
Hatred Fuels My Blood


Gena was out of our lives forever. Zacky confronted her about lying to him, then got a restraining order against her. He was definitely through with her now for good. We were all so happy, we had a barbeque to celebrate. Well Matt would have a barbeque just for the hell of it if Eden would let him. Yeah Eden and Matt finally got together.
Today was the day that my parents were flying in. I was pacing in the airport waiting for my parent's flight to land.
“Babe, relax. The doctor wants you to stay off your feet as much as possible remember?” Jimmy said before forcing me to sit. I knew what he was talking about. Since I had a miscarriage the last time I was pregnant I was demanded to not stress myself out and to stay off my feet as much as I could. I sighed and leaned into Jimmy's side. Jimmy liked to rub my belly any chance he could.
My parents' flight was called and I gave a heavy sigh. Jimmy kissed the top of my head before we both stood up. I led him to the gate that we were supposed to meet my parents.
“Neonata di Arabella! Mio lei ha preso grande. Come lei è stato?” (Arabella baby girl! My you've gotten big. How have you been?) I heard my mother exclaim. I put on a fake smile and greeted my parents and brother.
“Sono la bella mamma. Sono quasi cinque mesi dunque devo essere grande” (I'm fine mama. I'm almost five months so I have to be big) I replied.
“E chi è questo teppista?” (And who is this hooligan) my father asked, eying Jimmy.
“This is Jimmy dad. He's my boyfriend.” I told him. I ignored that he insulted Jimmy. “Jimmy, this is my father Anthony, my mother Juniper, and my brother Aidrian.”
“It's nice to meet you” Jimmy said offering his hand for my father to shake. My father shook it hesitantly as if he were afraid to touch Jimmy.
“I suppose we should get to the hotel to relax some. Arabella sweetie we are going to dinner tonight, I expect you to be there” my father said, warningly. I knew he didn't want Jimmy to be there when he confronted me about being with Jimmy. I nodded and Jimmy lead us out of the airport. We arrived at the car and helped my family put their luggage in the trunk. We got in the car, my parents and brother in the back of the SUV. My father told Jimmy the address of the hotel but other than that, the ride was silent. We dropped my family off before driving to Matt's. The guys wanted to hang out together so then we decided on making it a Barbeque. Matt and Zacky were the only ones other than Jimmy who knew about my parents coming to visit and neither of them were all that excited.
We hung out for a while before Jimmy drove me to the restaurant that my parents had chosen. I told him that I would call him when it was over and he nodded. I kissed him before I left to face hell and walked up to my brother and parents. I turned around to smile at him before watching him drive off. I followed my family into the restaurant and sat next to my brother. Our drink orders were taken and the table was silent until my father decided to talk.
“I don't like that Jimmy boy, he looks too old for you” he started off.
“You and mom have a larger age difference” I replied.
“He's covered in tattoos.”
“I like tattoos, and I have tattoos.” I replied.
“And I have tattoos too dad, you can't judge him on appearance.” Aidrian said after I finished. I smiled at him in thanks. The waitress took our food orders and left.
“What does he do for a living?” My mother asked.
“He's the drummer for Zacky and Matt's band” I told them.
“Then what happens if the band doesn't make it? What are you two going to do then?” my father asked.
“They've already made it. If you guys paid more attention at the family reunions you would know. They just finished recording their fifth album, and have a huge tour planned.”
“Don't you think he should be there for the birth of his baby then?” my mother asked.
“It's not going to start until a month after my due date. And we've decided that after this tour, they would do a few small ones but nothing too big until the child is old enough to go with.”
“That's no way to raise a child” my mother said angrily.
“It's not your child. It's mine and Jimmy's. And this child will at least have both of their parents around.” Our food came and we ate in silence.
“Honey you know that it wasn't mine or your mother's fault that we were never home.” My father said softly. I finished my food before I answered him.
“No your right it's your jobs' fault. Jimmy loves his job, and I love mine. We both love this baby even more. My band isn't going on tour until the baby is old enough to go. And at least Jimmy won't just leave without telling anyone” I said before getting up and walking away. I texted Jimmy and asked him to pick me up from the restaurant. I sat outside of the restaurant waiting for Jimmy to show.
“Il Baker di Bianka di Arabella come l'osa esce quando le parlo!” (Arabella Bianka Baker how dare you walk out when I'm talking to you!) I heard my father yell as he walked out of the restaurant. I sighed but did my best to ignore him.
“Non ignorarmi quando le parlo!” (Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!) He pulled me up by my arm and squeezed it. I looked up at him angrily.
“Lasciarmi va il papà” (Let me go papa) I told him glaring.
“Lasciare va Anthony” (Let her go Anthony) I heard my mother yell at my father.
“Your mother and I did the best we could to raise your brother and you. That boy looks like he's going to leave you once he gets the chance. I worry about you” my father replied.
“No you didn't try you always tried to leave whenever we should have been together as a family. You were never home. Mom at least was there when she could be. You didn't care about anything more than having your name passed down. So I'm done. Until you actually try to get to know Jimmy, your opinion doesn't matter to me” I told him right before Jimmy pulled up. “Now please let go of my arm.”
He didn't let go of my arm instead he gripped it tighter and slapped me. “You will never disrespect me Arabella!” I heard a car door slam and soon Jimmy was standing next to me. My father let go of my hand and I leaned into Jimmy. He put his arm around me, kissed my head and rubbed my side.
“What kind of father slaps his pregnant daughter and yells at her. I don't know you at all but I do know Bella. Unless she wants to see you I can promise that you won't see her. Good night” Jimmy said before he led me to the car and helped me in. I heard my parents arguing in the background. I looked up at Jimmy to thank him when I saw my brother coming up from behind.
“Bella I'm sorry about him. He doesn't understand that being with Jimmy is your choice. And Jimmy, it's nice to properly meet you, as I'm sure you know, I am Bella’s older brother Aidrian.”
“It's nice to meet you too Aidrian. If you or your mom are ever staying in Huntington again let us know and if we're home we'll let you stay with us rather than waste money on a hotel room.”
I smiled at how Jimmy and Aidrian interacted with each other. Jimmy moved out of the way so that Aidrian could hug me. As I moved my arm up I could feel the area that my father grabbed reacting. I winced but hugged him anyway.
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