Status: brand new, alive and in progress!

Your Pants Are on Fire

It's a new day

Early morning practices, most people get tired of them but I love them. I guess it's because I've been so used to them. I mean I've been spending hours of a day practicing some sport ever since I was nine.

Things didn't used to be so intense but after a while I became exceptionally better than everyone else my age and I loved to play so hours and hours of soccer and football was a dream. My parents didn't let me slack on the homework though like most parents. But mine aren't exactly like most.

My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a wedding planner. They're both really intense people and work a lot but they're home as often as they can. My dad likes to practice soccer with me and my mom talks to me about things. They also aren't married. They're currently 'dating' because for some reason they don't want to get married even if they have children together and live in the same house and act as if they're married.

They aren't unfaithful either but for some reason they just won't commit to marriage.

As I recollect on all of this as I drive, the time passes quick and I get to school. I park my car close to the field and snatch up my duffel bag.

"Elliot!" Mike yells out, he's got coffee in his hands, score.

"Sup, Mikey." I greet him and we man hug before I grab his cup of coffee and chug down at least half of it.

The rest of practice is a blur after that.

I ruffle my hair and drink some water as practice ends. Occasionally I'd be goalie and other times I'm usually the striker. Unfortunately a lot of today was conditioning and warming up.

I take off my shirt and search for a new clean one but then I see Mark jogging up to the school. Lo and behold, Jillian Malcolm- or the most gorgeous girl to ever walk the earth. And I'm not just talking about looks either.

Jillian Malcolm is the epitome of my dreams. Sometimes I wish she never moved here but then if she didn't my life would be miserable.

Isn't it just fucking great that they're making out. Mark is like so /proud/ of having her as a girlfriend and they loves PDA just so everyone knows. Well that is what PDA means or you're just horny but still. He's practically trying to eat her face. Sick.

Mike chuckles next to me and most of the rest of the time too.

"What?" I snap out of my trance of jealousy.

"There's uh something on your face." Chance snickers.



"Shut up Chance."

"Oh come on!" he yells, putting his hands up in the air, "It's so obvious! To us at least."


"Please, Elliot, you practically drool over her." Mike adds, "And put a shirt on. Everyone knows you're hot and have a great body but no need to show off." He rolls his eyes with a smirk.

"Ha ha, so very funny of you."

"Or-" Chance interjects, "Are you just hoping Jilly will look at you?"

"No!" I shout a little too loud and Jillian stops kissing Mark.

"Elliot!" She calls.

I can tell almost everyone is smirking at me.

"Hey Jillian!"

"Wanna walk to class with me?"

"Uh sure, Mark do you mind?"

"Of course," He laughs, "Nah Jill and spend time with whoever she wants."

"Great, not put a shirt on hot stuff and get your ass over here!" she orders with a heart melting smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is rather short): I have an account on fictionpress but I want to see how Mibba is and so far I like it(: Well Anyway feedback is appreciated and I hope whoever reads this likes it so far(: