Mirror Dreams

The Garden

Jodie had had her eyes blindfolded, her mouth gagged and her hands tied roughly behind her back as the faeries transported her. She had no idea where she was being taken to, or to whom and had even less of a concept on the time it was taking to get there. She felt the angle of her body tilt, feet towards the ground she hoped; she was sure that on numerous occasions her head had been bumping off the ground.

Jodie shivered involuntarily as many tiny clammy hands untied the rope around her wrists and then the gag and blindfold were removed. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light; she was in a garden lying on a cold marble path. Rolling over onto her stomach in order to stand up Jodie noted that the path was made of black and white squares and seemed to start exactly where she lay.

“Well there’s nothing for it. I shall have to follow this path,” she decided out loud. Looking around for sight of the faeries or any other creature she stood up and headed forwards.

As she walked Jodie noticed that the path behind her vanished and the one in front grew. She had no idea where she was heading but wanted to get out the garden as soon as she could. The garden was a creepy cold place. Marble statues hid in amongst tall brown leafy plants, the sort of plant that looks better green. There were no flowers except for a black rose bush that stood in the middle of a large dry looking lawn. No sign said to keep off the grass but it was the sort of place one wouldn’t dare step on it, besides Jodie got the impression something bad would happen if she left the strange path. The steel cold clouds were pressing down heavily on the atmosphere and a light drizzle started up as Jodie carried on through the garden.

“If this path were a straight line I'm sure it would be quicker to the destination,” she complained as the path twisted back on itself yet again. The turn in the weather had also turned Jodie's mood sour. The path went over a little marble bridge but when Jodie looked to see the colour of the water she noticed that the bed was dry and empty. What looked like dead fish lay on the little pebbled bed.

“Strange, this garden would look much better if someone hadn’t let it dry out.” And Jodie's gardening expertise took over in her mind as she plotted out a make-over for the place. She stood at the top of the bridge for a while surveying the garden. She counted seven dried out water ways, including the one she stood over. They all had identical bridges and led towards the lawn she had passed earlier. Turning around she saw what looked like a small house in the distance, hoping that the path would lead that way she carried on walking.

While she walked towards the house she tried not to look at the garden too much; the lack of life was making her depressed. She felt like an invisible force somewhere behind her was slowly sucking her soul out of her body. Repressing a shudder she resisted the urge to turn around to see who or what was making her feel this way. She didn’t want them to know that she had felt anything. What if they realised and finished the job quicker than they were currently doing?

Attempting to push scary thoughts like that from her mind, Jodie hurried faster in the direction of the house.