I don't want to be hurt like I was the first time I was ever with a band. I promised myself that was the first and the last time I'd do anything like that.

It's even too dangerous for me to be like this with Garbo. We're getting way too close even though it seems like we're not. It's scaring me.

I forced myself to sleep.


When I woke up I still felt tired. I burried my face in my pillow for a couple minutes before lifting it up and rubbing my eyes.

"TORI! HOW WAS THE CONCERT!?" Bri ripped my curtain open.

"Legit. Here's some autographs and here's some pictures." I handed her my camera and the paper of autographs. I didn't remember half of the concert. All I can remember is Garbo.

After a while Bri was laughing her ass off.

"Uhm... Tori, got anything to tell us?" She asked.

"Huh?" I asked, tiredly looking at her, she showed me the picture. "OH MY LORD!" I grabbed my camera. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!" I yelled. It was a picture of me and Jack Barakat holding each other, his pants were off and we were REALLY close. "Holy shit. I'm so fucked." I said.

"You don't remember that?" Bri was laughing so hard she fell to her butt.

"No! I don't remember anything!" I said.

"Uh-oh." She laughed. I walked into the kitchen all the boys were up.

"Bri, I'm so fucked. Like, you have no idea." I said.

"Ohh, why?" Joe asked eating his waffles.

"Because, she had a little too much fun at the concert last night." Bri snorted. Garbo looked at us.

"What kind of fun?" Kevin asked.

"Why don't you look for yourself." Bri gave them the camera.

"NO!" I yelled trying to get it, he stood up holding it above his head while looking.

"What the- OH MY GOD!" He yelled, putting it on the counter. "EW! I COULD'VE GONE MY WHOLE LIFE WITHOUT SEEING THAT!"

"Joe wants to see!" Joe grabbed the camera.

"Oh la la! Tori's getting some skin." Joe grinned, I glared at him. I looked at Garbo, he looked pissed.

"I don't even remember, don't be mad at me. Please." I mouthed to him. He looked away, I sighed. "The sooner we get to the next venue, the better." I sighed, "Get me out of my bunk when we get there." I can't believe it. I cannot. I shut myself in my bunk. Just waiting.


About an hour later there was a knock from outside my bunk.

"Hey, we're at the venue." Garbo's voice came from the hall. I opened my curtain slightly.

"Thanks." I said, he stood there. "I'm sorry, I really don't remember what happened at all last night, except my conversation with you." I said.

"It's confusing."

"I know," I sighed. "Please, forgive me?"

"I have to, you don't remember anything." He said.

"Thanks." I said, hugging his waist. He patted my back. "What time is your show?"

"Who knows," He shrugged, "Ask Joe or Nick."

"Alright." I got up, walking out to the others. "Hey," I stood next to Joe.

"Hola!" He grinned.

"What's time is your show?"

"Hmm... 6:30." He said, I nodded. "Por que?"

"Mmm, just wondering." I shrugged, we got off the bus and got everything ready. We had half an hour, so we were all just hanging around.

"Tori, next time I see you, I'm giving you a highfive." Joe said.

"Cause hugs are overrated, just FYI." I said, not looking away from my phone.

"You are SO stupid." He said.

"Your song~" I shrugged.

"And you're still not looking at me." He said.




"Who's more important than me?"

"Hmm, well, there's a whole list. But one of them is going to be my memory."

"Your friend in that picture, holding you?"

"No, Tasha. I met her at the concert, we went backstage together." I rolled my eyes.


"Joe! Knock it off! Jesus!" I said.

"Sorry about him." Nick apologized.

"Not your fault, Nick." I said.

"Tori, can you help me with wardrobe?" Garbo asked, I put my phone down.

"Oh so you put your phone down for him, but completely ignore me?" Joe put his hands on his hips.

"Pretty much." I said, walking right passed him.

"Is she okay?" Kevin asked. I went down the hall a little, finding Garbo at the clothing racks. The others were watching me.

