Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

11. Where's Leana?

I was walking home when a car pulled next to me.
"Get in"
"Get in the car" He said again.
"Go away Jimmy"
"Seriously get in the fucking car."

I looked and he had no passenger, i raised my eyebrow and got in.
"Where's Leana?"
"I broke up with her"
"What? Why?"
"Because I did. Lets go over to Matt's house. Everyone is there anyways."
"Alright." I said throwing my stuff into the back seat.

A couple of minutes later we were pulling into Matt's Driveway. We walked in and everyone was out back.

"Hey guys!" Jimmy said opening the sliding glass door.
"Hey Jimmy, Al. where's Leana?" Gena asked.
"We broke up" Jimmy said straight faced all happiness draining from his face.
"Why?" Brian said walking next to Jimmy.
"Because I realized she wasn't a good person" He said looking at me.

I looked at the ground and blushed. I seen Rebecca looking at me so I sat down next to her. Everyone was having their own conversations.

"Why did Jimmy break up with Leana?"
"I have no idea. All I know is I left because she told me she didn't want me there. And then next thing I know is I'm walking on the side of the road and he comes and tells me to get into the car.."
"Oh, I see" She said. "He likes you"
"What?! No. He doesn't"

"Yeah he does. It all makes sense. Why else would he be a mess the whole time you guys stopped talking and then all of a sudden be happier than a smiley face when you start talking again?"
"Because.. uh. i don't know"
"He likes you" She stated closing her eyes and laying back down.

I sighed as I stood up.
"Al AL AL AL!!!" Jimmy said running up to me.
"Yes Jimmy?"
"Hi" he said
"Hi." I said smiling up at him. "You are really tall"
"nope, you are just really short"
"Nah I'm normal height"

"No. i am"
"Nope, your a freaky Giant."
"Fee Fie Foe Thumb---"
"Don't go there." I said pointing at him with a stern look.

He smiled and laughed. I just smiled up at him and hugged him.
"WOAH where is this coming from" He said wrapping his long lanky arms around me with a laugh.
"I just felt like hugging you." I mumbled into his torso. I inhaled his scent and smiled.

I looked up at him and he was watching me.
"Did you just smell me?"
"Yes.?" I questioned back with my eyebrow raised.
"Because I'm like a fucking dog, and if you get lost i can find you" I said smiling at him letting him go.

He just looked at me like I was a weirdo.
"WHAT? it's true! I'M PART DOG!" I yelled at him.

Every ones eyes turned to look at me as Jimmy started to laugh.
"What?" I said as Jimmy kept laughing.

Everyone turned back to what they were doing before. I just turned to Jimmy and cracked a smile.

"Do you think I can talk to you for a moment?" Jimmy said in between trying to catch his breath from laughing.
"Yeah sure." I said following him into Matt's house.

He sat me down on the couch.
"Alright, I realize this might be too soon.but like, We have known each other for a little bit right?"
"Yeah but two of those months we weren't talking.."
"Yeah, and then we started talking again the other day, and i realized these feelings for you weren't just a phase. That's part of why i broke up with Leana, and the fact that she hated you. What I'm really trying to say, or ask is" He paused and took a deep sigh. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Uh Jimmy I.. I think this is going a little fast. I like, god do I like you, but like you said, we just started talking again the other day. I think we should try to just be friends for now. And then maybe..Maybe in the near future we can try boyfriend girlfriend out. Okay?" I said. His face brightened a bit.

"Yeah yeah that sounds good!" He said hugging me.

We walked back out and all the guys were watching us so i whispered to Jimmy.
"Why are they watching us?"
"Because I sort of told the guys i was going to ask you out..." He replied trailing off.
I sighed.

"what so now they can hate me?" I replied.
"No, they won't. I'm just happy you said in the future" he said smiling.

"YAY YOU'RE TOGETHER!" Brian said.
"Uh... no.." I replied.
"No" he replied frowning eying Jimmy.
"Nope" Jimmy said smiling.

"And you are happy about it?" Matt asked.
"Yup" he said smiling again.
"Why?" They asked looking at him suspiciously.
"BECAUSE I CAN BE OKAY?!" he yelled laughing.

"Alright alright.."
I walked over to Becca.
"So what happened?"
"He asked me out."
"And i said no. But, i told him maybe in the near future if things go good between us. It's just too soon for us to be together y'know?" I said quickly before she could interrupt me.
"Oh okay. because you guys would be really good together." She said smiling.

I paused for a moment while watching Jimmy goof off with the guys and have fun. I smiled.
"Yeah i know."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's pretty short i know. Sorry..

3 comments to update? :)