‹ Prequel: The Natives

Dove and Grenade


I heard the doorbell ring, and I got to my feet. Matt shut the tv off, but he didn't come with me. It was late afternoon, and he was barely mobile around this time every day. I quick glanced out the window and noticed the new black Escalade sitting out front.

"They're here," I said, walking toward the door.

I opened it, and I was greeted with the sight of a tall, broad-shouldered man with graying brown hair. A woman about my height stood beside him, dark curls and bright green eyes greeting me with familiarity. This was Martin and Kendra Erlichman.

"Daddy!" I said, putting my arms around my father.

"Hey, bunny!" he said. "How's my favorite daughter?"

"I'm your only daughter," I laughed, reaching over to hug my mother.

"Aron's not much of a stretch," Dad sighed.

"Martin!" said Mom, smacking my father's chest.

"Well, come in," I said, stepping aside. "I'll call your other daughter and let him know you're here."

My parents went in the living room, and I heard them greet Matt. I picked up the phone, though, and dialed Aron. It rang for awhile, and I figured he was out or asleep. He must've been the latter because he answered rather groggily.

"Mmm'hello?" he said.

"Aron, Mom and Dad are here," I said.

"Now?" he yawned.

"Yes, now," I replied. "We're having dinner with them tonight. Don't tell me you forgot."

"Tonight?" Aron said. "Yeah, I got this."

"Just hurry and drag your ass out of bed," I said. "I'm not gonna suffer alone."

"Yeah, I'll be over in an hour," Aron said.

I hung up. If he wasn't here in an hour, he'd be dead in an hour and a half. I joined my parents and Matt in the living room.

"Mom, Dad, you remember Matt?" I said.

"How could I forget?" laughed Dad, reaching out to shake Matt's hand.

"Good to see you again, Mr. Erlichman," Matt said. He shook my father's hand.

"Have I ever made you call me that?" Dad asked. "Martin. Please."

Matt looked at me, and I shrugged. He turned back and moved to shake my mother's hand. She'd have none of it, though. Instead, she reached out and put her arms around Matt's shoulders. I smiled, suppressing a laugh.

She whispered something to him, and he nodded, but I couldn't hear what she said. She pulled away from him and straightened herself out. My mother was a woman of few words, but I figured whatever she said to Matt must be important. I glanced between the two of them, but I said nothing. My father stretched.

"Where's our room?" he yawned. "I'm thinking about a quick nap before Aron comes over."

Matt carried their bags upstairs, following behind as I led them up the stairs. My father immediately flopped down on the bed, and Matt set their bags down. Mom glanced around the room.

"Thank you for letting us stay," she said.

"No problem, Mom," I said. "You two get rested up, and I'll come get you when Aron gets here."

I smiled and turned to leave. Matt followed me downstairs, but I stopped him in the kitchen.

"What did she say?" I asked.

"Hm?" Matt said.

"My mom," I said. "What did she say to you?"

"Oh, nothing," he sighed.

"Don't lie, Matty," I said. "I can see right through you."

"Can you?" He looked down at himself.

I smacked his chest and said, "Is it really that important you can't tell me?"

"No, and ow!" Matt replied. "You didn't have to hit me!"

"Mother of Jesus, you're fine," I sighed. "Come on, just tell me-"


I moved closer and put a hand on his chest. He shifted, and I put my lips against his.

"Why can't I know?" I said as innocently as possible.

He brushed my cheek, and I smiled.

"It's not that you can't," he said, his voice quavering. "I just figure if she whispered it, she didn't want it heard."

"Tell me what it is and I'll leave you alone," I lied.

"She just wanted to say thank you," Matt said. "For taking you in."

I raised an eyebrow. "That's it?"

He nodded. I took a step backwards. That was it.

"Okay then," I said.

Matt smiled. "She's just glad you aren't with Alex anymore, I guess."

I nodded. That was it.
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Okay, I'm hoping to get as much done as possible!