‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


George pulled up to the house, and I resisted jumping out and running to the door. Instead, I waited for the others to get out first. Jordan opened my door, and I got out. I playfully punched his shoulder. He put an arm around my shoulders.

"It was a fun day, Kara," he said.

"Agreed," I giggled. "Feel free to kidnap me any time you'd like, boys."

"I might just take you up on that offer," Jordan said devilishly.

George caught him by the arm and said, "Watch it, nimrod."

I smiled, and I opened the door. It was silent in the house, but I knew Matt was here somewhere. George and Jordan followed me in, and I shut the door behind them.

"Matty?" I said.

"In here," came a muffled reply from the living room.

I smiled and went to find him. He lay face down on the couch, his hair sticking out every which way and his leg hanging off the side. I sat down on the floor beside his shoulders.

"Long day?" he asked.

"I was out with Jordy and George all day," I explained. "They kidnapped me, I guess you could say."

"Kidnap?" Matt said. "It's hardly kidnap when you enjoy it, Kara."

"Who said I enjoyed it?" I said.

"You did," said Jordan, sitting down in the chair.

"They're still here, aren't they?" Matt said.

"We love you too, Matt," George said.

Matt sat up, putting a leg on either side of me. He rested his hands on my shoulders and began to massage. I closed my eyes, hoping I wouldn't get too relaxed while Jordan and George were still here.

"How was your day?" I asked, attempting to distract myself from the rhythm of his hands moving against me.

"The band sounded great," Matt said. "They were just so bitchy with each other. Their singer actually punched the drummer. I had to break up a fight between guitarists. That's what's holding them back from getting a contract."

"Who were they?" Jordan asked.

"Some alt band called Redeemer," Matt sighed. Matt stopped suddenly and said, "Oh, Kara, before I forget. I gotcha something."

I opened my eyes and said, "Oh, really?"

"Yeah, it's monster," Matt said, stepping around me. "Let's just say best thing you could ask for in awhile."

I looked at George, and he shrugged. Jordan did the same when I looked at him, but I had no guesses. Matt came back in the room with his hands behind his back. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Which hand?" he asked.

"Matt, how old are we?" I whined.

"Pick a hand, Kara," he laughed.

"Left," I sighed.

He pulled out his left hand, but it was empty. I crossed my arms, and he grinned, taking his right hand out. He held out a large seashell for me. I took it, turning it over in my hands.

"That's it?" I asked.

"What do you mean that's it?" said a familiar voice. "That shell's from the Atlantic motherfucking ocean!"

I turned around and saw Meredith standing in the doorway. She had her arms crossed, but she was smiling. I set the shell down gingerly on the table and held my arms out to her. She put her arms around me, and I laughed.

"I missed you, Mer!" I said.

"I missed you too, Kara," she laughed.

"Nobody missed me?" said another voice I hadn't heard in awhile.

I looked up and saw Dillon standing in where Meredith had been. I smiled, and he winked at me. Jordan stood up.

"I missed you, Dillon!" he said.

Dillon looked at him and said, "Yeah, well, you aren't much of a stretch, Jordan."

"Nice to see you back, Dill," said George, clapping Dillon on the shoulder.

Meredith let go of me and asked, "So you live here now?"

"Yeah, Matt bought the place," I said, sitting down.

"Well, I see you're moving forward in your relationship then," she said, nudging me with her elbow.

Matt squeezed my shoulder, and I looked up at him. He smiled sympathetically, but I still didn't want to tell anyone. Meredith sat down beside me.

"How was your honeymoon?" I asked.

"It was amazing," she replied. "Dill got me to go snorkeling with sharks."

"After a fuck ton of begging and ass-kissing," Dillon snorted. "She loved it, though."

"You guys have pictures, I hope," I said.

"Are you kidding?" Meredith said. "Of course we do!"

"You'll definitely need to show me some of those," I said. "You can't leave your best friend in the dark, could you?"

"You?" Meredith said. "Never."

I smiled. It was nice to have Meredith back, and I knew the guys were glad Dillon had survived as well. Matt took a seat next to me.

"Hey, we could have that party now that these guys are back," he suggested.

"You wanna do it Saturday?" I asked.

"That's fine with me," Matt said. "You guys all free Saturday?"

Everyone else agreed, and I was glad. That was when I wanted to tell everyone about me and Matt. Everyone would be in one spot, and I wouldn't have to say it more than once. Plus, we'd all be together. What more could I ask for?

"We'll have to go get some stuff tomorrow, then," I said to Matt.

"Counted on it," Matt laughed. "You're the one who sleeps all day."

I shoved him, and he laughed again. Dillon shook his head and sat down beside Meredith.

"I've said it once, I'll say it again," he said. "You guys are like an old married couple."

Matt and I met eyes, and I smiled. We really were.
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Just wait until you see who's coming next chapter... You guys might like that drama. ;)

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