Status: Rewrite

Suicide Note

No Entry:Frances Londers

Frances Londers. The most hated man my town has ever seen. To describe him in one word?
He moved to town twelve years ago, when I was five. And he lived next door. Mom and I went over on his second day and said a friendly hello to our new neighbor. It didn't frighten mom one bit that he was a twenty year old who just bought a million dollar home, which was totally identical to ours. She probably figured that he came from a rich family.
My first impression of Londers was much like any other. I said hello, because if I didn't mom would yell at me, and then I got distracted by my bracelet on my wrist. I don't really remember much about that day.
The fallowing weeks were normal, or so it seemed. Londers was fitting in perfectly to the neighborhood. He was rich, so everyone instantly loved him. But I found something...eerie about the way Londers spoke. He had a husky voice, which always made me want to clear my throat.
But it didn't seem to faze anyone else; I just ignored my senses that were telling me that something was wrong.
Less than a year later, I turned six. My mother had invited everyone at school, even the people that I didn't know. Even Londers showed up.
It was a princess party.
Londers got me a princess dress and a tiara. It was like the one that my mother got me, only in a light green with pink, while my mother got me a purple one.
He acted really...odd, when I opened the gift. He tapped his fingers on the table over and over again, and he bit his bottom lip. But being a six year old, I didn't really pay much attention to him. The gift was great.
Two weeks later, my mom had to go to the store down the street real quick. She told me to go, but I said that since I was a "big girl now," I could stay home alone.
Mom knew that she would be back in five minutes. So she left.
I was inside of my bedroom, wearing the princess outfit Londers got me.
I heard a noise from down stairs, like a breaking of wood. I put down the doll in my hand and opened my bedroom door. I walked over to the top of the stairs, and saw Frances Londers staring at me.
"Hello, Jessica." Londers said, taking his first step up the stairs.
"Hi, Frances," I said, stepping back.
"How are you?" He takes two steps.
"Good," I step back again.
"Where's your mommy?"
"The store,"
Londers smiled, and ran up the stairs fast toward me. I screamed and ran back to my bedroom. I hid under the bed, but before I got all of the way in there, Londers grabbed my legs and pulled me out. He gagged me, and tied me up. He dragged me back to his house.
I was locked inside of his second story bathroom for twenty minutes, tied up. He came in and placed a baby monitor by the sink. He gave me a look, and smiled evilly.
"One way," Was all he said.
I didn't know what he meant by that, until I heard a knock on the front door though the baby monitor. The door opened.
"Hi, Carrie." Londers' voice came.
"Frances," My mother sniffed. "Have you seen Jessica?"
I fidgeted on the floor, and tried with all my might to scream so that she would hear me. But she didn't. No one did.
I was in that bathroom for ten days. Once each day Londers would come in and beat me. For ten days I thought that I was going to die.
But the police checked Frances Londers' background, and noticed that he had a record. So they searched his house, and found me starving, tired and very dehydrated. Luckily, his bathtub was broken and leaked. I would soak the cloth in my mouth and suck it to stay alive.
Frances Londers was sent to prison for twenty eight years.
I never really told anyone about that, though everyone who lived in the town knew that I was kidnapped. But mother didn't allow the news or anyone to do a story on where or how I was found.
I dream of Frances Londers every night.
I wake up screaming every night.
Because of Frances Londers, I will never be able to go into a bathroom without freaking out the way I do.
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