Mirror Dreams

A colourful world?

The world was spinning multicolours. A battle on the horizon between heaven and hell was gradually creeping closer, the reds and blues and yellows crashed together with a roar that grew louder with each collision. Jodie felt like her head would explode, she needed to get away fast. While the world fell apart around her one thing stayed still and clear. Sundance. Jodie suddenly felt alone, she wanted to hold onto Sundance, feel his velvet kisses and his strong body again. She started walking over to him, but the more she walked the further away he seemed. Her legs felt like lead as she ran towards him; it was like being on a treadmill, running but getting nowhere.

The tears streamed off her face as she held out her hand towards him.

“Sundance!” she screamed. Sundance turned away from watching the war in the skies and fixed Jodie with a concerned look.

“Come on,” he said whilst grabbing her hand, his voice sounded strange, as if it was underwater. “We need to get some where safe.”

Sundance started running towards the house dragging Jodie with him. His face turned pale as he looked over his shoulder. Whatever he saw, Jodie couldn’t see. Soon he was half carrying half pushing her into the house.

Once in the house he didn’t stop. Jodie sensed where he was trying to take her. She started squirming and tried to go back but he was too strong.

“No Sundance, no. I don’t want to,” she cried in a terrified voice.

“We have to, it’s the only safe place,” he told her while opening the door.

“I can’t!” she said as she spun around so that her back was towards the room. Sundance just picked her up and carried her into the room of mirrors.

“Look at me,” he said to her, “Don’t look at the mirrors, just look at me and you’ll be fine.” He stroked her back soothingly,

“You’re doing fine,” he told her. Jodie’s pale face was glistening in tears as he kissed her lightly on the nose. They stood in the middle of the room with their arms wrapped around each other.

“The noise is getting louder,” Jodie said. “What if the mirrors smash?”

“They won’t, I promise you,” he said as he kissed her.

Jodie’s knees weakened as she kissed him back. The noise around them grew louder and faster as their kiss grew more feverish. Just as Jodie thought her ears would explode with the pitch of the noise, they drew apart and the roar subsided, a light tinkle ended it. Forgetting where she was Jodie looked around to see what had broken.

“Look at the mirrors,” she said astounded.

“Now you’re trying to get me to look at the mirrors,” Sundance joked, then gasped as he too looked and saw.

The mirrors were no longer solid, instead they looked like liquid that could somehow defy the laws of gravity. Sundance went over to the nearest wall and touched it.

“Don’t!” Jodie pleaded too late. Sundance laughed as the wall bent at the pressure of his touch. Jodie knew it was impossible, the kitchen was behind that wall, it shouldn’t have been able to bend like that.

“Come on, its fun,” Sundance called her over. Jodie gingerly reached out and touched the wall. It was cold and smooth, just like a mirror, yet bendy like putty. Jodie’s face brightened up as she smiled at Sundance. She pushed the mirror again, but this time the wall didn’t move. Her arm slid straight threw as if it was water. She quickly moved to withdraw but felt a clammy hand grab her bare arm.

“Sundance!” she screamed and grabbed his hand as she was pulled through to the other side of the mirror.