Mirror Dreams

Red River Blue River

They arrived at a brook the colour of blood. To Jodie, the sound that it made as it travelled over stones was a happy gurgling that seemed to sing out “drink me” but to Sundance it sounded like a menacing hiss.

“Oh I’m so thirsty,” cried Jodie as she flung herself down on the bank.
“Isn’t this stream a funny colour, but it’s so delightful and begging me to drink it.” She lowered her hand to scoop up some of the crimson water.

“Stop!” Sundance shouted, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from temptation.
“How can you call it delightful? It reeks of evilness, I bet if you walked upstream you would eventually come to a place where the river is even darker and the smell of slaughtered bodies poisons the air.”

Jodie’s face palled as she thought over what he had said. She looked again at the stream; it still seemed to be bubbling away so cheerfully; she couldn’t sense any of the ominousity that Sundance talked of, but one look at his grim face persuaded her to play along with him.

“You’re right, it does look like blood! Let’s go downstream, I don’t fancy reaching a sacrificial site. But how will we cross if we can’t find a bridge?”

“We’ll jump. Come on; let’s look for a narrower part.” Sundance smiled warmly at her and linked his arm through hers,
“Let’s run through the wind.”

They ran on, keeping the stream on their left. They arrived breathless at a cross roads in the brook.

“It’s so magical” Jodie gasped as she stared at it. The stream they had been following was red, but the stream that cut across it was blue. Where the two met there was a perfect purple square, then the two colours carried on their separate ways; leaving the purple behind.

“It’s still the same width as before; we’ll have to jump it though.” Sundance pointed out.

“But it’s so wide, we’ll never make it,” said Jodie as she stared at the stream.

“We will, you’ve just got to believe in yourself.” Sundance tried to reassure her before he took a run and jumped. He cleared it with room to spare and turned around to face Jodie on the other side.

“Don’t look down; I’m here to catch you. Come on, you know you can do it,” Sundance called over. Jodie took a few paces back, gulped and then ran towards the water. As soon as her feet left the ground she knew she’d jumped too soon. She’d never make it. Her eyes met Sundance’s as she obeyed gravity and fell into the red water.