Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

7. Chapter 7.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. I picked out a pair of shorts and a spaghetti strap. I got all my stuff together and walked down the stairs to Jimmy's living room. He was sitting there watching TV.

"Do you think you could take me over to Gena's?"
"Yeah sure. Let me go get ready then we can go there and then all go move you out." He said smiling.
I nodded.

I didn't really want Jimmy to help. I know he wanted to go hang out with that Leanna chick. He came back 5 minutes later and we drove.

"Listen. I, uh, I know you want to go hang out with that one chick--"
"Yeah Leanna, so Uh, i think we will be fine moving the stuff without you." I said looking out the window.
"Are you sure?"
"Okay..And uh, listen, about last night, that kiss. I don't know what came over me. It shouldn't of happened..I'm sorry, I shouldn't of let it happen"
"Okay." I said trying to keep the sadness the overwhelmed me inside and not let any tears fall.

The car ride was quiet for the remainder of the ride. We finally got to Gena's and Zacky's. I got out.

"I guess I'll see you later" He said.
"Yeah. sure. See you later. Bye."
"Bye" he said driving off.

I walked up to the house door and knocked.
"Hey." Zacky said answering. "Where's Jimmy?" He said looking in the driveway.
"Oh. uh last night some chick, Leanna, called and i told him he didn't have to help, because it looked like he wanted to hang out with her instead of help me move."
"Oh. I'm sure he would rather be doing both, but okay. Come on in"
We walked to the living room.
"Everyone else is here. We were basically just waiting for you." He said laughing.

"Oh." i said laughing. "Sorry."
"It's okay."
"Where's Jimmy?" Brian asked.
"Going to hang out with Leanna" Zacky said.
"Oh! she's back in town?" Val said.
"I guess so." Zacky said
"We are going to have to hang out with her sometime." She said getting all happy.

I tried my best not to get angry, or at least start to cry.
"Uhm, Can, Can i use your bathroom" I stuttered to Zacky.
"Yeah sure, go ahead."

I walked to the bathroom, closed and locked the door. I started to cry.
How could he say that
It shouldn't of happened

His words rang throughout my mind.
I'm sorry

How do you kiss a girl that passionately and say that.
i shouldn't of let it happen

I wiped the tears away and walked back out.
"So uh, ready to go move some stuff?" I asked.
I got a chorus of Yeahs and a "Hell Yes!"

We rode in two cars.
"What's wrong?"Gena and Rebbecca asked me as we got in the car with Zacky.
"Nothing." I replied looking out the window.

We got to my apartment and the moving guys were there.
About an hours later, we were done getting everything packed, loaded. Now all we had to do was unload the stuff into the new apartment. It should probably take about an hour or so.

We arranged the apartment and then told everyone we would see them later and that we were unpacking and setting up the apartment.

I was surprised almost all our stuff fit in here. Sure we both had to get rid of some things, but they were things we didn't really care about.

"So what is the deal with you and Jimmy" Becca asked.
"Nothing is going on between us." I said my voice hitching as i said it.
"Yeah right. i know you well enough to know that you don't get upset over stupid shit. So what happened last night?"

"Well. He kissed me."
"He kissed you?!" She squealed.
'Yeah, but it doesn't 't mean anything, he said so himself."
"What do you mean?"
"Well he kissed me. Then Leanna called. Then today in the car he said He shouldn't of let it happen." I said sighing, tears almost escaping the brim of my eyes.

"Oh Honey!" Becca said hugging me.

We finished getting everything in the apartment set up. It looked really nice. We were about to sit down and just rest when someone called Rebbecca's phone.

"Hello. ---Oh Hi Brian.----Hold On let me ask her." She Turned to me
"Brian and the guys want to know if we want to come hang out?"
"Is Jimmy going to be there?"

"Hey, is Jimmy going to be there.---Mhmm.---Oh. Okay. Yeah A he is."
"Well then I think I'll just stay here." I said getting up and walking into my room.

"Hey Al. I will be back later okay?" Rebbecca said through my door.
"Okay." I said.
Rebbecca left and I soon fell asleep.

