Mirror Dreams

Mirrors Hold Secrets Too

For a split moment she was halfway between the two worlds. One eye looked at Sundance who was desperately trying to drag her back to him, then the world that she knew vanished and she slipped into a completely different world. Her hand still gripped Sundance tightly, and he too entered the strange place. The first thing she noticed was that it was dark yet she could still see everything clearly. A strange purple haze was floating around, she reached up to it in wonder but her hand passed straight through it.

“It is the wind that you try to touch.” A squeaky voice said. Jodie and Sundance spun round to see who had spoken. Hovering in front of her face was a little faerie; he had grey skin and was dressed in some sort of plant. His tiny transparent wings were beating like a humming bird’s as he tried to stay level with her face. Jodie held out her palm for the little man to stand on, his bare feet were cold and clammy but she repressed a shudder.

“The wind? How can I see the wind but not feel it, and how did I get in here?” she asked all in one rushed sentence.

“You stuck your arm into our world and killed my friend,” the faerie gestured to another faerie lying on the ground. “So I pulled you in to our world so I could avenge my friend. As for the wind, in your world you feel it but do not seek it, it is the opposite here.”

Jodie glared at the minute creature responsible for bringing her into the world she had always feared.

“Why you little-” she screamed at him, “I’ve a good mind to kill you too!” She swatted with her hands; but the little man merely laughed,

“You can try but you won’t succeed,” he taunted as he flew off. Soon he was just a spec in the distance.

Jodie turned around to look at the mirror she had come through; she could see the world that she had left, the empty mirrored room. She pushed at the glass, but nothing happened, she breathed on it, flung stones at it; but it was useless. She looked at Sundance glumly.

“We’re stuck, I’m sorry.” The tears slipped down her face.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find a way out. Why don’t we explore while we’re here?” He took hold of her hand and they walked in the direction that the faerie had flown.
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Jodie is annoying me - she cries too much, like Lucy in Narnia...gah!