Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

4. I always knew my little crime would be cold, that's why i got a heater for your thighs.

It's been a couple of days since I went to the mall with Gena and the girls. The past couple of day's I've hung out with Gena and Lacey a lot more. They were pretty fun. Gena and I were a bit worried about Rebbecca, she wouldn't answer any of my calls. Gena decided she would call her and put it on speaker phone.

"Hello?" Rebbecca said on the other line.
"Hey. Becca it's me Gena. What are you up too?"
"Oh hey Gena, Nothing just got home."
"Oh where were you?"
"At the bar."

"And you didn't ask me and A to come with you?"
"uhm, well i sort of can't speak to A right now.."
"Why nott?"
"Well. uhm, i just can't"

"Is it because i yelled at Luke the other day?"
"A?" She said surprised.
"Yeah, but is that the reason?"
"Uhm yeah sort of."
"Ugh! where is Luke right now.?"
"Out with friends."
"Call him and tell him your coming over to Gena's. And if he asks who she is tell him some chick you met at the bar because technically its true."
"Okay. will you come pick me up?"
"Yeah sure, we will be there in ten."
I hung up with Rebbecca and Gena grabbed her keys and headed out the door.

I told Gena where Becca lives and we got there in ten minutes.
We got out of the car and walked up to her apartment and knocked on her door.
"Hey guys" she said answering the door.
I looked at her. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was wearing cover-upp.
"What's wrong? what did he do?"
"what do you mean?"
"Becca I've known you for 10 years, Enough to know that you never wear cover-upp unless something happened."
"uhm. Nothing happened."
"Don't fucking lie to me. If he is hurting you, we are gonna pack your shit right now and move in with me."
"But you have no room."
"You can stay with me and Zacky until you can find an apartment?" Gena said hopefully.
"I don't know...i barley know you guys"
"who cares! we can get to know each otherr!"
"So he has been hurting you?"
"Yeah.." she said nodding a tear escaping her eye.
"Oh hunny."

"I'll call the guys and get them to bring One of their trucks.." Gena said dialing her phone.

"Okay, so what is yours?" i asked her walking into the apartment.
"Uhm, the dresser, the desk, the laptop, The table, the TV & TV stand, the mini fridge, and obviously my clothes."
"Okay, well until the guys come, lets get your clothes out of the dresser, your bedding of your bed, and then we can put his shit in a box in the middle of the floor."
"How long is he going to be gone for?"
"I don't know he said he was going to hang out with Jake, so probably 3 AM?"
"Okay. more than enough time."

The door opened and Gena walked in.
"The Zacky said that Him, Jimmy, and Gates. I told Zacky what happened. Because then he would just bug and bug me for it some otherr time."
"Okay. Right now we are getting her clothes out of the dresser, and her bedding off the bed."
"Okay, Sounds like a plan."

About ten minutes later the guys were outside.
"I'll go get them." I said walking out the door.
I walked downstairs.
Zacky was saying something to Brian and Jimmy. Neither of them looked too happy.
"Hey guys."
"Hey A. So what exactly do you need our help with?"
"A small dresser, a Desk, a table, and a mini Fridge."
"Oh okay, we brought a few boxes." Jimmy said holding up a box.
"Okay, well just follow me." i said gesturing up the stairs.

We walked into Becca's apartment.
"Thank you guys so much for this" She said.
"No problem." Syn said to her.
"It's just that, you guys barely know me and you're willing to help me."
"It's no problem really" Zacky said.
"Okay so what do you want to move first?" Syn said.
"how about the dresser?" She said motioning for them to follow her into the bedroom.

About an hour and a half later, with much wining from the boys, we had all her stuff either in the back of the truck and some of the boxes in the car.

"I'm going to leave a note." Rebbecca said walking back into the house.
I followed her inside and read the note as she finished it.

"Luke, I've taking all my shit and left. Don't bother looking for me, because I'm not coming back to you. Have fun with your life. Bye.

She left it on the counter with her keys and we left.
"This is going to be so much fun!" Gena said.
Becca and i laughed at her as we made our way to Gena's house.

We pulled into the drive way and the guys were already unloading the stuff into the house.
We grabbed some of the boxes and followed them up to the room that was now going to be Rebbecca's.

I stayed there for about 5 more hours and then decided I should go home.
"Well guy's i guess I'll see you tomorroww."
I got a Chorus of bye's and started out the door.
"Wait I'll walk you out!" Jimmy said.

"So hum. Can i call you sometime?" He said as i was opening my door.
"You always free to call me sometime Jimmy, you've had my number for almost a week."
He chuckled "Yeah, you're right. Well I'll see you tomorrow" He said leaning down and hugging me.
"Yeah see you tomorroww." i said hugging him back. I liked his hugs, He was warm, and smelled good.

I got into my little Buggy and drove off to my house.

I went to bed at about 11:30. I was on the phone with Jimmy for a good hour then decided i should get to bed.

I woke up to someone pounding on my door.
"Open the fucking door you bitch!"

"What do you want Luke!?"
"What did you do to Rebbecca! Where is she? Is she fucking staying with you? LET ME THE FUCK IN!"
"No. she fucking left you. She doesn't want to be with you anymore. So go find some chick at the bar, and fucking forget about her" I said to him through the door.
"Open the fucking door or I'll break it down"

"And if you do. I'll call the fucking cops."
"No you won't bitch" He said kicking the door.
"What fucking home! The one that SHE took all the shit out of?! NO TV, NO FUCKING BED."
"That'ss why you go buy more!"
"Fuck you bitch" He said breaking the door open. "Where is she? What did you fucking say to her to make her leave?"
"None of your fucking business where she is."
"She's MY girlfriend."
"and if you didn't read the fucking note, it said she was LEAVINGyou."
"Fuck you you stupid bitch." He said

Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, with him on top of me with one of his hands on my throat. I struggled trying to get away. He started to punch me. I tried to scream but nothing would come out.

