Horrid Thoughts with Hard Questions

Tomorrow's a Brighter Day

"Lizzy, what's been up with you lately?" Claire asks me at dinner one night. What can I say? I don't want to tell her. In fact, I can't tell her. What will she think of me? She will tell me to stop doing this, but I can't. This is our home - our life now.

So, I don't tell her.

She huffs, and goes to bed early, stomping up the rickety stairs. Annabelle gives me a sympathetic look from across the kitchen. I break a weak smile, but it shatters into a horrible frown.

The thoughts in my head are horrid to think about, and the questions are hard to answer.

I'm a prostitute living in a whore house, and there's no backing out now. If I were to back out now, Adrian would kick us out, and we would starve among other things.

Does this make me happy? Yes...and no. It makes me happy that I can see Claire away from that abusive family of hers. It doesn't make me happy that we live this way.

I knew all along that we wouldn't have it easy. I don't think we ever will.

"Attention everyone. I have an announcement!"

All eyes land on Adrian, who's sudden appearance shocks me, but sure enough, he was standing next to Annabelle, who looks very embarrassed.

"Tomorrow, as some of you may know, is Annabelle's birthday. To celebrate this joyous event, the diner will be closed for the day, and all other activities will be canceled, because we, my dear friends, are going to have a mini vacation."

Cries of excitement erupted from the girls in the room. Adrian lets them gush a few moments before he raises his hand for silence. "I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I advise all of you to pack an overnight back, and bring a swimsuit," He grins. "Because you're certainly going to get wet."

He takes Annabelle's hand, and leads her upstairs. My heart is racing with excitement. I wonder where we will be going. I mentally go through the possibilities as I race up the stairs to tell Claire. She'll be so excited.

The next morning, everyone wakes up super early to get ready. Claire and I share a small suitcase. We pack out swimsuits, which haven't been used since the last time we went to the beach, a change of clothes, and toiletries of course.

We meet everyone down in the lobby. It's strange to see everyone dressed in shorts and t-shirts. Even Adrian has substituted his usual dark dress pants, and button up shirt and vest for a pair of khaki shorts and a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt.

Everyone is chattering, or bickering, away, and Adrian whistles loudly, catching all of our attention. "Alright, guys. As you can see, there's quite a large group of us, and as we have no other means of transportation, we're taking the bus. Make sure you have some change." He beams, and then we're all out the door, and heading towards the bus stop.

While we wait for the bus, I notice how different everyone is outside of the diner. Alexa, and Angelina are chatting civilly, an rare occurrence, and Rita isn't whispering into anyone's ear. Maria is openly making conversation with the twins, while Eva, Jan, and Katrina are looking at the bus route on the sign. Claire is busy taking in her surroundings, not familiar with the area, and I take the opportunity to go over to Annabelle and wish her a happy birthday.

She grins, and gives me a hug. "Thanks, dear. I'm so embarrassed at all the fuss Addy's making of it though." She tells me, glancing at him. "He's such a sweetie."

"If you say so." I say, trying to picture Adrian as something other than a sly pimp willing to do anything to get what he wants. She laughs.

"He's really a nice guy. He just knows what he wants." She says, then pauses. "Not to mention, he's very...forward. But that why I love him!" She concludes with a grin. As if on cue, Adrian comes up behind her, and whispers something in her ear. Her eyes widen, and she swats at him, blushing.

"Get off me, you little b-!"

"Oh, look! The bus is here!"

Annabelle takes the chance to climb on the bus, sticking her tongue out at Adrian all the way. Claire skips over to me. "Come, Lizzy, let's go!"