Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

Harley Quinn sat in the dark, curled up in the corner of the sofa, a silk bath robe wrapped around her haphazardly. She clutched a pillow to her chest as tears coursed down her cheeks, her large blue eyes stared into the distance. She shivered violently, her blonde hair was tousled and cascaded down her back, instead of being tied up in its usual ponytail. Harley simply sat there, knowing that after such nightmares, sleep would be almost impossible.

She heard a slight shuffling sound in the room next door, and turned slowly to find the figure of Poison Ivy in the doorway, wrapped in a bed sheet. Ivy let out a deep breath, seeing the state Harley was in, her emerald green eyes full of concern. She walked slowly over to her, the way in which one would approach a wild animal. Harley watched her with un-focused eyes, as she sat precariously on the opposite end of the couch and tucked some of her wavy red hair behind her ear. 'You had more nightmares,' she murmured quietly, it wasn't a question, but a statement. Harley jumped, her eyes snapping into focus as she glanced at Ivy.

Harley looked at her lover guiltily 'I didn't wanna disturb you' she said 'You looked so happy and peaceful.'

Ivy sighed heavily 'I told you a hundred times before, I don't mind, I would rather make sure you're okay, than wake up with you gone' she said sternly. Before adding more gently 'You scared the hell outta me, babe. I thought something had happened to you.' She hugged her middle tightly and looked away, hiding behind a thick curtain of hair. She didn't often admit to such things. It was silent for a moment, before she dared to peer through her hair at Harley. Her heart broke at the sight, Harley's blue eyes were full of inner turmoil as well as unshed tears, she looked so broken, so afraid and sad, but what struck Ivy the most, was how lost she appeared to be.

'Oh Sweetheart' she said softly, offering her hand, 'Let’s get back to bed.' The blonde accepted the proffered hand, and was led slowly back into their bedroom. Ivy sat her on the end of the bed, then retrieved a hairbrush from the dresser. She worked through Harley’s hair skillfully, taking great care not to pull. When she was done, she quickly brushed through her own tangled hair before returning the brush to its rightful place.

Taking Harleys hand once more, she laid them both down in bed, and then pulled the blankets back around them. Ivy lay on her back, her arms wrapped protectively around her lover, who had tucked herself right up against her side in an attempt to seek comfort. She rested her head on the top of Ivy’s chest and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. 'Ivy, why do you take such good care of me?' She asked, in a quiet voice. 'You always make sure I feel safe.'

Ivy smiled sadly, and started to brush a strand of hair away from Harley’s face with her fingers. 'Because it's what you do when you love someone Harl.' She tightened her arms around the blonde’s delicate form, 'I love you, and nobody will be able to hurt you ever again.' Harley noticeably relaxed in her arms, before opening her eyes and looking directly into Ivy's green ones.

'I love you too Red' Harley whispered into the semi-darkness, exhaustion clear in her voice. Ivy placed a tender kiss on her temple as she continued to smooth down the thick blonde locks. She listened as her girlfriends breathing slowly deepened, indicating that she had once again drifted off to sleep. Unable to tear her mind away from the haunting image of Harley on the sofa, Ivy simply lay in bed holding her lover. It was at that point that she made a silent vow, anything it took to keep Harley safe, she would do. Even if it meant sacrificing her own life.
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Ok, this is the first time I've ever posted something, I don't mind people pointing out spelling mistakes and I welcome constructive criticism, but no flames please. Play nice.