Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

2. The Cook-Out

I woke up around 9 this morning. I was getting ready for today. I decided to just wear a pear of black skinny's with a plane navy blue tee. I got a text around 10.

The barbecue is going to start at 11:30, but feel free to show up anytime after that.
The girl's want to know if their boyfriends can come with us.
What's the Address?
424 Main Street, Huntington Beach.
lol okay, nd i sort of figured it was in Huntington Beach.
Oh well..yeah. Oh and wear your bathing suits
Okay. We will probably be there around noon.
Okay sounds good, can't wait.
We can't either.

It was true the girls told their boyfriends that we were going to a barbecue today and they wanted to come along. I called the girls up and told them that Luke and Mike can come.

"Mike doesn't feel good, so we aren't going to go" Lindsay said.
"Oh okay."
"Yeah Luke doesn't feel like going today. He says it's too hot for a cook out." Rebbecca said. We were on a three way.

"Oh okay. I guess I'll just Text Jimmy and tell him we aren't going."
"What are you talking about? Just because we aren't going doesn't mean you can't go." Rebbecca said.

I sighed."Fine but i have to tell him you guys aren't coming anyways. I'll talk to you guys later."
"Bye!" they said in unison and hung up.

Um, i guess it's just going to be me.
Okay. I guess i will see you at noon.
Actually I'll be there sooner, i was only going to be there at noon because of the girls, but now i guess I'll be there at 11:30.
O, OK. See you soon.
Yeah. see you soon.

I put on my bathing suit, then my clothes. I put on eyeliner and just brushed my hair.
I got into my 1960's Buggy and drove to Matt's house.
I got there in about 10 minutes.
I walked up to the door and was a little hesitated at the door. That is until someone opened the door.

"You must be that girl from Red Cross." She said.
"Yeah.. I'm Alala. Call me A."
"Well HI! I'm Gena!" she said hugging me. I giggled and hugged her back.
"Nice to meet you Gena."
"Nice to meet you too A. Why don't you come on in"

I walked into the house, It was a pretty big house.
"Alala!" Zacky said walking up to me high fiving me.
"Hey Zacky"
"Jimmy is going to be so happy that you actually showed up, He keeps saying that you're just not going to show up."
"I wouldn't tell him I'm going to show up if I wasn't going to."

"Well come on out back, I hope you wore your bathing suit!" he said eying my clothes.
"Yeah i did." I said pulling my shirt up a Little bit.
"Oh good, it would of been rude if you didn't have on and then all of us be swimming!"

I smiled and nodded.
We walked out back and i was greeted by Brian.
"Well hello miss. 'Jimmy is better because he is like so totally Hawt' "
"Hey i never said that, My friend said that." i said looking at him smiling. He laughed.
"Nice to see you again." he said hugging me.

"Alala!" Jimmy said running up to me, then picking me up and hugging me.
"Please. All of you, Call me A."
"Okay." he said putting me down. He had the biggest grin on his face. "Woaahh you have TATTOO'S! Come meet everyone! you already know Zacky, Syn and seems like you met Gena."
I nodded.
"This is Matt."
I shook hands with Matt.
"This is Johnny"
I shook his hand also.
"Val, Michelle, and Lacey."
"Oh yay, Another girl!" the girl named Val said.

I laughed. I then realized everyone was in there bathing suits. Even the guys were all in swim trunks, No shirts on. Then i glanced at Jimmy and blushed. He was starring at me.

"Well Gurrrl! take those clothes off and get in the pool with us!" Brian said as him and Zacky ran and jumped into the pool.
"Don't worry, we have towels and you can put your clothes in my room" Val said walking me into the house and up the stairs.
"Take them clothes off Girrrl!" Val said. I laughed and took my shirt and jeans off. I wore Flip Flops. I left them on and followed her back downstairs.
"You look so cute!" she said.
"Thanks. So do you!"
She laughed.
"So why no bikini?"
"I'm a little self conscience. Especially knowing I'm going to be around a bunch of guys and their girlfriends."
"But don't your friends have boyfriends?"
"Yeah but i barely hang out with them when they are together."
"Oh." She said then we walked outside.

"AW. i love your Suit!" Gena said running up to me. I blushed as I noticed everyone look at me.
"Guys! Stop starring at her! You're scaring her!" Val yelled at them. They all chuckled and went back to doing what they were doing. Except for Jimmy, he just kept starring at me. I blushed even more and turned away.

