A Letter To You

Ever wanted to write a letter to your boyfriend/girlfriend? Husband/wife? An ex or a crush?

All I wanted to do was to tell you how I truly felt about you; about how much I wanted you to stay…

How about your mom or dad? Brother or sister? Grandma or grandpa?

I love you for everything you’ve done. You’re my true inspiration…

Or maybe a best friend?

Through all of the pain and pleasure we’ve been through, I want to thank you for sticking with me…

Or maybe you just want to write a simple letter? To yourself? Just to vent?

When I was younger, I always thought life would be much simpler when I got older…

Well, this story is for all of you who want to write a simple letter to those around you or yourself. I don’t entirely care if it’s full of swear words. It’s for you to write and you only.

If you want to remain anonymous, feel free to send your letter to callmekaren. And if you want to become an author, go ahead and comment. Any one of the authors may add you. :)

Inspired by all of those stories out there.

Oh, and for all of you who are willing to report this for not being a "real story", I must say: this is a real story. A real story about people's true feelings written down. Besides, it's added as a true story, so don't be a butt wipe and leave us people alone, yeah?