‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


I turned over and faced the wall I thought I'd never have to look at again. When I left the house last night, I went back to Aron's. It was the only place I wanted to go. Meredith's house crossed my mind, but she and Dylan had enough on their plate. I just didn't want to be home. I'd have to go back to get my clothes sometime today, but for now I'd just lay here.

I curled up in a ball and brought the covers up to my chin. I didn't know what I was going to do about the situation with Matt. It wasn't a question of my emotions; of course I still loved him. It was whether or not I could deal with him loving me in his stupid overprotective way.

I didn't want to see him, though. Maybe time was what he needed to get over his bitch problems. Had I overreacted? Probably. I was halfway to drunk. I still couldn't believe he'd thought I was the problem. With Hollywood Undead, he'd be gone most of the time anyway. He wouldn't notice if I was gone.

There was a tapping on the door, and I groaned in reply. It opened anyway, and Aron entered with a bag of Twizzlers. He held them out to me.

"As per your usual?" he said.

I rolled my eyes and said, "If you're here to lecture me, you can leave now."

"If you're gonna turn into Bitchzilla, you can get out of my house," he replied.

I sat up, taking the Twizzlers. He sat down on the bed, but he didn't say anything. The only sound was the crinkling plastic of the Twizzlers. I pulled out a cherry rope and began gnawing on it nervously.

"I do want to talk to you, though," Aron said.

"About what?" I asked.

"What do you think?" said Aron.

I shrugged and said, "What's to talk about? Pretty sure everything came out last night."

"You...you didn't really let Matt say much," said Aron.

"I'm sick of waiting for him to talk," I replied. "I asked if everything was alright, but he didn't say a damn word. Whose fault is that?"

"I know as well as you he should have said something," Aron agreed. "I just can't believe you're just gonna walk away."

"What?" I snapped.

"Well, you guys are perfect for each other," said Aron. "You always have been. You're head-over-heels for him, and he'd break his back for you. What happened to that?"

I shook my head, taking another chunk off my Twizzler.

"I'm glad you got the job in Bakersfield," sighed Aron, "but it's done nothing but tear you two apart."

"Fantastic," I said. "Now you're against me too-"

"I never said that," Aron said. "And no, it wasn't implied."

"You're an asshole," I said.

"You're a bitch," Aron retorted. "Look at our parents. It shouldn't be a surprise."

"I just..."

I looked down at the bag of Twizzlers, and for the first time in my life, I was sick of Twizzlers. I handed the package back to Aron and sighed. He raised an eyebrow, knowing I'd never in my right mind give up my Twizzlers.

"Kara, I hope you guys work this out," he said. "You aren't yourself."

"I wish it would work out," I said, "but I suppose nothing is forever-"

"Don't start this angsty bullshit," said Aron. "You guys are forever. And I know that for a fact."

I rolled my eyes and fell back against my pillow. I guess it was back to being my usual chipper self from now on.
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There's only about 6 more chapters of this story left. Sad, but I think you will enjoy the last updates.

Comments are great, by the way. What are your thoughts? :)