Status: Writing


Chapter 4: The OAC, OPG, and a pink Barbie mirror

I stumbled out of my last hour, words swimming in front of my eyes. I think Mr. Unser would have more luck teaching us stuff if he stopped going three hundred words per milisecond.

I fumbled with my locker for awhile before it opened. I packed up all my stuff and headed for the main doors when I remembered I had the OAC thing. I changed my course and headed for room 105. I found it easily enough, I pass it on my way to second hour. I opened the door and began to announce myself, before I saw Cody and Baxter sitting at a table. "You!" I said. Suddenly, someone stepped out from behind the door, holding a rope. My eyes widened, and I tried to run away, but Zara crossed the room, grabbed me, and tied my arms to my sides faster than I thought was humanly possible. She then dragged me to a chair and sat me down. Cody was rubbing his temples and Baxter was smiling stupidly at me. I glared at them. Cody stopped rubbing his temples. Zara busied herself with tying my legs to the chair. When she was done, she stood behind me.

"Well, I guess we should explain ourselves." Cody said eventually.

I scowled. "No, you should let me go." I growled.

Cody shrugged. "We can't do that."

I tried to move closer to him by scooting the chair. "Well why no- ah!" I screamed as the chair tipped over and I landed on my side. Zara picked the chair up like it weighed nothing and straightened me back up. Baxer laughed.

"You see," Cody began like nothing ever happened. "We are a group of gifted humans that have been chosen to protect an alternate world called Omnaria where wolf packs rule. We each have marks to show it." He lifted his shirt a little and showed me a birthmark that was in the shape of a large triangle. He lowered his shirt. Baxter then pushed back his bangs to show a light rectangle on his forehead.

Zara spun me around and pushed up her t-shit's small sleeve to show me a jagged lightning bolt on her shoulder. She then spun me back around to face the others. I felt a little dizzy.

"You are marked, too." Cody explained, motioning towards my ankle.

I stared at them for a moment. Then I laughed. After a minute, Baxter joined in, purely for the sake of laughing.

"I see now." I said when I stopped. "You're all crazy. Or you're those people that like to run around in the woods and pretend that they're something else. I can probably see you two doing it, but not her." I pointed my eyes at Zara, who was again behind me.

Cody shook his head. "No. We are part of an ancient group that's spread out all over the world. Other people call it different things, but we call it the Omnaria Protection Group, or the OPG. "

I shook my head. "So you made up the OAC?" I asked. Cody nodded. I laughed again. "Crazy, crazy, crazy."

"We turn into wolves when we pass through the passage, and are distinct from the other wolves by our markings." Cody went on.

"So you go and pretend you're wolves in the forest, protecting some magical world?" I asked. "Nut jobs." Zara slapped me on the back of my head. I sighed. "Why do you need me?"

"I told you. You are marked." Cody said.

"Wait," I said, realizing something. "This is one of those brainwashing highschool cults that you see about on the news, isn't it?"

"No." Cody said simply.

I rolled my eyes. "Where's you're leader guy? Is this some kind of initiation?"

He sighed "I told you that we are a group that protects an alternate world. We're not a cult. I can prove it to you." he said. He stood up and went to a desk in the corner, and began shuffling through the drawers. Suddenly he held up something shiny. When he brought it closer, I could see that it was a pink plastic Barbie mirror, the kind you get when you buy those giant Barbie heads that you can design the hair of.

I looked at it. "Okay? So you're crazy, pretend in the woods, and play with pink Barbie products?"

He looked a little embarrassed at it. "Well, it's actually the mirror that does anything. The handle was broken many years ago, and it wouldn't work without some kind of handle, so we had to put it in a plastic Barbie handle." he explained.

I looked at him like he was crazy, which he probably was.

He sighed. "I'll show you." He placed the mirror on the table, then pulled out a black Sharpie marker. He and Baxter looked into it. Zara pushed my chair against the table so I was forced to look at the mirror, then she looked at it herself.

Cody began writing something on the mirror. "I sure hope you are one of us." he said.

"Yeah, 'cause if you're not, you kinda explode." Baxter said, smiling.

I shook my head. "You're all nuts."

Zara glared at me. "Shut up." she growled. I did so.

Cody finished writing a strange symbol on the mirror. It sorta looked like if you took Greek, Japanese, and Chinese and mashed them all together. Suddenly, the mirror began to glow.

I frowned. "Okay, that's kinda weird. What are you doing?" I asked, the mirror kind of making me nervous.

"Shut up" Zara ordered again. I was about to say something angrily at her, but at that moment, I was sucked into the mirror.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zara with a rope. The only thing scarier than Twihards at the midnight showing of the new Twilight movie.