
Nothing Here To Take For Granted

-Bella's POV-

Spencer insisted that the girls and I go shopping for new clothes and and things for the baby. So here we all were, a few weeks later with Eden, Aubree, Spencer, Michelle, Val, Leana, Lacey, and I were all walking through the mall. I was drinking a fruit smoothie while the rest of the girls were drinking either soda or coffee.
“So Eden, how come you and Johnny didn't live together before you came out here?” Val asked while we were eating some lunch.
“My mom left my dad when she was still pregnant with me and when I was six she and my step-father died so I've been in foster homes since. I've been trying to find Johnny and my dad since I found out that the man I thought was my father wasn't” she explained. I had a feeling that she was leaving a few things out but I ignored that feeling and we kept talking.

We all got back to our shopping after we finished eating. Spencer and I were not paying attention to where we were going and Spencer ran into a girl, knocking her down.
“I'm sorry” they both said at the same time. They laughed and Val and I helped them both up.
“I'm Kim” the girl said as she brushed herself off. We all introduced our selves and she walked away briefly to throw away the cup of her now empty coffee.
“Are you here alone?” I asked confused. She wasn't with anyone so I assumed she was alone.
“Yeah I needed to get away from my house” she replied. We invited her to tag along with us and soon we were looking through baby clothes after we explained to Kim that I was pregnant.
“So how old are ya Kimmy?” I asked her. I had given her the name Kimmy because Kim as just too plain.
“I just recently turned 18” she replied. I looked over at her and smiled.
“Only two years younger than me” I said making her laugh.
“So if you are only 18 I assume you still live with your parents” Val commented.
“Yeah my parents keep getting on my case since I don't want to go to college for what they want me to. They say I'm wasting my life away with my photography” she explained.
“Are they paying for you to go to college?” I asked her as we paid for what we got.
“Yeah but only if I go into business, med school, or law school.”
“You know you don't have to go to college for photography right?” Spencer said as we exited the mall.
“I know but it looks better. Anyway I suppose you have to go now so I should go...” she trailed off and started to walk away before I called her back.
“We're having a get together this weekend, how about you join us? We can pick you up and take you home” I suggested. She smiled and gave me her number. I programmed it into my phone and the eight of us drove home.

Jimmy called me about five minutes after I got inside the house asking me if I wanted to go out with him later that night. I agreed and he told me to be ready by six. That gave me two hours. I searched through the bags for the dress that Michelle insisted I buy along with the shoes that Val wouldn't let me leave without. I quickly showered, got dressed, put my hair in loose curls and applied some make up. This whole process took me an hour and 50 minutes. I walked downstairs and hung out with Zacky for a while until Jimmy came. Jimmy took me out to his car, helped me into it, then drove off to some restaurant. It was a very fancy Italian restaurant. We walked in and were seated immediately. We talked for a bit after ordering our drinks before we had to order our food. Conversation was slow for a while until we finished eating and Jimmy had paid.
“Now where are we going?” I asked as we once again got into his car.
“I figured you would like a nice walk on the beach” he said. He pulled into a spot at the parking lot and we got out. I took my shoes off and threw them in the back seat of his car before we started walking hand in hand.
“So I know that it hasn't been very long since we started dating, or even met each other but I'm really falling for you babe” Jimmy said awkwardly. He stopped and sat down, pulling me down with him.
“Well that makes two of us. Um Jimmy, when I have my baby, what would you say to being the father figure, or father if you want?” I asked shyly. I knew I had to ask him about it but it felt weird.
“I'd love to be the father. Every child deserves to have someone to act as a father figure” he replied. He smiled at me then pointed out to the ocean. There I saw the sun setting over the horizon and I smiled knowing that he did this on purpose.
“This is really beautiful Jimmy” I said leaning against his shoulder. He smiled and pulled me closer.
We sat around and talked for a few good hours before we decided it was time to head home. Jimmy helped me stand up and as I did, I felt a pain in my stomach. I clutched it and cried out.
“Bella what's wrong?” Jimmy said on alert as he helped me kneel back down.
“Jimmy it hurts” I shouted. He fumbled for a moment before picking me up and practically running to the car. He put me in gently, strapped me in and sped to the nearest hospital. I couldn't concentrate on anything but the pain. We pulled in and Jimmy ran into the hospital only to return a few minutes later with two paramedics and a stretcher. The paramedics and Jimmy put me on the stretcher and rolled me into the emergency room. The pain became unbearable.
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Bella Mall
Bella Date