‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


Lauren, Meredith, and Charlette came over the next night. Matt had gone out with the guys, so I felt it only fitting that the girls come over. I hadn't said anything to him all day; maybe it was better that way, to let things mull over.

I rested my head on Lauren's shoulder and said, "Thanks for coming over, guys."

"I wouldn't leave my distressed best friend alone on a Saturday night," Meredith replied.

"Yeah, you know it's no problem for us," said Lauren.

"I just...I don't know what's gotten into Matt," I sighed. "He's being a baby about me going away."

"He loves you," Charlette said.

"I love him too, but it's not like I won't be back!" I said. "I don't know why he thinks I'll be any different."

"He's just being a baby," Lauren chuckled. "It's what he does. You, of all people, should know that."

I smiled and nudged her with my elbow. It was true. He was a baby about a lot of things.

"You're probably right," I said. "It's probably just the initial shock of me not being here all day, every day. It's thrown him into his usual toddler self."

"He'll come around," Mer said with a smile.

I nodded and said, "Alright. Enough of this mopey shit. Who wants to watch a movie?"

"Let's watch a horror," Charlette said, pulling her feet up onto the chair.

"I've heard the new Saw movie is pretty intense," Lauren added.

"Ugh, can we watch something with less gore?" asked Meredith. "You do not want me to get sick."

"I got the old House of Wax, with Vincent Price," I suggested.

We settled on that, since it didn't have too much blood-and-guts for Mer and it was freaky enough for Charlette. Halfway through, Lauren got up to make drinks. She made Jack-lemonades for herself, Char, and me, but Meredith was stuck with just lemonade because of the baby. She didn't seem to miffed about it, but then again, she and Dillon were having a child.

After my fourth drink and well into the next horror movie, I hung upside down on the couch. The lemonades must have been more Jack than anything else, as I had a pretty good buzz going. I laughed stupidly at the movie, and I pointed at it.

"People are so dumb," I said. "Don't say 'hello', bitch. I mean, obviously the killer is gonna fuckin' find you if you open your big fuckin' mouth."

"Yeah, like do they think he's just gonna be like 'Yo, bitch! I'm in the kitchen!' Seriously!" said Charlette.

"You guys are so drunk," laughed Mer. "Char, don't you have work tomorrow?"

"Fuck that!" Charlette said. "I can deal with it."

"Lo-Lo, will you make me another?" I sang, holding my cup out to her.

She tripped off the couch, but she took my cup and went dancing into the kitchen with it. She came back a few minutes later, this time with the cup filled entirely with whiskey. I grinned and downed half of it in one drink. The credits on the movie started, and Mer held up her hand.

"What the fuck kind of ending was that?" she snorted.

"Typical," Lauren said. "Scary movies always suck."

I heard the door open, and I fell off the couch. Matt entered the doorway. I sat up and tried to smile at him.

"Matty," I said, half giggling.

He nodded and waved to everyone else. Lauren stood up.

"I think this is the part where we leave," she said.

"Aw, you guys can stay," I said, trying to grab her arm. "Matt won't mind."

"No, she's right," Meredith said. "Dill will probably be home now, too. Come on. I'll take you guys home."

They left soon after. I attempted to stand up, but I stumbled. Matt caught me with an arm around my waist. I poked his nose and giggled, and he half carried (mostly dragged) me up the stairs.

He lay me down on our bed, and I reached up to pet his hair. He took my hand and held it in his, and I thought I saw him crack a smile before turning to leave.

"Matt?" I said.

He turned back to me.

"I love you," I giggled.

He nodded and said, "I love you too."

I closed my eyes against the humming in my brain, and I drifted off soon after. Later, I felt Matt climb into bed next to me. He put his arms around my hips and rested his forehead on my shoulder, and that was how we stayed until I woke up the next day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been so long (or has it? I can't remember...) I will try to have the next one out in the next week, as I'm going on vacation after that.

Comments? Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? You know what to do! ;)