Status: Active. :] for sure.

This Is the Bottom Line, It's True


"Welcome to Australia, mate!" A beautiful tanned guy with dirty blonde hair said. He was GORGEOUS! "My name's Keith. And what might yours be?" He asked, taking my hand and kissing it.

"My name's Tori." I blushed. "And... this is Garbo." I straightened up.

"Pleasure, mate." Keith wasn't interested in Garbo.

"Well, lets get to the hotel, shall we?" Kevin chimed in. We walked our way.

"Okay, who's sharing with who?" Nick asked.

"Well I'm open for anyone," I said, Joe excitedly gasped, "Except Joe." He frowned.

"Me too," Bri said.

"We know who she's gonna room with." I sang.

"Oh hush!" She said, I laughed.

"I'll room with you, Tori... if that's okay?" Garbo asked.

"Of course it is." I blushed.

"UGH! I have to room with Kevin!?" Joe whined.

"Yep." Bri said, her and Nick walked one way towards their room.

"Pretty much." I stated as Garbo brought his arm around my shoulder and we walked the other way to our room just leaving them standing there.

"Ohh, pretty room." I grinned, throwing my bags down and jumping on the bed closest to the windows.

"You like window beds?" Garbo asked laying on the other bed.

"Mhmm, so then that way in the morning I can just stare out." I smiled.

"Oh," He said, I nodded.

"I'm so tired. Do you know how long we have till the show?"

"Long enough for a nap." He said, I laughed.

"Alright." I said, yawning. I turned over and just fell asleep.


"Hey." Someone was shaking me.


"We have a show in like... 25 minutes. We slept in too late." I jumped up.

"Shit." I said, we hurried to the venue.

"Well, welcome to the club you two." Joe said.

"Shut up, Joe. We were sleeping." I said.

"Oh la la." He winked.

"Seperate beds, dumb ass." I rolled my eyes as they went on stage.
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Kinda filler.