Mirror Dreams

First Sign Of Madness

Now that Jodie was alone she finally had time to take in her appearance. Once again the clothes had changed size with her which was lucky, thought the dress could be classed as indecent it was that short. She guessed she was now over six foot, but having never been good at guessing measurements then she couldn’t be sure.

“I'm definitely taller than I was originally,” she said out loud to no one, “Oh I wish Sundance was here still. I wonder where he is.”

She looked around at her surroundings, she was surprised to see that the chess pieces where so far back. She was walking quicker than she realised. The blue stream that had crossed with the red one near where she had jumped was on her right. Apart from a few trees, the only other thing was grass.

“At least it’s lighter here. I know I could see on the other side of the red stream, but it was dark.” Jodie said, then groaned as she realised she’d spoken aloud again. I must stop doing that, she chided herself silently. She decided to follow the blue stream till she felt that it was time to cross. It occurred to her that maybe the land was laid out like a chess board. Dark and light squares, with brooks running along the edges to show the boundaries. But she couldn’t figure out why the water was different colours.

Once again she reached the end of a square as she was now calling them. This time the stream was green, and there was a perfect yellow patch where the blue and green water mixed. Further up the green stream she noticed a bridge. At least I won’t have to jump, I don’t fancy seeing what this green water does to me, she thought. The green water was not as appealing as the red had been. The blue had just been like normal water to her; but Jodie could see little wisps of stinky steam swirling from the green water, as if something rotten lay at the bottom and was decomposing. She headed towards the bridge. It was a little sturdy wooden one. Jodie wondered who built it, and why. She crossed over it without any mishaps, and immediately her theory of the chess board was confirmed. For this square was dark like the first one she and Sundance had entered. A little stone path led on from the wooden bridge straight up to some fancy gates.
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This is just a filler to get to the next chapter (: