‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


I groaned and looked around. The holiday season had escaped me, what with moving, the party, my parents, and my birthday. Now I stood among last minute shoppers and cheap, half-ass gifts. Christmas was tomorrow. And I was left with the impossible question: what was I gonna get Matt?

I picked up an ugly red sweater, and Lauren snorted. I frowned and threw it back down without giving it a second glance.

"What am I gonna do, guys?" I sighed.

"You could always get Matt a child like Mer did," Lauren laughed.

Mer shot Lauren a glare, but I smiled. It was cute. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"At least you have something to give him," I sighed. "I'm gonna have to give Matt a funnel and some condoms from the gas station at this rate."

Meredith laughed, "One would come in use."

"The condoms?" Lauren asked.

"The funnel," Mer and I said in unison.

Lauren snorted loudly. I shrugged and dug my toe into the ground. Mer glanced at her phone and squealed. Lauren and I gave her an odd look, and she motioned for Lauren. We took a step toward her, but she stopped me.

"I know what you're getting!" she giggled.

Lauren peeked over and grinned. She hopped up and down a little bit, and I crossed my arms.

"You're gonna just die!" Lauren said.

"Guys," I whined. "Dammit."

Meredith slid the phone back into her pocket and smiled. Of course they wouldn't tell me. Why would they? I picked up a Hello Kitty coloring book.

"I've got it," Lauren said. "Let's get the fuck outta here."

She took the coloring book from me and tossed it back on the shelf. She looped an arm through mine and one through Meredith's. She dragged us out of the store and down through the atrium of the mall. We kept up with her until she stopped in front of Victoria's Secret. I turned to her.

"The present is for Matt," I clarified.

"Oh, I know," Lauren said. "But what better present to unwrap than you?"

Meredith giggled, "I think she's onto something."

I sighed and looked into the store. She did have a point. I shrugged and went in. What could it hurt? Lauren and Meredith followed, and Lauren steered me toward the lingerie.

As long as Matt got something, I would put up with this.


I stood in the bathroom, staring at the ridiculous piece of fabric I was wearing. I pushed up my breasts and looked in the mirror. We'd decided on a red and white, Santa-esque piece. How cliche. The white fuzz on the outline of the top may have been a little much, but I was reminded this was not for me.

There was a knock on the door, and I slammed myself against the door to hold it shut.

"Kara?" Matt's voice was muffled by the door.

"Go to your room, Matty," I commanded him.

"What?" he laughed.

"Just...go to your room!" I said.

"Okay, mom," he replied, and I heard him walking away.

I pulled my now shoulder-length hair into a side ponytail and sighed. This would have to do. I opened the bathroom door and glanced around. Coast clear. I walked slowly down the hall to our room, trying not to feel self-conscious about the parts of me hanging out that were usually covered.

I took a deep breath and stepped into the doorway. Matt was laying on the bed. I cleared my throat, and he looked up at me. We just stared at each other for a moment, and I felt like my legs were turning to jelly.

He cracked a smile, then, and I felt my face grow warm. He held out his hand, and I walked over to him and took it. I sat down on top of him, straddling his hips. He moved a hand up one of my legs, and I smiled.

"You know how easily I could tear this?" he chuckled, sliding one of the straps off my shoulder.

I sighed and rolled over next to him.

"That's the point, Matty," I said.

He turned over so he was on top of me. He put a hand on each of my knees and said, "So I guess you're my present then, huh?"

I bit my lip, but he smiled.

"It's better than anything I could have asked for," he said.

I grinned and played with a lock of his hair. He trailed his fingers up and down my legs, making me shiver, and he moved his head down. I felt his lips against my hipbone, then his teeth.

"Matty, what're you- oh..."

I had realized what he was doing after I'd already started to ask it. He was taking my panties off with his teeth. His fingers slid up the insides of my thighs, and my back arched.

God help me if the littlest things were going to excite me tonight. I was in for one hell of a ride.
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Yeah, um, I wanted to have these next few chapter out around Christmas time, and obviously that worked...happy March 11th! :D

Anyway, I'm probably going to update again very soon. The next chapter's been mostly written for awhile. Also, there is some major major major drama coming up in the next 3 or 4 chapters. I promise, you do not want to miss this!