"C'mon Get in the pool!" Brian was saying to Michelle.
"No baby, I just want to get a tan today."
"Fine! SOMEONE get in the pool, i feel gay with it just being me and Zacky-kins." Jimmy got up, laughed and ran and dived into the pool. "GREAT Now i feel Gayer!"
I laughed.

"Want to go into the pool?" Gena asked.
"Yeah." She walked over to the stairs. "I'm going to go jump in."
I walked to the edge of the pool and dived in.

I surfaced and Jimmy came swimming over to me.
"Hey." he said treading the water, as I was doing the same.
"Hey." i said smiling.
"So uh, you look really nice." He said looking at me.
"uh thanks."

"I KNOW! LET'S PLAY CHICKEN!" Zacky said, well more like screamed.
"I get Zacky!" Gena said.
"I get A!" Brian said.
"Nu huh! I get her!" Jimmy said.
"Awe but i wanted to play chicken." Brian said with puppy dog eyes looking at me.

"Let her pick!" Gena said. i sighed.
way to help me Gena. gee thanks.

"Awee no fair shes gonna pick Jimmy because He's her favorite!"
I laughed, and Matt turned around with complete shock on his face.
"The Rev is your favorite?!"
"Well I told them that if I HAD to choose it would be him."
"Because I'm like the totally hottest" Jimmy said mimicking Rebbecca then laughing "or at least that's what her friend said."
"Well. i don't know i like his personality?" I said blushing. They all looked at me like i had three heads. "So uh, i thought we were playing chicken."
"You need to pick!" Brian said.
"Dude she totally picks me.! you can be the Ref!" Jimmy said.

"Fine!" He said whining getting out of the pool.
I got onto his shoulders as did Gena with Zacky.
"Okay!, Ready. Set. GO!" Brian said.
Gena and I grabbed each others arms and tried to push the other down.
After about Five minutes I finally got her off Zacky's back and into the water.
Jimmy and I highfived each other.

"Whose next to face this team of death!?" Jimmy yelled.
Val and Matt got into the water. "US!" they said in unison. She got onto his back.
"Okay. Ready? Set. Go!" Gena said.

Ten minutes later Val and I were still on the guy's backs, trying to push each other off. Five minutes later I got her off and into the water. She came up laughing.
"You're good. Nobody can Beat Matt and I, we are the Champs. But i guess we have a new champ." she said high fiving me.

Jimmy let me off his back and i swam around in the water. It felt so good. I sat on the side of the pool.
"So i take it you played all the time?" Val asked.
"Yeah. like every day one summer me and my boyfriend, Ex boyfriend, would play it at the local pool against people. After a while you just learn a few technique's to stay on longer and to get the other person off faster." I said.
"Why is he your ex?"
"Well, we sort of hit a few rough patches..." I said feeling the scar on the back of my neck. I never wore my hair up because of it.
"Oh. when did you guys break up and how long where you guys together?"
"Um we broke up about a month ago on our Two Year Anniversary."
"Oh that's sad. Where is he now?"
I remembered the Court case.
I thought back 6 months ago. The Abuse, Emotional and Physical. The Alcohol, The Drugs.
"I'm sorry but i would rather not talk about it." I sat there, the tears ready to fall.
"Where is the bathroom?"

"Past the Kitchen, First door on you're right."
"Thanks." I said walking inside Sniffling a little bit walking into the bathroom.

I locked the bathroom door and looked in the mirror. I lifted up my bathing suit top and looked at the scars. I cried quietly. I composed myself and walked back outside.

"Um, i need to go..." i said quietly.
"But you just got here like an hour ago. We didn't even get to eat yet!" Brian said.
"Oh it's okay. I just need to go.." They all looked at me.

Zacky looked at me. "I'll walk you out.." He said quietly.
I know he seen my eyes were red.
I walked upstairs to Val's room and grabbed my clothes and threw them on.

He walked me out to my car.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"I can see you were crying.. Why?"
"I'd rather not talk about it.."
"Well if you ever want to talk you can call me. Give me your phone." I handed him my phone.
Then he took out his phone.
"There, now you have my number and i have yours."

"But i mean it. If you ever need to talk then just call or text."
"Thanks Zacky."
He hugged me and i got into my car ready to leave.