Rebbecca's P.O.V.
I walked up to Matt and Val's house. I knocked on the door to which Val answered.
"Rebbecca!" She said hugging me. "Where is Al?"
"Oh uh, she didn't really want to come."
"Oh. Is she okay?"
"I don't know."

We walked into the house and sat in the living room with everyone else. Brian had a seat open next to him and told me to sit next to him. Jimmy was sitting there with some small girl, arm wrapped around her, and cuddling.

"I'm Leanna." The girl said getting up and shaking my hand.
"Rebbecca" I said trying my hardest not to look angry. I knew this was the reason Alala didn't want to come.

"Where's A?" Jimmy asked.
"At home." I replied.
"Why didn't she want to come?" He asked me.

I looked at Brian. I told him on the phone what had happened between the two of them. He was upset that Jimmy would do that to her.
"She didn't feel good." I lied.
"Oh. I really wanted her to meet Leanna" He said nuzzling his head in her shoulder.

It almost made me want to barf how he could lead Al on like that and then just be all over Leanna.

"I think it was a bad idea for me to come also." I whispered to Brian.
"I want to go over there and punch him." I said laughing.
"I'm sorry." He said. "Jimmy can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked.
"Yeah sure." Jimmy said getting up.

They walked out back. We heard Brian yelling things at Jimmy.
"Why would you do that Jimmy?!" Brian yelled at him
"I don't know Brian!"Jimmy yelled right back at him.
The rest of the conversation was a bit muffled.

"I don't think I have actually seen them two yell at each other since like forever" Zacky said.
They all looked at me.
"What happened?" Matt said.
"Nothing." I lied.

The boys walked back in, and Jimmy's face was red and he was crying. He didn't even stop to say bye to anyone, he just walked right through the living room and out the front door.
Brian walked in huffed and sat next to me.

"What happened?" Matt asked him.
"Nothing" He growled. He turned to me and his face softened "Do you want to go get something to eat" he said getting up and holding his hand out.
"Yeah sure" I said grabbing a hold of his hand and standing up.

Normal P.O.V.
I woke up to someone pounding on the door. I got up. It must be Rebbecca, she probably forgot her key. I opened the door without looking through the eye hole. I opened the door and someone forced their way into the apartment.

"What the hell?!" I said.
"Why?" He said
"Why what?"
"Why did you have to go tell Brian that I kissed you?!"
"Jimmy what the hell are you talking about? I didn't tell anyone except Rebbecca."
"Oh, so you go around telling everyone?"
"No. I only told her because she was asking me what was bugging me. It's not my fault that you kiss me and then basically tell me it meant nothing"

"You think that's what I meant?"
"Well you don't just go around telling someone that you kissed that you shouldn't of let it happen"
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Then how the hell did you mean it Jimmy?"
"I liked it..I liked it a lot. But when Leanna called, Me and her have been on and off for 3 years. And I didn't know she was going to be back in town--"
"Wait so are you saying that I was just someone to pass your time until she got back?"
"No that's not what I--"
"Get the hell out of my home."
"A. Please, that's not what I me-"
"Get Out!" I yelled at him.

I slammed the door into his face. I couldn't believe he just said that.
I went back into my room and cried. I can't believe that I ever would like him.
I crawled back into bed and just laid there.

Around ten at night I heard the door open and close. I slowly got up and walked to the front of the apartment. Rebbecca was setting her stuff down. She looked up and smiled at me.
"Where were you?" I asked her giving her a weak smile.
"Out with Brian." She smiled.
"Oh fun. So you two like each other. Huh?" I asked.
"Well I like him. And I am pretty sure he likes me."
"That's good. You need a nice man" I said smiling.

"Yeah and so do you. You can't let Jimmy get to you."
"Oh he stopped by."
"Hm, is that where he stormed off too"
"Yeah, well why did you tell Brian?"
"He wanted to know why you wouldn't come."
"Well Jimmy stopped here and yelled at me for 'telling everyone' Then he basically called me some whore he was using until Leanna got back into town."
"Oh my god. No he didn't"
"Yeah he did. He tried saying he didn't mean it like that. But there is no other way that saying 'I had no idea she would be back' could be interpreted." I said sitting down on the couch.

