Mirror Dreams

Drink Me

Sundance stood on the bank of the brook scanning the water for Jodie. No bubbles appeared and nor did her body.

“Surely it can’t be that deep,” he thought as he once more searched the water. He shouted her name numerous times until he eventually gave up and turned away in despair.

Whilst Sundance was looking for Jodie, a peculiar thing had happened to her. When Jodie had fallen in the water, her mouth had been slightly open in surprise. The moment the crimson water entered inside her mouth, a tingling sensation occurred throughout her body and Jodie found herself shrinking fast till she was the size of a mouse. She swam over to the edge of what now seemed like a river, and dragged herself up onto the grass. She felt as if she was in a jungle, the green blades towered above her; they had already been quite long when she was her proper size. Jodie heard Sundance calling her name, it came out in a thundering voice like a giant, but no matter how loud she called he did not hear or see her. With tears sliding silently down her face, she watched him turn and walk away.

A rustling noise behind her made Jodie spin around quickly. Peering at her wide large googly eyes were the two queerest creatures Jodie had seen yet. They were small and egg shaped and had spindly needle like arms and legs.

“What are you?” Jodie asked bluntly.

“Nice to meet you too. I’m Dum,” said Dum in a squeaky voice.

“And I’m Dee and we’re Tweedle’s.” Dee had an equally squeaky voice, though slightly feminine.

“Tweedle’s?” said Jodie, slightly confused.

“Yes; Tweedle’s. Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee,” they said in unison, pointing to each other at the correct time.

“And we recommend that you get undercover with us before Toad catches you,” Dee finished.

“Toad? I’m not afraid of a toad, I’m much bigger.”

The look that Dee and Dum gave Jodie made her blush beetroot from top to toe. She had forgotten about her size impediment; she wished she hadn’t been so arrogant. Luckily the Tweedle’s could see that she was sorry and held out their spindly arms for her to hold onto as they led her into their little house underground.
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Ok so I was thinking that I probably won't mention what Sundance is doing from now on unless you really want to know (he will be back in it later). So if no-one says anything then I shall assume you don't want to know and therefore wont write it :D