Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

3. I don't know what to name this chapter. So here.

"So how was the Date with Mister Jimmy Sullivan?" Rebbecca said.
"Firstly, it wasn't a date because he invited all three of us. and it was okay, Until they asked my why i didn't want a boyfriend.."

"Oh Honey! I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay, I told Zacky and Gena what happened, and they are gonna try to not let any of them bring it up ever again."
"Oh so you're hanging out with them again?"

"Yeah, In a couple of days. I think Syn said something about having a little get together on Sunday" I said.
"Oh, okay, well tonight you and me are going out to a bar."
"Okay. Why can't Luke go with you?"
"He's going to go hang out with friends." She said sighing.

Luke treated Rebbecca like shit, No, not like David treated me, But more along the lines of, If he didn't want to go out, she had to stay in too, and if he went out, he wouldn't bring her.
"So come hang out with me tomorrow" Rebbecca said hopefully.

We also had two weeks of work off for vacation.
"Hey, is Luke going to be busy Sunday?"
"He made plans, not sure if he is going to bail on them or not though, why?"
"If he does, you can come with me to Gate's house!"

-around 7 the next day-
"You ready?" Rebbecca said walking through my door. "The cab is downstairs waiting for us"
Yes we weren't stupid people who when we went out and got drunk that we drove or own cars, we got cabs, like any other smart normal person would do.

"Yeah hold on, i just need to finish putting my eyeliner on!" i said.
I walked out.
"You look hot Chicka!" she said to me.
I laughed and shook my head.
"You look nice." I replied to her.

She was wearing an Asymmetric Black dress,Black Stilettos that were studded all over, Blue eyeliner Purple, and two different shades of Grey eyeshadow, with two bows in her hair, and bat earrings, While her hair was a bit wavy..
While I was wearing a Black and red Corset with a matching Skirt, Red stilettos, Red Eyeshadow, Black Eyeliner, Red Lipstick, and a large Black and Red flower in my hair. What can i say, Simple, and plain, and I like to be color Coded, So sue me.

"Ready to go?" I asked grabbing my phone.
"Yup! let's go"
I walked out of my apartment and locked the door.

We drove to the club and seen we had to wait in line.
I groaned.
"Wait! i know the Bouncer" Rebbecca said.
"Hey! Jim!" She said walking over to him with me in tow.
"Oh hey Becky.How are you?"
"Good. and yourself"

They sat their talking for a little bit.
"So, why don't you girls get out of the cold and go inside?" He said stepping aside and letting us through,
"Thanks Jim. It really was a pleasure. We are going to have to catch up some time!" she said to him walking backwards into the club. I laughed as she almost tripped.

We got a little booth to ourselves and ordered drinks.
"I want to dance." Becca said after her 4Th drink. It doesn't take much for her to get drunk. after 2 drinks she has a buzz and by 4 she is just about to be drunk.
"Go dance, I'll watch our stuff." She giggled happily and walked to the dance floor.

"Excuse me miss, The guy over there is bought this drink for you." She said pointing at a booth of guys.
She walked away and i pushed the drink to the side.
I made this thing back when I was 21, Normally if a guy sends you a drink, and you drink it, He thinks it's open invitation to come and talk to you.

I decided to go dance a bit. Our stuff would be fine here, Normally people see stuff at a able and leave it alone.

I found my way to Becca and started dancing with her. Until I felt someones hands around my waist grinding against me. I pushed his hands off of me and turned around angrily. My face instantly softened as I realized who it was. I started to dance more with him.

"Wow, you in those heels, makes you tall enough for me." He breathed into my ear.
"I guess I'm going to have to wear heels more then." i whispered back to him.

Okay to be honest, I was drunk, And I'm pretty sure he was too. After about Three more songs We turned around and walked off the dance floor.
"Why don't you girls come sit with us?" He said, seeing that we were heading back to our table.
"Yeah sure." We said in agreement.

We got back to his table.
"Hey guys. Look at this thing that I just picked up" Jimmy said to the guys.
I looked at him offended. "That is so mean jimmy!"
He laughed and put his sunglasses on.

I looked at him and Smiled. He was so cute. He wasn't the most perfect guy in the world, He wasn't skinny, fat or Beefed with muscle,like M.Shadow. But that's exactly what made him the most perfect guy in the world. He didn't have the most perfect bone structure, even if there was one, He had the best smile, the best body, even if it was toned or anything. He has these nice strong arms. He was just perfect.

"Ooh, A has that face" Becca sang.
"What face?" Syn asked her.
I glared at her but she told them anyways.
"She always gets googly eyed when looking at a guy she thinks is absolutely Perfect." She said looking at me sticking her tongue out. I sighed and sat back on my seat.
"Ooh. and she was just looking at The-Rev man." Syn said.
"Dude shut the fuck up!" Gena said hitting him upside the head. I laughed.

I felt someone grab me and pull me closer to them. I looked down and seen a tattoo that I recognized.
"Hi Jimmy."
"Hi Alala." he said resting his head on mine.

I cuddled against him. He smelt nice. I inhaled his scent some more.
"Oh Syn. i was wondering, you know how you said something about your house on Sunday?"
"Mhmm." he nodded.
"Is it cool if Rebbecca comes" i said motioning to my friend who was trying to do the robot with Matt. He laughed looking at them.
"Yeah. i don't care."

