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Your Own Personal Nightmare


That was the last day humans we actually free. You can pretend that is a lie, but honey you and I are liven it. Vampires rule the streets. Hell who are we kidding they rule the world.

Well I guess now that I think of it you probably think I am crazy since vampires are not real, just my imagination running muck and I belong in a mental institution. However, I am telling you nothing but the truth, vampires are as real as you and I are real. Now do not get me wrong a group of people at one time knew, but they died. They either were slaughtered or tortured until they died. You see there’s a group of ‘all powerful’ vampires stationed in each state to keep the humans in check; like were animals waiting to be slaughtered like a bunch cows for ground beef. Therefore, they did not really like a group of people killing them off.

In California, Huntington Beach to be more precise, in my opinion has it worse then anywhere else. Everyone meet your personal dictators Avenged Sevenfold. Oh, how I wished they were just a bunch of conceited rock stars that every girl wanted in their bed, oh no they are the ones that run this place.

M. Shadows; the leader mean of the other four and absolutely worst person to meet at night, well at all really.

Johnny Christ; He is usually the mysterious one of the group. No wait he is a little shit head.

The Rev; one of the craziest motherfuckers I have heard of. He toys with humans like cat playing with a trapped mouse.

Zacky Vengeance; never really hear about him but I hear he’s a picker, meaning he goes out and takes people and put them in cages to feed the vampire ‘economy’ for money.

Synyster Fuck’n Gates; Man I wished I never met him. Synyster is second in charge. In addition, he is a player and manipulator. Best stay far from him since he has a tendency to be very violent. Last time I saw that fucker was when he was sucking the life out of baby sister. Syn well die by my hands no matter what.

You are probably wondering who I am. Well the names Scarlet Johns I kill vampires for a living. It was nice meeting you.
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Hope you like it.

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