Status: Yepp still active im just lazyDONTKILLME... feedback would(still) be really nice :) Check me out!

(This Tour Is) Warped in the Head...

The Podcast Refrences Never cease

At first I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe… but… I am Alex Gaskarth- and I never walk away from a competition. But this… seems a little bit extreme don’t you think? I’m one of the straightest people I know! Sure I’m secure enough in my sexuality that I can fool around without being questioned… Well, at least it would be an easy choice. My usually cocky smirk slid into place. Without having to look I snaked my hand around the waist of the boy standing next to me... which experience has taught me to be none other than Jack Barakat. His squishie was gone and I was certain (just because I know him so well) that during most (if not all) of Pete’s speech he was working the red out of his teeth. Probably didn’t listen to more than 5 minutes tops after he stopped laughing at Brendon mimicking Pete behind his back.

He looked at me, smiling just like good ol’ Jack, but seeing the smirk on my face his eyes widened significantly.

“I claim Jack Barakat!” I yelled into the crowd. People turned to look at us, stumbling upon the thought that they would all need partners.

The crowd around us broke from silence. People yelling to other people and scrambling to either their busses or to claim a partner… it was complete and utter mayhem. My eyes never left Jacks as the carnage ensued around us. I chuckled to myself, looking Jack over slowly.

“Shall we?” I asked, extending an arm at the bus. His face slid back into its normal grin before laying his hand over mine on his waist.

“Let’s shall.”

Although it seemed simple, I couldn’t shake the scared feeling resting in the pit of my stomach. Jack and I fooled around on stage, sure, but definitely not as much as some of these other bands… and… well… I definitely knew I was straighter than the cuffs on Guy Ripley’s suit jacket. I like boobs, makeup, tight clothes, and short skirts… Well, come to think of it Jack had done most, if not all of those before.

I just couldn’t read into it that much. I know from personal experience that over thinking can make everything harder and can seriously fuck you over.

Cummon Gaskarth… It’s just a game. And I refuse to lose.


Outside, most people didn’t know whether to grab a partner quick like musical chairs or put it off till at least the first show. After a few moments of gaping or whining with the people around them or running to ensure themselves a partner before everyone was taken, the crowd of boys started to disperse back to their busses.


Williams PoV

Ugh! This is so stupid! I thought as I walked a few steps behind the rest of my band. Pff… they were all joking and acting like this was going to be fun. No doubt Sisky and Butcher were going to pair up and make odd couple jokes for the rest of the tour…

Speaking of which, I’ll have to google common pairings for me to be in later. I rolled my eyes again to myself. My eyes stayed glued to my feet, as they have been since Pete left and we started back toward the bus.

This should just be something fun…

Why am I being so damn moody about it?

I finally took my eyes off my shoes (which I had noticed had tar stains on them from walking by the tracks before getting on the plane to come here… smart idea I know…) as I was about to board the bus. Not watching where you’re going whilst climbing onto a rather tall tour bus isn’t one of the smartest ideas in the world. I looked up and gasped, my eyes meeting those of a tall, dark haired, dark eyed man named Gabe Saporta.

“Gabe?” I asked, quite startled at his sudden appearance. This was the second time today he had snuck up on me next to my bus…

“Hola,” he was smirking in that trademark Gabanti way.

“Wh-what’s um up? Why aren’t you... um… at your bus?” I was stuttering all over the place, still trying to regain my composure.

“Well, I was just saying hi to my bestest buddy,” he was smirking wickedly, inching closer to me from where he was leaning one shoulder on the bus.

“Hi,” I responded a little more weakly than I would’ve liked.

“Hi,” he grinned back at me, getting even closer. Yepp. Second time today. This time I figured I could find a way out quick. I was about to spout some crap about needing to help Sisky unpack when he leaned in. I don’t know why I’m acting so weird and awkward… it’s just Gabe being Gabe… maybe it’s the way he’s smirking…

“Why so edgy Bilvy?” he breathed, our faces a little less than a half a foot apart.

“Hey Bill! I just needed to- oh… sorry… Oh, hey Gabe!” Sisky had flew out the bus door, leaving me standing unscathed next to the now open door, and hitting Gabe in the face with said door.

“What’s up Adam?” I asked trying not to sound too relieved or laugh.too hard.

“Do you put coco in for 10 minutes or 10 seconds?” he asked holding up a package of Swiss Miss mix, forgetting about Gabe. I laughed at his question and followed him onto the bus.

“Later Gabe!” I called over my shoulder, leaving him standing next to the bus, holding his nose in his hands.

Saved by Sisky… I’ll have to repay him later somehow…
♠ ♠ ♠
Bwah-ha! OK so here's number two! There was more I could've typed but I was lazy so this is all you get for now ^_^. Just sorta gettin settled with this one... trying to give myself a reason to not update anything else for a little while... As always feedback is always nice <3 COMMENTS ARE LOVE! Oh and if you havn't already go buy ATL's STD its AMAZING! Its like... Punched in the face with awesome! I'll have more soon but special thanks to:
Infamous Last Words

^ These guys rock. First comments 'n shyt. BE LIKE THEM! Learrrrrn from them. Love them. Love this. Love you :)
Thanks all! Oh and if you call at least one of those refrences..... I'll give you a cookie
-Anna (who thinks she needs help with titles cuz.... damn can u say train wreck?)