‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


I was mostly asleep when Matt left in the morning, but I felt him kiss my cheek and whisper, "I love you." I felt myself smile, but I never opened my eyes. I heard the door shut, and I knew I was alone.

I rolled over onto my side, not wanting to open my eyes unless absolutely necessary. I had the whole day to myself, and I planned on keeping it that way.

It was about ten minutes later that I heard the doorbell begin to ring incessantly. I groaned, covering my head with a pillow, but the ringing continued.

"Fuck," I hissed, my eyes snapping open.

I threw back the covers, feeling the wind hit my bare legs. I shivered, reaching for my shorts and I slipped them on under Matt's oversized Beastie Boys shirt that covered my chest. I sighed loudly, leaving my room. In the process I caught my foot on the rug in the hallway and practically tripped all the way down the stairs to the door.

I landed with a thud against the door, and the doorbell rang again.

"Shut up, I'm coming!" I shouted. "Jesus Christ..."

I flung the door open, greeted first by the obnoxious amount of light flowing through my eyes. I heard a pair of voices laugh in unison, and I squinted.

"Jordan?" I said. "George? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Lovely to see you too, Kara," laughed George, catching me as I stumbled once again.

"It's early," I whined. "Why aren't you asleep?"

Jordan looked down at his watch. "Um, hun, it's just after ten. You're just late."

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "Tell me you at least brought me something to eat."

I caught the scent of pancakes just then, and I opened my eyes to see Jordan holding three white McDonald's boxes. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"You're the best, Jordy," I said.

"Don't slobber all over me, Kara," Jordan said, wiping his face. "Your boyfriend'll get jealous and kick my ass."

"Kurly isn't the jealous type," George sighed, pushing past me. "What say we down this breakfast and paint the town today, my darling?"

I smiled. "Let me get dressed, and I'll be back down."


Jordan sat down on a mechanical horse, the kind that would rock back and forth if you put a quarter in it. I leaned against the window of the chocolate shop George was walking through. Jordan and I had decided to wait outside for him, as Jordan had obviously been wanting to ride the small horse.

He poked at the coin return, hoping to maybe get some money out of it, but it was to no avail. I raised an eyebrow, watching him. He glanced up at me and grinned.

"Got a quarter?" he asked.

"No, dumbass, I don't," I snorted.

He scrunched up his face and said, "Shit."

He swung his leg over and leaned against the side of the building. George came out of the chocolate shop with a piece of fudge. He offered some to me, which I gladly took. He sat down in a chair from a table near us.

"So, Kara, how's life away from your brother?" he asked.

"Amazing," I said. "I had no idea how much he was suffocating me until I was out of there."

"How's he been doing?" Jordan inquired.

"Oh, you know," I said. "He's alone in a house, and he's got a new girlfriend. I'm sure he's finding ways to keep himself occupied."

George choked on his fudge, and I smiled. He laughed, shaking his head and wiping his mouth. Jordan chuckled silently. I shrugged.

"It's true," I said.

"It's the way you said it," coughed George.

"How else could I have said it?" I laughed.

"Jesus, Kara," snorted Jordan. "Let's not talk about what your brother does in his free time. What about you and Matt?"

"Yeah, where is he?" asked George.

"He's with Aron and Jorel," I replied. "They went to go listen to some band play."

"Ah, well, how've you two been?" George continued.

"Better, now that Aron's not involved," I said. "We're planning on having a party sometime. I'll let you guys know when."

"Kick ass," Jordan said. "Since you guys have been living there for awhile, it's about time you invited us over."

"Weren't you just over this morning?" I said.

"I believe we dropped in ourselves, missy," Jordan replied. "You had no say in it."

My phone buzzed, and I looked down. I smiled, seeing the text from Matt. When you get home I've got a surprise for you. Hurry back <3 Jordan glanced over at me, but I pulled my phone away. He playfully shoved me, and I stuck out my tongue.

"Well, I suppose that was Matt begging you to come home," sighed George.

"Was not!" I said, turning a bit pink.

"Get in the car, lady," Jordan laughed. "You obviously don't want to be around our asses anymore."

"I said nothing of the sort," I said. "I'll have you know, it's been a great day."

George and Jordan got in the car, but I crossed my arms. Party crashers. I sighed loudly and got in the car after them.

Alright, so maybe I did really want to go home, but I honestly was having a great time with them. It had been awhile since I'd hung out with either of them, and I was glad they'd kidnapped me today. I took the last piece of George's fudge, but he didn't mind. He would have bought me some if I wanted, but I enjoyed stealing from him much more.

And he knew that, too.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize if these last few chapters have been lax. It's that "intro to all shit to come" thing. Really hope you guys will keep reading. There's plenty more I want to happen (*gasp* drama!) ;)

Comment? N'aw, I love you guys <3