Status: Completed.

Kry Nee Vrees


It was August and I was just two weeks away from starting school. I was going to meet new friends and have new experiences. I had to lie to my parents about my injuries, but I learned to get along with him great. I didn't steal, sneak out of the house, or make up silly stories unless I really had too. Saying goodbye to Velora was hard, but saying farewell to Amadi was even harder. I remembered he smiled and thanked me for my courage. I remember how he held me and kissed me. It was the best day of my life. I let him braid my hair and tell me stories about his family. He was amazing and I really didn't want the summer to end. But I told him that maybe he could call my phone and we could see each other when summertime comes along again. I was hoping for that ever since I got on the train back to old new jersey. I came back home with a new heart and told my parents that the camp changed me without even trying. I knew what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. Getting to my realizations was hard, but it was great and it felt good to finally be myself.

I sat in my room watching tv as I heard no noises from downstairs. Actually, all I heard was the vaccum cleaner running. I decided to be lazy that day seeing as I was exhausted from my shopping trip with my aunt Jaclynn. Everything was so different. My room was clean, I was nice to everyone, and I held a good grip on love. I was still madly devoted to Amadi though he was far away. I didn't know if he was in Jamaica or somewhere else in the United States, but I knew that I missed him. But I saw him everywhere I went. I told him to write me letters on the internet and I checked my email every day. He had left a message for me every night before I went to bed and one to read when I got up in the morning. I then decided that I would check my email in the afternoon. I got off my bed and turned on my computer and logged on to my website.

I smiled widely as I read the email I forgot to open. It read

Dear Ryleigh,

I just got a new car, isn't it great? My mom told me the interest was too high, but I thought it was worth it. It's the color of your eyes, love. Green. You'd love it. It has four doors and a nice trunk as well. I miss you and wished that you were by my side. I told everyone about you. They want to meet up with you sometime. Maybe we can do that next summer. I love you! Don't forget to write me and do your homework! Haha. :-)

Love, Yours truely


I almost cried after reading it. I wanted so much to kiss him right then and thank you for being so supportive and loving. I blushed as I wrote him back.

Dear Amadi,

I'd like to see your new car, but I'd LOVE to see you! I think green is your favorite color? Haha. It sounds really nice. Tell your family that I'd like to meet them as well. But don't go bragging about little old me anymore than you already have, baby. And I promise I'll keep my grades up. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Hugs and kisses,

Love always and forever,

I hit send and shut off my computer screen. I couldn't believe how thoughtful and amazing he was. I heard some noises outside that seemed to be by my window, but I just crashed myself on to the bed, lucky having a healed arm and a happy heart. I turned on my tv and turned the channel a few times. Nothing was on. But then I heard a voice. Where was it coming from I didn't know, but I sounded too familiar. I felt like I was trapped in a dream. I went past my computer and opened the window. My whole face froze but I still broke into a smile of pure and unimaginable joy. It was him...Amadi.

"I told you I'd be around!" He yelled. I got risky and jumped out the the window. He was really caught off guard, but he caught me in mid air and I almost shed a tear. I couldn't believe he was there. I asked him how in the world he got there and he said it was a secret.

I pursed my lips. "Wait, you're a shapeshifter. That's why" I laughed. He set me down on the ground and gave me a wink. I knew he was there to stay for a long while and I couldn't have been more excited to start a new beginning with my soul mate.