Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

10. Beach 'fun'

Jimmy and I have been talking non-stop since he apologized to me, and vice versa. That was 2 days ago. My life has been going pretty good since then. I worked nights at the bar, and during the day I hung out with everyone. Everyone was happy to have me back, and that i wasn't mad at Jimmy anymore. Jimmy just told me that Leanna was mad at him but didn't know why.

"Well maybe she doesn't like you talking to me" I said to him on the phone as I walked into the bedroom.
"NONSENSE!" he said. "She would never be mad over something so silly!"
"Alright. But maybe she just doesn't like me."
"Oh that's silly!" he said.
I laughed.
"Alright. Are we hanging out today?"
"Yeah yeah!" He said. "I'll come pick you up in 20. Alright? We can go to the beach! and you and Leanna can have girl bonding time!"
I laughed at his childlikeness.

"Alright i'll get ready. See you in 20" I said hanging up the phone.
I really did think Leanna hated me, and that she wished Jimmy and I didn't talk, but he seemed to think it was a ridiculous thing.

I got ready and waited. I put in a CD and started dancing too it when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and it was Jimmy.
"Oh hey" I said smiling, walking back over to my CD player and turning it off. He smiled a big smile.
"Hey." He paused. "So you ready?"
"Yup" I said grabbing my phone and bag.

We walked downstairs to where Leanna was waiting in his car. She looked at Jimmy and smiled, completely ignoring me. I got into the back and Jimmy slipped into the drivers seat.

"So girls, Today should be fun!" He said smiling at us both. Leanna just grumbled slinking away into her seat.
"Yeah it should be" I said looking out the window.

When we got to the beach we just layed and sunbathed for about 5 minutes when I finally sat up.
"This is boring, lets go swimming."
"Yeah yeah! let's go swimming!" Jimmy said jumping up.
"I think i'll just stay here and soak up the sun a little longer." Leanna said.
"Alright babe" Jimmy said leaning down to kiss her.

Jimmy and I raced towards the beach. For about ten minutes we splashed eachother, and did a bunch of other things you do at a beach. We decided to go and just rest for a little bit.
"Shoot! I forgot the cooler in the car. I'll be right back, you two do some girl bonding!" Jimmy said getting up and running towards the way we came from.

"So hi" I said to leanna.
"Hi." she said rolling over so she wasn't facing me.
A couple of awkward seconds passed.
"Why don't you like me?" I asked. She sat up sighing.
"Because. You talk to Jimmy, and Jimmy likes you a lot. So therefor i don't like you" She said laying back down.
"That's dumb, Jimmy and I are nothing but friends."
"You know what's dumb, is you being friends with him. So why don't you just leave because I don't want you here."
"Whatever." I said standing up.

I took my shorts and threw those on.I grabbed my stuff and walked my way to the showers so I could rince my feet off. I passed Jimmy.
"What are you doing?"
"I think i'm going to go home."
"What why?!"
"Well it seems i'm not very wanted here..."
"What are you talking about?"
"Your girlfriend does not want me here So i'm going home."
"thats ridiculous! she said it was a great idea for you to come!"

"I'm going home Jimmy. Text me or something. Bye" I said.
"Hold on i'll drive you, just let me go--"
"No it's fine I can walk." I said hugging him. "Bye"

----3rd Person P.O.V. ----
Jimmy walked over to Leanna.
"What did you do!?" He said setting the cooler down.
"What do you mean?" She said rolling over.
"Why is Al leaving!?"
"Because I told her she wasn't wanted here."
"She is wanted here. I want her here!"
"How foolish Jimmy, Our relationship was so perfect with out her in your life"
"Perfect? Perfect... yeah, me being depressed because she wasn't talking to me is Perfect I just get her to talk to me again and you have to tell her she isn't wanted around?!"

Jimmy said starting to walk away.
"Jimmy come back" Leanna said standing up
"No Leanna, we are over! I'm done with you. And I mean it this time."

Jimmy walked away from Leanna as she sat there watching him walk away. She sat back down and huffed.
Whatever. I don't need him She thought watching everyone at the beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's not that long.
and i know i needed to get Leanna out of the picture.
I'm aware her name is spelled Leana and not Leanna but i'm sick of the little red line under it saying its wrong.

And no, i don't despise Leana, i just think what she did is wrong, Ignored the A7x family, Removed her Jimmy tattoo, and started dating so soon after he death. But then again, we have no idea what she went through, everyone copes in different ways.
Sorry. and i decided i wont delete it. I have a great idea for this story.