Status: Work In Progress

Unholy Confessions.

9. Just. 9.

About an hour into waiting tables my feet were killing me. Glad I wore flats.
"So Al" Amanda said, the girl who was here the other day. "What are your plans when you get off?"
"I'll probably just go home. Why?"
"Oh well I was going to say we should hang out." She said
"Sure why not? I should get to know my coworkers." I Said smiling at her.
“Great a couple of girls and I were going to go hang out at a bar.” I laughed.
“Alright.” Someone had just sat down at a table “I should go do my job” I said walking away.

I walked over to the table with the people who just sat down. I groaned inwardly. It was Zacky, Gena, Jimmy and Leana. In my mind I was silently cursing myself.

“Hello, I’ll be your server tonight.” I said throwing on a smile.
“Oh Al! Since when do you work here?” Zacky said smiling at me.
“Today.” I said smiling at him.
“Aw, that’s fun” He said.
“Well what can I get you four to drink?”

“Can you get us beers?” Jimmy said pointing to him and Leana.
“Mhmm.” I said writing it on the notepad I was given.
“A beer,” Zacky said
“Coke” Gena replied.
“Alright, I’ll be right back with your drinks.”
I walked away, and got their drinks. I tried not to make eye contact with Jimmy when i was taking their orders.

I walked back to the counter and talked with Amanda for a little bit. I realized i had to go see if any of my tables needed anything. I made it around the room, and back to their table.
"Do you guys need anything?"
"Yes another round of beers for us three" Jimmy said.
"Alright, and another coke or you?" I asked Gena.
"Yeah that'd be great, thanks Al." She said smiling.
"Alright I'll be right back" I replied.

After about an hour of them being there, Jimmy and Zacky were drunk, Leana had stopped after her third drink and started drinking cokes with Gena.
"AL!" Jimmy yelled over to me. I rolled my eyes as i turned around put on a smile and walked back over.
"Yes Jimmy?"
"Can we talk?"
"Um, Jimmy I'm sort of working."

Zacky was being all cuddly with Gena and was whining about not feeling well. Leana was sort of giving me a dirty look but then Jimmy a sympathy look.
"After you're done working then! Please?"
"Fine. I get off at 11." Which was in about 5 minutes. "Is there anything I can get you guys?"
"Uh, can you just give us a check" Leana said.
"Yeah sure, I'll be right back."

I went back and printed up their check. I walked back to the table.
"Alright see you in 3." Jimmy said as I turned around and walked away.

"Who were they?" Amanda asked
"Oh just Zacky, Gena and Leana"
"And the other guy"
"Oh that was Jimmy"
"What you don't like him?"
"No it's just we got in a fight a while ago."
"Sorry but I'm going to have to cancel plans.."
"Its okay."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I clocked out.
"See you tomorrow."

I walked outside.
"AL!!!" someone said running at me. "I was scared, you were taking forever!"
"Uh Jimmy.."
"Please let me talk to you, i want to talk to you." He said almost in tears.
"I wanted to say i was sorry, i miss you, and i miss hanging out with you, i miss your personality. I miss everything." He said hugging me.
"Jimmy" I said pushing him away.
"Please forgive me.." He said looking so sad.
"I forgive you, But. I have to say something first."
"ALRIGHT what?"
"I realized i was sort of a bitch to begin with. And it was stupid of me to be mad at you i guess. Will you forgive me"

I wanted to make up with him for the longest time, but i don't know i kept thinking of everything that happened and it made me angrier and angrier each time.
"OF course i forgive you." He said hugging me.

I walked back to the car with him.
"Uh do you guys think you can give me a lift home?"
"Sure thing, hop in" Gena said.

The backseat was a little tense. Leana was sitting near one window, then Jimmy and then me. Jimmy kept putting his head on my shoulder and smiling at me. I smiled nervously. Leana glared at me as she watched Jimmy cuddle up to me. We pulled into the driveway of my apartment building and i never got so happy in my life.

"Alright, I'll call you tomorrow Gena"
"Alright, talk to you tomorrow" She said as i got out of the car and walked up to the front door of the building.

I was happy. I made up with Jimmy. I walked into the apartment.
"Why are you so happy?" Becca asked.
"Oh Jimmy and I forgave each other."
"Well that's good."
"Yeah it is."

Life was good right now. I had a job, I made up with someone I deeply cared about, and life was just amazing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short. I'm slowly losing hope for this story. I have another story i am working on, a jimmy one, and I'm thinking of deleting this one and posting that one. But if people don't want me too then just tell me you are at least reading it and liking what i am writing.. Please.?


P.S. I adore leana! i love her! this is just a story i don't hate her and she doesnt hate me,,hopefully but i wouldnt know she doesnt know me.