Status: Being written.

Things never are what they seem to be..

It just keeps getting better.

Young lady have you learned nothing since last year!” yells principle Burge at the top of his lungs as he stands from his chair knocking my file off his desk. I smirk as the papers fly everywhere and yawn as I prop my leg up on the side of the chair. You see last year was definitely not my best year I was under a lot of pressure from Mark and with the Christy drama well that’s a story for another time but lets just say I was in the office more than I was in class. “I acted out of place and very irresponsibly sir I apologize to you. But you have to know hormones are the worst.” I reply uh I truly regret giving Mark the satisfaction of thinking I still care which I don’t I just hate seeing Christy and anyone be tricked like I was it reminds me of what happened and that makes me feel nauseous but what happened is in the past and is a story for yet another time. “Since detention doesn’t seem to do any good you will be spending your Saturdays helping with the community kid program.” Mr. Burge replies handing me some odd tie-dye t-shirt. “What is that?” I ask and he smiles “That is your shirt you will wear every Saturday have fun.” he motions towards the door indicating I should leave. I pick up the shirt between my thumb and index finger holding it away from me to make my point before walking out of his office. As I shut the door behind me I see Mark being comforted by Christy and the clones. I turn walking to the exit but as I step into the hallway Mark calls “Thanks sweetie who knew I could be even more of a chick magnet.” I cringe in disgust and walk to Miss. Jenny’s class to retrieve my books. I knock and she calls out for me to come in I open the door with my eyes cast down to the floor and quickly go to my desk scooping up my stuff and fleeing towards the door but as I reach it she says “Ryleen can I speak to you?” I turn walking back to her desk with my eyes locked on the tile floor that is now stained a light brown color. I prepare myself for a long speech on what I did wrong but to my shock she says “I hear your quite the writer I would like to see some of your work.” I shake my head as if agreeing but if she knew me she would know no one is allowed to read my writing. I turn returning to my escape plan and as I step out into the hallway she calls “Have a good afternoon Ryleen.”
I walk down the hallway to my next class sliding into the back desk, slipping my ear buds into my ears and letting music fill my ears tuning it all out. After class I almost walk out the front doors leaving all this drama and people behind. But knowing my mom will freak I turn down the hall and head to gym class.
I walk in to the glossy floored room heading straight to the locker room. Hoping to not encounter Rynnitie again. I quickly go into the very last stall slipping on my soccer shorts and my ‘Do you really think I’m listening?’ shirt before running back out. But as I swing the door open I hear it hit something or someone. And then a thud as whatever it was hit’s the floor quite hard. I gasp thinking to the office again.. And this is just the first day..
I take a deep breath and step out to hear Rynnitie say “Oh my you pore pore thing. Want me to kiss it and make it better?” in a really annoying voice. I roll my eyes and turn to see Jason laying on the floor with blood running from his nose. Great I think sarcastically before sighing and kneeling down to see if Jason is even conscious. I take a towel the towel laying in his hand I start wiping the blood away. Trying to sit him up while Rynnitie yells to the coach about me murdering her boyfriend. I finally get him to sit up and he slowly opens his eyes smiling lightly when he sees me before looking down to his nose. He groans as he tries to get up with his head still spinning. I giggle lightly and he playfully glares at me. Before I stand up giving him a hand and pulling him up too.
“Miss. Gage.” I hear Coach Emmerson say. I quickly turn almost knocking Jared back over. “Yes?” I mumble not wanting to be sent to the office again.. “Take Mr. Gram to the nurses office pleases” he replies before walking back to his office. I grab Jason’s arm pulling him to the door while Rynnitie glares at me with pure hatred..
I take him to the nurses office and turn to leave. But as I open the door he falls out of the chair onto the floor groaning as his nose starts bleeding again. I quickly help him to the bed and finally nurse Adelle walks in smiling at me before going to Jason to check his nose. “You may continue to class Ryleen” she tells me dismissing me from her office. I nod my head before walking back to the gym.
The bell rings and I sigh walking out of the gym to lunch. I skip the lunch line walking straight outside to the last table on the right. Sitting down and pulling out my Ipod I hit play and the soothing lyrics of Not Over by Second Hand Serenade fill my ears relieving me of the constant chattering of my schoolmates. Rainee skips up smiling with a plate of apples, carrots, pickle, and a jar of peanut butter in her hands. I smile classic Rainee with her odd eating habits. “Where’s your lunch?” she asks as she sits down. I look down what excuse to use this time? “Yeah, I’m not really hungry..” I murmur then grin to myself as I think of the perfect thing to say. “You see um in gym I kina accidentally hit Jason in the nose with a door.. And seeing his blood just took away my appetite.” I say looking up faking a disgusted look. She shakes her head as her mouth forms an O. “Okay, I wouldn’t be hungry after seeing that either” she agrees before dipping a carrot in the peanut butter and popping it into her mouth. I wince and turn away looking over to the bench behind the trees and shiver remembering Mark holding me there and... “Ry?” I hear Rainee say and I look up saying “Huh?” “I asked you if Jason was okay” She says looking at me confused. “Sorry zoned out, yeah he seemed fine.” I reply turning away from the trees and turning my Ipod off. “Here comes Prince Charming” I hear Rainee murmur and I look at her confused. She motions to the left with her head and I turn to see Jason walking to us. “Great” I murmur under my breath sarcastically before picking up my bag and saying a quick goodbye to Rainee. I go around the table and through the back door of the cafeteria walking into the hallway and down to the library. But as I turn to go in I hear footsteps behind me and shiver out of habit. Looking back I see Jason running to catch up with me. I shake my head smiling slightly before turning and leaning against the door. “Stalker much?” I ask as he comes to a stop in front of me breathing hard. He grins ignoring my comment and saying “So you almost break a guy’s nose and then ditch him in the nurses office.” I roll my eyes and ask “Is there a reason you followed me or do you simply enjoy annoying me?” He smirks leaning in close to my face, I involuntarily flinch and back away out of habit. As I do I see something like sadness cross his face. As if he knew why I flinched? “So Friday night Denver’s having a party..” he says trailing off. Parties.. Not my best memories from last year.. “That‘s nice” I mumble opening the door to the library and walking to the window ledge where I always sit to read. “Come on well dance and I don’t drink if your worried about that” he says looking to my face but I look away out the window at all the people. “I guess, but I might have to baby sit..” I trail off hoping my little brother does need a baby sitter.. “ Okay, well if you can text me. Here’s my number” he replies handing me a small slip of paper. I nod before pulling out the Maze Runner’s book and opening to where I left off. “Yeah, okay” he mumbles before walking away. After he leaves I set my book down thinking a party with Jason.. This can’t end well..