He got up off of me for one second and I made a dive for my phone I pressed Redial, and then Luke came back and started beating me again.
He sat on my back and lifted my head up.
"Tell me where she is or I'll kill you." He said holding a knife to my throat.
"Why would you kill me, if you killed me you wouldn'tt find out where she was."
"True. I'll just bloody you up a bit, as a little warning for her."

He sat there kicking me, punching me and I don't even know what else for 5 minutes, and let me tell you, a lot of damage can happen in five minutes. He got up and spit in my face, said something, but i couldn't focus on what he said, then he left.

The last thing I seen was someone open the door and come running to me. After that, i blacked out.

-Sometime Later-

I opened my eyes, Well tried, then shut them right away. There was this bright light.
I felt someone 's hand on mine. I tried to open my eyes again, but groaned.
"Alala?!" I hear someonesvoice next to my ear, say my name frantically.
I tried to open my eyes more, and more.
"Oh my god you're up!" the voice said next to me. I looked and seen Jimmy looking at me, with a huge grin on his face.
"Hey Jimmy." i said attempting a smile.

"Aye Jimmy do you want a coffee or somethi--" someone said walking into the room.
"Oh my god! A! your up!" Rebbecca said running back out of the room.
"She's up She's up!" i heard her yell to someone.

A moment later, a nurse was running into my room right behind Rebbecca.
"Hey dear, How are you feeling?" She said checking the monitor system next to me.
"Uhm, good?"
"Okay. Well if you need anything just press this button, the doctor will be with you in a couple of minutes." she said pointing to the big red button on the bed thingy. [A/N sorry i don'tt know what its called, I've only been in the hospital once and i had the room right outside the nurses station. lmao]

"Okay." I said as she walked out of the room.
I turned to Becca and Jimmy.
"How long have I been here for?"
"Three day's."
"Wait what's today?"
"AWE! that means i missed Syn's party yesterday?"
"Uhm, he sort of canceled it."
"Uhm, because of you." Jimmy said.
"why?" i asked, Jimmy looked around the room as if that was the reason. "Because I'm in the hospital? that's just dumb, he has only known me for about a week."
"A, once you meet us and hang out with us a couple times, we sort of get attached to you. Not just you, but everyone."
"yeah we care about you." he said with his smile. My heart skipped a couple of beats, the only reason i realized this is because the machine. I blushed and that's when the doctor came in.

"So, Miss Logo--"
"HAHAHA your last name is LOGO?" Jimmy said laughing.
The doctor gave him a stern look.
"So miss Logo, You have three fractures ribs, a sprained wrist, and when you got here you had, internal bleeding in your lungs, a gash in your leg, a cut on your forehead, cheek and upper arm. I must say you were pretty bad."
"And i recommend that you stay here for at least three more days."
I sighed.
"Okay." I said.
"Is there anything you need? do you have any pain anywhere?" He said checking me.
"No None at all."
"Well okay. Your heart seemed to have skipped a few beats, is everything okay?"
I blushed and glanced at Jimmy.
"Yeah everything is fine." I replied.
"Well okay if you need anything press this button for the nurse."
"Yeah i know she told me"
"Well okay. I'll check on you to marrow. Goodnight."

"Oh! your heart skipped a few beats!" Rebbecca said laughing "Do you want me to go to your apartment to get some things?"
"yeah, get my tooth brush and clothes to change in on Friday?."
"Yeah sure, I'll be back tomorrow, Night babe" Rebbecca said.

"Wait, why are you staying here?" i asked jimmy
"Uhm, I'm the one to find you, and I've been staying here the past two nights.."
"Oh well that's sweet."
"Thanks" he said smiling again.
I sighed.

"I need to move out of my apartment and find somewhere else to live."
"I can get a list of places that have apartments for rent?" He asked.
"Yeah-" he started to get up "Lets do that tomorrow. Do you want to sleep here? " i said scooting over a bit "I know what it's like to sleep in a chair like that in a hospital for days, it fucking sucks"

"Well if you insist" he said.
"I insist" i said moving over so he could fit next to me.

"Awe look at the cute couple" Someone said walking into the room. I jolted up.
Gena and Zacky were standing by the door.
"Oh hey guys." i said sitting up, well trying too, I noticed an arm around me and then remembered jimmy slept on the bed with me.

"Want me to get him up?" Zacky asked.
"Uhm no. it's fine."

We sat there talking for a good hour and a half when Jimmy finally woke up.
"Hi." he said nuzzling against me. I laughed, he was so cute.
"Jimmy. get up. it's 11."

-Skip to Friday-

Jimmy and I had gotten to know each other over the past two days. He was nice, funny, charming and all the other things i expected him to be. He was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Currently we were waiting for the doctor to come in unhook me from all the machines and shit and then tell me i can leave.

He finally came in, But what he told me i wasn't expecting.
"You have to stay home and rest for the next two weeks."
"But i don't even work somewhere where i can hurt myself."
"Hey. i don't make the rules" he said laughing.
"Alright you can go checkout"

Which i did, Now i just have to call work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooo big things in this chapter! AND I KNOW. i suck at making fight scene's. I'm mentally challenged in that area.

Sorry i havn't posted in a couple of days, this was suppose to be out like three day's ago. But i had family things i needed to take care of and then i was procrastinating. So yeah.

and i realized the relationship between Becca and Luke is like someone i know. But its the other way, the girl doesnt let the guy do anything, they are breaking up though, so its all good. && Niether are abusive so its okay

And here is a video of Jimmy doing the cute smile [even though all his smiles are cute]
Go to 1:14
It's after that, but he is so darn cute! xD
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