"Wait!!!" someone yelled coming out from the house. "Please don't leave."
"I'm sorry.. Jimmy but i need too"
"Please don't, you don't have to hang out with them if you don't want too. Me and you can go sit underneath the tree."

I sighed and turned my car off.
"Yay.!" he said picking me up, and twirling me around.

I walked back inside behind Jimmy.
"Guys i got her to stay!" jimmy said happily.
"yay!" Gena said walking up too me. "If you need to talk I'm here."

Now i know why her and Zacky are together, they are so much alike.
"Okay i will. Actually i think i need to talk to you right now.."
"Okay." she said and turned around. "Guys we will be inside. we will be right back"
Zacky looked at us then looked at me in hope of coming. I nodded and he followed us.

We walked inside and sat in the living room.
"So jimmy seems to like you. and he told us you weren't looking for a boyfriend. Why not?" Gena said.
"Well this is what that's about, the Not wanting a boyfriend thing.."
"It all started About six months ago with David, my ex boyfriend who is now in jail, We were together for about one and a half years by this time, then one day he wen out drinking with his friends, Came home and started yelling at me. He told me how worthless i was and the only reason he was with me was because he felt pity for me. And if he wasn't;t with me, i would be lonely and miserable, and nobody. He said the reason i have my job is because of him introducing me to Lindsay. But that's all he did for about a month or two, it was okay just the yelling. But then he started getting more violent, throwing things, and hitting me. I would aways have bruises on my face or arms. Then one day two months ago he came home, He was drinking and on drugs. I knew he did drugs, i knew i should of stayed somewhere else that night. But i just kept thinking 'If i do, then i will get it worse tomorrow.' so i stayed. Which i shouldn't have done. He came home.I texted Rebbecca to tell her that if she doesn't hear from me in a half hour to come get me.. He was Beyond pissed, he was psychotic. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife--"
Gena gasped. And tears started to slip out of my eyes.
"He came back out, started yelling at me, hit me a few times. He carved a line into the back of my neck. He turned me around and started to stab me in the stomach. I lay there for about twenty minutes, when i heard someone come into the apartment. I was laying there in my own pool of blood. Rebbecca called 911 and i was taken to the emergency room. I had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. Last month Rebbecca and my mom made me take him to court. I did. Now he is in jail for life, on Attempt to murder. I haven't even attempted to meet a guy in the past month, afraid he would turn out just like David."

"Oh my god!" Gena said.
"are the scars still there?" Zacky asked handing me a tissue.
"Can i see them?" Zacky said.
I lifted up my bathing suit top.
"They said they tried to do everything they can, but eventually time would heal them.."

"What about the one on the back of your it still--?"
"Yeah.." i said holding my hair up and turning around.
"Oh my. I'm so sorry, if we knew we would of stopped Val from asking you all those questions, no wonder you got so upset.." Zacky said.
"It's okay.. and sorry to spring it on you guys like this, with this being our first meeting and all. It's just, if any of you guys were to know, i want it to be you guys."

"Well thanks for trusting us. And don't worry we wont tell anyone unless you tell us we can." Gena said.
"Well lets get back to the party before they all expect somethings up."
We got up and walked back outside.

Jimmy, Matt, Johnny and Brian were on the far side, where the grill was talking, while the other girls were on the opposite end sitting down trying to tan.
Jimmy looked up and seen me, he walked over to me and smiled.
"Is everything okay?"
"Okay, do you want to go sit under the tree and talk?"
"Sure." He smiled and grabbed my hand walking me over to the tree.

We sat under the tree for about an hour, He didn't push me about what i talked to Gena and zacky about.We talked about our tattoo's and what they meant.

"What about this one?" He said pointing to my left arm at the top.
It said 'Memories; Some are bad, Some are good, But in the end you have to live with all of them'
"When did you get it?" he asked.
"sometime last month."
"What does it mean."
"it's pretty much self explanatory,But it means good and bad memories will always stay with you, you can't forget them. No matter how hard you try." I said looking down.

"Oh. that's true. What inspired you to get it done?"
"Bad things that happened in the past."

We sat there for a while being quiet.
After a while we sat there just talking and laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bathing Suit

Okay so, long chapter. I spent all day stuffed in my room writing this. Trying to perfect it. Hope you like! Comment? Subscribe? Give me some lovin' people!