"Do you want to go dance more?" Jimmy whispered in my ear.
"Yeah sure."
We got out of the booth and he lead my to the dance floor.

-About like a couple hours later...-
Rebbecca called Luke and told him she was crashing at my place for the night. He told her that she should of called earlier and told him, instead of waiting til 11 at night to tell him.
I grabbed the phone from her.

"Dude, Shut the fuck up! we didn't know we were going to stay out this late. and what's it matter to you, when you leave her home til 5 in the morning all by herself. You don't even let her hang out with her friends unless you feel like you want to hang out with them. which is NEVER. So let her fucking be happy for a night. Bye Luke!" i said hanging up on him.

God he annoyed the piss out of me.

-Next Day-
I woke up with a major headache.
The only thing I remembered from last night was me yelling at Luke on the phone, And me and Jimmy dancing at the club.

I smiled and stretched. I looked at my phone and seen I had a few new text messages.

Last night was fun. -Jimmy i laughed and replied.
Yeah it was.

I looked at the next one.
We should hang out today. You can bring Becca with you she was fun, Call me. -Gena.
I'll call you in a bit, I just woke up.
i replied back to her.
I looked at the clock 11:30.

"Hey Rebbecca!" I yelled to her.
"Mmm What?"
"Do you want to go hang out with Gena today?"
"Mhmm, Yeah sure." she said walking out into the kitchen. "Let me call Luke first though."

Ten minutes of her talking to Luke, she finally got off the phone with him.
"He wants to hang out with me today." She said sadly looking down.
"Okay. I'll call Gena and let her know."
"Okay. Well I guess I'll go get a cab. See you later" She said opening her door.
"Okay. see you later."

I called Gena.

"Hey it's A."
"Oh hey, so you and Becca going to come and hang out? I was thinking we could go to the mall with the other girls"
"Yeah sure. and Rebbecca can't come, Her boyfriend wants her home today."
"Oh well that sucks. Well do you think you could be here in like an hour?"
"Yeah. i just need to get ready and stuff." i said.
"Okay. see you then, Bye"

I got ready in a pair of shorts and a "you were hotter on the Internet" Tee shirt and a pair of green converse. I did my make up and hair then grabbed my bag and left.

I put in a CD and A7X came pouring through my speakers. I laughed because my favorite song came on, A little piece of heaven.

"Come here you fucking bitch! Matt's voice said in the background.
"Must of stabbed her Fifty fucking times! I can't believe it. Ripped her heart out right before her eyes. Eyes over easy, Eat it Eat it Eat It." Came Jimmy's voice. I loved this song because it was s ridiculously good. I then realized i had Pinkly Smooth on this CD. I turned it to The Body Of Death of the Man with The Body of Death.

"And I don't buy what your selling me," I sang along to the song perfectly.
Jimmy really did have a nice voice, he was so talented, and it's not like he could only play the drums. He could also, write lyrics, play guitar, and play the piano. If someone didn't think he was talented, then they were crazy.

I pulled into Gena and Zacky's house. I parked and got out of my car. I walked up to the door and Gena opened it smiling.
"Whoop! Mall Time! let's go! Bye Zacky! Be home later!!!" Gena said
"Alright, have fun." He yelled back.
I laughed as Gena closed her door and practically dragged me to her car.

-About a half hour later.-
We were basically just roaming the mall right now, deciding what store to go into first.
"So what's the deal with Becca's boyfriend?"
"Oh, Luke? He's an ass" i said.
"Why. what did he do?"
"Well he barely lets her hang out with me ever since I took David to court. They were Best friends, and he claimed that i was lying about him, y'know... And the only time he does let her hang out with me, is if he doesn't feel like hanging out with her. Like she didn't come to the cook out because he didn't want her to hang out with me, not to mention some hot ass famous guys." i said the last part jokingly. "He thinks if she meets a better guy she will leave him. And he really just wants someone to control."
"Oh. you're right, what an ass."

Gena's phone went off and she answered it.
"Hey...Where are you guys... Yeah... Shut the hell up.... No way!.... okay we will be there in a minute.....Yeah whatever Bye." she said hanging up.

"Okay so the girls are in the food court getting drinks."
"Oh okay." I said.

We got up to the food court and met up with Val, Michelle, and Lacey.
"I could really go for some subway." I said to Gena.
"Ooh, me too!" Lacey said.
"Subway has so many Carbs and stuff that are bad for you." Michelle said.
"your point?" i said.
"Well, I'm just saying' " She said in a snotty tone.
"Okay, whatever, who wants subway!?" Lacey said standing up.
Gena and I got up and followed her.

"Subway. i love subway. subway is Good" Lacey and Gena sang skipping away towards subway.
I laughed and followed them.

"SO. i could really use a foot long." Lacey said.
"Oh! me too!"
♠ ♠ ♠
A- Club
Rebbecca Club
Shirt for mall.

And i don't think you guys need to know what shorts && converse look like do i? xD

Anways thanks too
Vanzchyk2011 For being the first to comment!

And i decided to post links to video's of Jimmy that im sure most of you have probably already seen.
The reason i love him