MCR Fans vs. Green Day Fans

MCR Fans vs. Green Day Fans

Generally younger
Better at making music vids on sims
Almost all story titles based on song lyrics
Worse writers, but tend to write a million stories anyways. Quantity over Quality.
Less agressive
One word: WAYCEST.
Slash not very believeable.
Less willing to worship chosen band openly as a religeon ("I fucking love Gee" as opposed to "Gerard Way is fucking God!")
Short term fans

Green Day:
Generally older
Make REALLY BAD Sims music videos (because of short attention spans)
Occassionally have unique story titles.
Better writers, but write less. Quality over quantity!
Know that romance is not for families.
The slash is generally more believeable.
Agressive/defensive ("Okay, asshole, his name is Billie. B-I-L-L-I-E. Billie. There is no 'Y' in his name AT ALL. Got it?" *takes out machine gun*)
Open Greenists ("You guys are fucking gods! I bow down at your holy feet and kiss the ground you walk on!")
In it for life.

Thus ends the first part of MCR Fans vs. Green Day Fans. Interpret it as you wish. Don't go into a blind rage, please, and don't tell me I'm stereotyping based on the bands you like. MCR is my favorite band, right after Green Day. It's all in good fun! So don't bitch at me for it.