Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

5. Gay Guys make every story better.

I called my boss, and he gave me hell when i told him i had to stay home and rest for two weeks.
"Come to my office!" he yelled at me on the phone.
"Fine, i'm on my way." i said. For him being a boss to a company that helps millions of lives, he's an ass.

"Jimmy, can you drive me to work.?"
"Yeah sure." He said getting up and grabbing his keys.
He drove me to the Red Cross building.
"I'll be back in like 10 minutes."
"Okay, i'll be here."

I walked into the building.
"Hey Al!" Alex said, he was a guy who worked at the front desk. And yes he did call me Al, the only person who can.
"Hey Alex."
"George isn't happy, he called me a few minutes ago, and said, well more like yelled, that when you come to let you right up." He said laughing nervously.
"Eh. only because i can't work for another two weeks." i said holding up my wrist.
"Oh my gosh, Well go up and we will talk later." he said waving me off.
"I'll be back." i said walking to the elevator and pressing the top floor number.

I got ot George's office and knocked.
"Come IN!" He yelled. I opened the door and walked in.
"Sit down." he growled. So i did. "Now why can you NOT work for another two weeks?" he said looking at me. I sort of tried not to gap at him, i had a cast on my wrist, and had stitches in my face, and he want's to know why i can't work?

"Well, the doctor said--"
"The doctor!? i dont care what the doctor fucking said, you better have a doctors Note"
"I do. if you would of let me finish my scentece you would of heard me say that." i said handing him the folded up piece of paper.

He read it and growled.
"You better be back on that day. No matter what."
"Whatever. " i sid getting up and walking out the door.

I walked downstairs.
"So what exactly happend Miss Logo" Alex said looking at me.
"Well, you remember Luke..?"
"Rebbecca's boyfriend? He did this to you?!"
"He blamed me for Rebbecca taking her shit and getting him out of her life."
"She finally left him?"

We sat there talking for another 5 minutes.
"Okay so don't look now, but there is a very extremly attractive guy coming in right now." Yes Alex was gay [it's hard to write a story without a gay guy, they are too much fun]. I turned around.
"Oh that's Jimmy." i turned around "Hey jimmy over here."

"Oh hey A, sorry it's just you said ten minutes and you've been gone for like..twenty. So i decided to come in for you.."
"Aweee." Alex said.
I laughed. "Sorry, i got held up talking to this Knuckle head." i said pointing to Alex. Jimmy laughed.
"And why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend Miss Logo?"
"What boyfriend? when did i get a boyfriend" i said looking at him in bewilderment.
"Awe, you guy's aren't dating? Is he gay?" he asked me in a serious tone.
"I'm not gay!" jimmy spluttered.
"Awe too bad." he said frowning. "You're cute."
I laughed.
"So why aren't you guys dating?"
"Uhm we like just met two weeks ago."
"your point" he said looking at me like i was crazy.
I gave him a stern look and he just kept looking at me like that.
"You know with what happened a month ago, i havn't dated or anything..."
"OH! oh i forgot! i thought you were over that"
"How can i get over something like that Alex.."i said looking at him in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that.."
"I'll see yoo-u in two weeks." i said my voice breaking. "C'mon Jimmy."

Jimmy didn't say a thing the whole way back.
I walked behind jimmy into Matt's house.
"Hey so how'd George take it that you couldnt come to work for two more weeks?"
I shrugged. And just sat there looking at the floor.

-Jimmy's P.O.V.-

"Is she okay?" Matt asked me as Alala got up and said she would be right back.
"i don't know."
"Well what happened?" Rebbecca asked.
"We were talking to this guy Alex, and they mentioned something that happened about a month ago and then he said she should forget all about it. And she said "how am i suppose to forget something like that..". So i don't know." I noticed Gena, Zacky and Becca look at eachother with wide eyes.

I turned to them. "What do you guys know?" i said to them.
"We really aren't aloud to say, unless she wants us too." Zacky said.
"It's okay." we heard her say quietly from the doorway. "I just don't want to be here when you tell them.." She said looking at the ground.
"I'll sit outside with you, while they tell them, I can't deal with listening to it again either." Rebbecca said getting up.

"Are you sure?" Gena said looking at her.
She nodded. "I just don't want any sympathy from you guys. What happened, Happened and it isn't going to change." We all nodded and she walked out the front door.

-Normal P.O.V.-

I sat outside and sighed. I wanted them all too know, i can tell they are going to be in my life for a while. But i don't want them to know becuase i know they are going to give me sympathy and i don't want that, i've had enough of that to last me a lifetime.

"Uhm, we just finished telling them.." Zacky said walking out. "But, uhm, they are all super pissed. Matt, and Jimmy sort of want to go to wherever he is and kill him.. So uh, you should stay out here for a little bit." He said.

"I think i'll just go." i said getting up. "I need to go get a new apartment anyways."
"Alright, well call me or gena if we need anything at all."
"Alright, thanks Zacky. Bye." i said starting to walk.

I started walking, then realized i didn't have a car. I turned around and walked back inside.
"Uhm.. i sort of need someone to drive me places.." i said looking around kicking my good foot.
"I'll do it." Rebbecca said getting up and walking out with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guys, i'm sorry this is basically just a filler. You can see the reason i havn't really wrote anything too good in my journal Here.
And i changed their ages.
She is 24 so that makes most the guys 25.
i realized that i wanted the guy's to be 25 and not 27 because that would mean there would be one year until i changed it.