‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


Aron was a douche. He told Matt to drive us to the bus station, and I knew he was doing it on purpose. I sat in the back with Charlette. The car was awkwardly silent, aside from the radio playing whatever Matt had been listening to.

It was decided that I'd only take one bag with me, and I'd come back for the rest in two weeks. Aron was forcing me to visit, but he disguised it as convenience for my sake. I saw through it, and he knew.

The bus station was only twenty minutes from the house, but it seemed like forever. I was starting to get anxious, sitting in such heavy air. The tension was so thick I could have cut it with a knife, and I wanted out of there as fast as possible. The car was barely in park before I opened the door and was off, dragging my bag behind me.

"Kara!" shouted Aron.

I turned back, and he held out my ticket I'd left on the seat. Reluctantly, I walked back and snatched it from him.

"We'll walk you to the platform, alright?" he said.

I nodded, and I began walking again, slower this time. I walked in front, then Aron and Charlette hand-in-hand, then Matt. We must have walked a couple of minutes before Aron stopped me again. I'd walked past the platform in my haste.

I set my bag down, noticing everyone getting on the bus in such an orderly fashion. I turned and half smiled at Aron. He put his arms around my shoulders, and he gave me a gentle squeeze.

I made eye contact with Matt. His hands were in his pockets, and his stocking hat was pulled over his curls. His eyes were dark; he hadn't slept in awhile. I felt my heart break a little more, but I looked away. I couldn't do anything about it now.

"Alright," I said, pulling away from Aron. "I'll be back in a couple weeks. Um...I'll see you guys later."

"See ya, Kara," said Charlette.

"Call when you get to Bakersfield, alright?" asked Aron.

I nodded. Matt opened his mouth to say something, but he shut it quickly. I had hoped he would grab me and pulled me in for a last kiss good-bye, but I knew he wouldn't. He didn't want to upset me.

I kept my eyes downcast as I got on the bus. I took my seat, and thankfully no one was beside me. I set my bag next to me and took out my book. Something fluttered to the floor as the bus started. I leaned down and picked it up. It was the picture of me and Matt.

"Of course," I sighed, shoving the picture back in my book.

The voice over the intercom said, "Bus to Bakersfield, California, departing in two minutes."

I glanced out the bus window. Matt noticed me, and he waved. I waved back, then I looked back in my bag for something else to occupy my mind. My fingers felt something cold and hard at the bottom of my bag, and I pulled it up.

The ring.

I bit my bottom lip and held it out in my hand. I stared at it for awhile, then my eyes traveled to the scars on my palm. It had been so long ago when that bottle cut my hand...when Matt and I...

I looked up as the bus started moving.

"If you really love him," said George, "then it's never too late."

"No," I whispered.

I wrapped my hand around the ring and stood up. I picked up my bag.

"Wait!" I shouted to the bus driver.

He glanced back but kept driving.

"Excuse me!" I said hurriedly. "Excuse me, sir, could I just get off?"

"Sorry, ma'am," sighed the driver. "Bus is already movin' and don't stop until it gets to its destination."

"I don't need back on, please," I said. "I just need to get off. I have all my things, and I-"

"Ma'am, will you please take a seat?" asked the driver.

"You don't understand," I said. "I'm making a big mistake. I need off."

"Just let her off!" shouted a voice from the back, followed by several agreeing whispers.

The bus driver looked at me a second before stopping the bus, sighing and opening the doors. I thanked him profusely as I exited the bus and waited for it to pull away.

I stood on my tip-toes to see above the heads of waiting people. I couldn't see him or Aron or Charlette. I glanced up and down the terminal. No buses were coming, so I darted across.

"Matt!" I called.

No reply. I didn't expect there to be with all these people around. I pushed against the flow of traffic, bumping shoulders with numerous people.

"Matt!" I called out again.

By now, the traffic had seen me coming, and they parted to let me through. I saw him, walking with his back to me.

"Matt!" I shouted. "Matt, stop! Wait!"

He stopped and turned around, and I stopped too. I dropped my bag and smiled at him. I ran. I couldn't go fast enough, but I ran all the way down to him and leapt into his arms. I didn't care who was watching. I just buried my face in the crook of his neck and pulled my arms tightly around him.

Slowly, I felt his arms slide around my waist and his cheek rest against my head. He lifted me slightly off the ground and squeezed me tightly, as if he'd never let go.

I felt his heart beating against mine as it always used to, and I smiled. I looked up at him. Our eyes met, and he grinned.

"What made you change your mind?" he asked.

"I guess..." I shrugged. "I guess I just kinda got thrown a little taste of my future without you, and I didn't like it."

He smiled.

"Say it," I sighed.

"I don't need to say it, Kara," he replied. "I just needed you here, and here you are."

"What the fuck was I thinking?" I groaned.

He chuckled, "I don't know."

"I love you," I said. "God, I love you more than I ever have."

"I love you more than you know," said Matt.

He set me down gently, and his hands cupped my face. I ran one hand through his hair and hooked the other on his arm. He brought his lips to mine, and I smiled again.

Aron walked awkwardly behind us and mumbled, "Suppose I'll get your bag."

Matt pulled away for a second to wink at me, then he pulled me closer. The contours of my body fit perfectly with his, and I knew.

This was where I was meant to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter is the last. Scary sad to see this story ending, but all good things must come to an end, I suppose.