‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


"Saturday," I said. "You comin'?"

"Hell yeah!" laughed Lauren. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Should I bring booze?"

"There'll be plenty here," I said. "You can if you'd like."

"I'll probably show up with Jorel," Lauren added. "Mind if Jason brings a couple friends?"

"Hold up," I said, covering the receiver. I turned and faced the doorway. "Matt! You care if Jason and Lauren bring some friends?"

"Don't bother me," Matt shouted back from the kitchen. "And tell Lauren some doesn't mean her whole fucking neighborhood!"

I turned back to the phone and laughed, "He's cool with it. Who were you thinking?"

"Probably just Shane and Megan and maybe Christian," Lauren replied. "No more than that. Matt worried I'm gonna trash his house with my friends?"

"Something like that," I laughed. "I'll see you then, alright? Matt and I are going out to get some stuff for it."

"Wow, sounds exciting," Lauren said. "I'll talk to you later, Kara. Don't forget to tie Matt up when you go inside. No pets allowed at the mall."

"See ya," I chuckled.

I hung up the phone and stood. Matt appeared in the doorway, wiping his hands on a towel. He smiled at me.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Food and booze, right?"

"Pretty much," I laughed. "What else would our friends need?"

He grinned, and he said, "A little entertainment."

I rolled my eyes, and I tossed him the keys. I shook my head. Boys...


The store was packed with people still buying Halloween candy for their kids. I walked alongside Matt, who was pushing the cart and trying not to run over this kid who kept jumping out in front of us. He sighed impatiently, but I could he was about ready to just keep walking if he hit the kid.

I stopped him, letting the kid and his mother get ahead of us. I looped an arm through Matt's and rested my head on his shoulder.

"We don't really need to be here, do we?" he asked. "We've got all we need. Can we please pay and get the fuck out?"

"Wait, no," I said. "I need the new Cancer Bats."

"You've gotta be kidding me," he groaned as I began to pull him along.

"I never kid," I said.

I pulled him back to the cd section of the store, almost having to drag him. He helped me look, though, like I knew he would. We then continued glancing over CDs, occasionally picking some up and putting some back.

I had picked up a Beastie Boys album when Matt put an arm around my shoulders and leaned in close to me.

"Don't look behind you, but you'll never guess who's here," he said in a low voice.

"Now I have to look, dumbass, thanks a lot," I hissed.

He and I turned slowly behind us to look at who he was talking about. I noticed the woman first, who I faintly recognized, but the toned figure of the man was unmistakeable. His biceps threatening his sleeves, and his exquisite figure uncontainable under the shirt.


He looked up, obviously feeling our stare, and I quickly turned back to the cd rack. Matt didn't, though. I elbowed him.

"Matt," I hissed. "Stop. He's gonna come over here and-"


"Shit," I mumbled.

I turned back to them. I made eye contact with Ashley, but I didn't smile like he was. Matt stood firm next to me, showing no emotion at all. I stood close to him, our arms touching, but he didn't move.

"Kara, you look great," Ashley said.

I felt Matt's muscles go tense, but I put a hand on his arm.

"Thanks," I said stiffly. "You don't pay attention much, do you?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Your wife's right there, and I doubt she's too happy right now," I replied.

"We worked it out," Ashley explained. "It's fine."

"Must be why she's using that bag of marshmallows as a stress ball then," I said. "Look, I'm glad you worked it out, but I'm not here to tend the fire between you. Matty and I will be going now-"

I turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm. Matt took a step forward, and I put a hand on his chest to stop him. Ashley let go.

"Kara, I'm sorry," Ashley said. "I was wrong."

I put the few CDs in the cart, and I took Matt's hand.

"You shouldn't lie, Ashley," I said. "It's not very becoming of you."

Matt glanced back once as we were walking away, but I continued walking. I wanted to see that slut about as much as I wanted to see my parents having sex. Matt looped his fingers through my belt loops.

"Don't worry about it, Kara," he said. "Guys lie. It's what we do. We can't help it."

I looked up at him, and he smiled.

"I suppose that includes you?" I said.

"I try not to do it often, but yeah," he replied. "Me included."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, guys. Wow. I am completely having the worst weekend ever. And it snowed so fuck that. Anyway- only 9 days until we can buy HU's new single! Fuck to the yes!

Comments? I seriously need to know how I'm doing with this. You guys have got to let me know what I can do better. :)