
My Heart's Always With You Now


Lilly, as everyone started calling her, was definitely a daddy's girl. She didn't like me leaving her for anything. Bella would go with the guys and I to our interviews just so Lilly wouldn't have a fit. We didn't care who knew or found out about Lilly as long as they didn't make a big scene to get an interview. One interviewer asked if she could get a picture of all of us with Bella and Lilly in it which made Lilly happy.
Lilly also loved her grandparents. She hadn't met Bella's father but she has met her mother and my parents. Aidrian loves to spend time with her too. He baby sits her when Bella has to go to the studio to finish her band's album which comes out next week. After the release of the album, we are going on tour. Juniper disapproves of us taking Lilly with us but both of us want her to go instead of leaving her with her grand parents. The girls are going with us too.
Eden and Matt were living together now, since Eden felt like she was intruding on Johnny and Aubree. Johnny and Aubree were trying for a baby and were now engaged. Kim and Zacky were finally together and Kim moved out of her parents house and into his after her parents kicked her out for dating a guy so much older than her. We all insisted on having Kim as our professional photographer after we saw some of the pictures that she had taken without a high quality camera. For her birthday we all got her professional photography stuff. Spencer and Brian were also engaged and weren't really trying for a baby but weren't trying to not have one. They were just going to let it happen. As for Bella and I? I was planning on asking her to marry me sometime throughout this tour. I was thinking that it would be sometime later on when Bella's used to touring and I can convince someone to watch Lilly so that I could bring Bella on stage.

A few weeks had passed and we were getting ready for the tour. The label had given Bella and I our own smaller bus so that it would be more comfortable for everyone. Aidrian was coming along as a roadie for Bella’s band. I think it was because he didn't want to be that far away from Lilly.

We were soon on our way up to LA for our first show.
“We did it!” I heard Aubree exclaim once we arrived at the venue. Bella looked at her confused before she realized something, handed me Lilly and attacked Aubree into a hug.
“Congratulations!!!” She exclaimed before letting her go.
“Sometime periods are a good thing” Aubree commented and that's when I realized what she was talking about.
“Congratulations Aubree. Babe I'm gonna head over to the guys' bus so that Zacky and Matt can see Lilly” She nodded, kissed Lilly and I, and continued to talk to Aubree while guiding her onto our bus.
I walked towards the guys' bus and walked right on. Everyone was joking around but stopped once Lilly started giggling. Zacky swept her out of my arms and started making cooing noises at her. I laughed, never thinking that I would see that from him, and walked over to Johnny. I punched his shoulder lightly.
“Congrats man. Better not be a boy we don't need another gnome running around” I told him when he looked at me in question. The guys all laughed and agreed. Matt took Lilly from Zacky and started blowing raspberries on her stomach as Bella and Aubree walked on.
“I never thought I would see the big bad Matt Sanders blowing raspberries onto a baby's stomach” Bella commented with a laugh. Matt just smiled at her.
“Zacky was making noises at her” Matt said.
“I expected that. He did that to my stomach the first time I was pregnant” Bella laughed. Zacky and Matt laughed too as did the rest of the guys. I don't think they knew about the first time she was pregnant but I was glad that she had let the past go and was happy now.
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