Mirror Dreams

I Capture The Castle

Jodie woke up as she hit the floor. Another loud crash and wobble of the tower. She looked around as she picked her hat up off the floor; Sundance had vanished as well as the Hatter. The two queens were cowering in the corner; they both wore the same hat made up of two halves of two different hats. The hare and mouse were running around building a wall out of bread, using honey for moter.

“We’re under attack, we’re under attack,” the hare was yelling as he gathered cushions to throw out the window. The room was a strange colour, like multicolour’s all jumbled together to look separate yet as one at the same time. Another bang as the tower shook.

“Fireworks!” shout Jodie. Everyone in the room turned to stare at her.

“Are you mad dear child, we are under attack. There are no fireworks,” the black queen said.

“But...what has made all the beautiful colours?” Jodie asked confused.

“She is mad,” the black queen whispered to the white queen; then directed to Jodie she said, “there are no beautiful colours. Did you hit your head when you fell off the chair?”

“Oh I need a drink!” said Jodie, exasperated. She grabbed a pitcher off the table and swallowed the contents in one gulp. Once again it was too late when she remembered about the drink. Her body shrank so rapidly that she was sick; multicoloured sick sprayed out onto the floor.

“They have broken the door. They are in the tower now, oh I can hear them running up the stairs!” the hare shouted. Everyone ran over to the window to see, but the attackers had already entered the tower. The white queen picked Jodie up and placed her on the window sill, so that she too could see that there was no one to see.

Suddenly the bread and honey wall went flying across the room as the door was bashed open. The room was filled with black pawns.

“We have captured this castle and therefore all the occupants,” stated one of the pawns.

“I swap sides!” the black queen shouted as she quickly joined her black pawns, “I now rule this castle and all its occupants.”

Jodie looked out the window, at the bottom was a pile of cushions that the hare had thrown to hit the attackers. She looked back in the room to see the white queen, march hare and dormouse getting tied up. She had been forgotten for now. Before anyone noticed her she took her chance and jumped. The ground quickly raced towards her until a gust of wind caught her dress and slowed her down. For the first time in her life Jodie was glad to be wearing a dress. The Tweedle’s might not have made the most fashionable dress but at least it was large enough to act as a parachute. She landed gently on the soft cushions and lay there for a while thinking. She worked out that she was on the fifth square; if this was a chess board then she had three more squares till she reached the end. After that she didn’t know what would happen. She stood up and decided to try and find Sundance once again; she was annoyed he hadn’t waited for her. She set off in the direction she had been heading, she could feel herself growing larger – but it was a lot slower than the time she shrank as she walked.

She came to an indigo river; she knew she was too small to jump across. Looking down the river she spotted a sign. Hoping it was for a boat she headed towards it.
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Sorry it's short, but the other chapter would have been too long and I havent worked out what comes after this yet :]