"Oh Honey I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Now it just means I have to go get myself a life." I said laughing.


It's been two months since I last saw Jimmy. I rarely hung out with any of the guys or girls. I seen Brian on a lot since Rebbecca and him were sort of an item now. I hung out with Gena on occasions, but it was rare and sometimes I would see Zacky.

Last week I got fired from my job. Later today, which was a Friday, I was going to see about a job at 'the grill' down the road. But currently i was sitting in the living room watching TV when Rebbecca and Brian walked in. Brian came and sat down next to me as Rebbecca went into her room to probably go change.

"Hey Al. How you doing?"
"Fine i guess." I said starring at the TV.

There was an awkward silence between us.
"So uh.. Jimmy has been asking about you." He said.
"Yeah? your point?"
"He misses you."
"I don't care. what he did to me was just --"
"Yeah I know." He said cutting me off.
"I don't know if i want to see him again."

"Okay. Well Rebbecca and I were going to have a party at my house tomorrow. I wanted to know if you wanted to come?"
"Is he going to be there?"
"Probably. But you don't have to be near him. there are going to be a lot of people there. The house will be packed." He said.
I shook my head.
"Please" He whined.
"Fine. But if i see him, or he tries to talk to me, i am leaving."
"Fine." He said.

Just then Rebbecca came out of the room. She looked at me and smiled.
"Did you ask her?" She said to Brian.
"Yeah. she said she will" He said looking at me.
"Yes!" Rebbecca said. "You will have so much fun." She said sitting down beside Brian.
"Yeah sure."
"So what are your plans for today."
"Well In about an hour I'm going to see about a job at 'The Grill'"
"Oh fun!" Rebbecca said.
"Yes! Free food and drinks!" Brian said.
"No. and plus i don't even have the job yet" I replied.

They stayed for a few more minutes and then got up and left. I decided I should get ready for the job interview. I tried to keep it simple. A pair of black jeans and a plain white long sleeved shirt. I decided to just put on some light eyeshadow, Eyeliner and some red lipstick. I put on these flats that had a bow on the front. I picked up the necklace my grandmother gave me when I was 10 and put on. I also put on metal bracelets with black ball type things on it with a bow, and black stainless steal stud earrings.

I walked to the grill. It was sort of a nice day out. Pretty windy though. I walked into the bar, yes 'the grill' was sort of a bar/diner type thing. I walked to the bartender.
"I'm here for an interview.." I said quietly.
"Ahh. you must be the girl with the weird name. Alala i think it is?" The girl behind the bar said.
I laughed.
"They'd be me."
"Okay, hold on and I'll go get Will." She said laughing.
"Thank you."

She went in the back and a few moments later she came out with a guy whom I am presuming is Will.

"Hi, you must be Alala." He said walking towards me.
"Hi, and yes I am. But you can call me Al or A, it's easier." I said shaking his hand.

With an hour later with talking with Will he told me I had gotten the job.
"I sure hope you don't wear jewelry every day"
"Oh no, i just wanted to look nice." I said as he laughed.
"Well good because I don't think you would make enough to buy that kind of jewelry, what is that diamonds?" He said looking at my necklace.
"I have no idea. My grandmother gave it to me when I was 10."
"Oh okay. Well. How about you start on Sunday night?" He said.
"Yeah that sounds good" I said standing up.
"See you Sunday"
"See you Sunday" I replied as i walked out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alala Work Interview.

Also; some people think its fun to report me for spelling 1 word wrong. When there are people who spell almost ever word that isn't the, a, or and wrong. Literally I tried to read a story one time and right and is like left and right would be stated like this "And i went wright." and wrong would be spell'd rong. they would use 'their' for all of their there's. Sorry i'm ranting, I'll be done now.

Also i have nothing Againts Leanna i love leanna <3 haha. It's just the way these sort of things go. Ya know?
Comments! :D.