"What?" I asked, 'looking' through the clothes.

"We really have to talk." He said.

"Well hurry, it's either right now or when everyone goes to bed." I said.

"What are we?" He asked, he was right behind me.

"What do you mean?"


We were all watching Tori. Her and Garbo were talking, but it looks like they were getting frusterated.

"She's been in a bad mood since last night." I said.

"I wonder what happened." Nick said.

"Well we aren't going to get it out of here, that's for sure. She doesn't crack for anyone." Bri said. "And since her and Garbo are close,we'll have our best bet getting it out of him."

"Yeah." Kevin said.



"Garbo, we're nothing. We're friends. Nothing more, nothing less." I said, looking at him. "I promised myself I wouldn't let myself get close to anyone. And you're making it really difficult."

"What if I want to get close to you?"

"Then you can, but I can't."


"It's happened once. It could happen again. And I don't want it to."

"What happened?" He asked, then they got called on the stage.

"I'll tell you some other time." I sighed. "Go on stage, kill it." I put my hand on his chest before turning him and pushing him slightly. He looked over his shoulder, walking out with the rest of the guys. "Kill it, guys." I cheered.

"What's wrong?" Bri asked, "What's going on with you and Garbo?"

"Nothing. Just talking." I shrugged. "I'm gonna go on the bus for a little while... I'll be back before they're off stage." I said, walking out the back door.

"Do you need a pass to get back in?" Their security guard asked.

"No, I'm fine, thanks." I said. He nodded. I went to the bus, getting on. I heard the rain start up, and sighed. I looked around. All I could think about was Greg Garbowsky. "GOD DAMMIT!" I screamed, slamming my hands on the table, I ran outside in the rain. I looked around before running down the street a little.

My cell phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I asked in it. The rain was heavy.

"Where the hell are you?" Bri's voice was frantic.

"Uhm... a street." I said.


"A STREET!" I yelled, then my phone lost the call, I sighed. I turned back around. I was freezing, but I was going to find my way back.

I finally found my way back to the venue. I opened the bus door and jumping on, closing the door.

"You are one troubled teenager." Joe's voice came from behind me, I turned.

"And why's that?" I pushed my way passed him.

"Who does that?"

"Does what?"

"Runs no where in the rain."

"I do." I went to the bunk area, getting a hair tie. "I had to clear my mind. Too much stuff is going on." I said.

"You're acting completely mental, Tori." Bri said, I looked at her.

"Trust me, you should remember." I said. "This isn't half of it."

"Seriously, are you going to act like this the whole tour?" Joe asked.

"Depends." I shrugged, "No interfearance- I'll be fine. I need to be completely calm. So, I'm going in my bunk and listening to screamo. If someone bothers me when I'm trying to chill out, I will rip your balls off." I looked to all of them, mainly Joe.


"What's she talking about?" Joe asked as Tori went in her bunk.

"She toured with Forever The Sickest Kids before, her and Kyle started a relationship... then she caught him screwing another girl in their bunk." I said. "But that was a long time ago... I don't get why she'd bring it up." We all looked at Garbo.

"You're not dating her, are you?" Joe asked.

"What?!" His eyes buldged out of his head.

"That's a no." I said. "What were you two talking about?" I asked him, he stood there.

"Nothing." He said.

"Seriously? You guys were practically talking up a storm." Kevin said.

"It's between her and I." He said. "That's all."


I walked out of my bunk. It's been about an hour and a half, making it 11:52. I went on the couch, looking out the window.

"Hey," Garbo said, I looked at him before looking out the window again.

"Hey." I said.

"I heard about Kyle..."


"Yeah." He said, "Tori... I'm sorry that happened. But honestly, who would do that? If he really loved you he wouldn't have did that."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I said, "Can we not bring it up. I just... want to forget about it."

"Whatever you want." He said, I hugged him.

"Thanks." He brought his arms around me too. I sighed, closing my eyes.
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