Status: Yepp still active im just lazyDONTKILLME... feedback would(still) be really nice :) Check me out!

(This Tour Is) Warped in the Head...

What is This Feeling?

My laptop sat on my lap, open to the Blackle search page. Ok who cares if its crap. At least I can pretend I’m helping the environment. But back to the point…

Now I had an excuse to indulge in my secret pass time. The site opened and I navigated to the search page as I had so many times before. I chuckled and typed ‘Rydon’ into the search box under tags. I giggled again as I read the overview of the first story. After a chapter or so my eyebrows flew up and I broke into a grin. Sadly, I only got to enjoy it for a limited amout of time before I was intruded upon.

“Hey!” Ryan was hanging upside down from his bunk, grinning at me with his rediculasly white teeth.

…Too much coffee…

“Watcha doing?” he asked eyeing my laptop and poking me in the side. Forthe first time in my life once I thought of a good response.

“Research,” I responded cooly.


“This whole fan fiction business. You know, to figure out what I’m up against.” Swoosh! Point for Brendon! Good job not fucking up!

“Do you even have a partner yet?” he asked in a slightly apprehensive tone.

“No…?” How the hell was I supposed to ask him? I mean… that’s not really the kind of thing you have to do on a daily basis… He smirked. It was sort of a ‘Ha! You suck! You don’t even have a fake boyfriend yet!’ smirk. I stuck my tongue out at him. “I’m trying to find the most common pairings for myself… if that doesn’t work I can always ask Gabe… man whore that he is,” Hey! In my random babbling I thought of an awesome plan ‘B’.

“Have you read any of the fan girl’s posters lately?” he asked as if I was completely dense.

“Brendon have my babies?” I asked, quite confused. He palmed his face.

“Think harder,” he sighed. Was he possibly hinting at a Rydon?

“Ryan! You know I’m slow! You have to spell these things out for me!” I pouted. Seriously? I’m way too good at getting what I want. I mean really- not to brag, but I think I could get the Pope into teenage boys… wait… that was a terrible analogy... oops. Stupid rapist catholic church! He groaned and got out of his bunk (rather gracefully I’d say for just hanging upside down for so long) and sliding into mine.

“Brendon, will you be my fake boyfriend?” he asked, rolling his eyes. I squealed dramatically.

“I will!” we smiled at each other. After a long moment of silence he chuckled.

“What are we supposed to, like, kiss or something now?” he joked.

“I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to practice…” I breathed, realizing our faces had been slowly drifting toward each other.

“I… guess… not…” my hand slid through one side of his softly styled hair as we both leaned forward and pressed our lips together.


Inside the bus I hid in my bunk behind the screen of my laptop. I already had an email from Brendon.

Hey Bilvy!
Paired yet? Thought not. I’ve searched you and mostly what comes up is:

Wiskey- William/Sisky
Treckett- Travis/Beckett
(Travis being McCoy or Clark)
Gabilliam- Gabe/William
Reckett- Ryan/William

Oops! RyRy’s taken ^_^ sorry. Hope this helps! Stop moping!
Go Gettem Bilvy! ;P

I sighed. Leave it to Brendon. There was also a website address attached to the bottom of the email. ‘’ Out of curiosity I clicked it and after some searching, found the stories page. I also clicked the search link and stopped. I glanced back at the email tab at the bottom of the page and bit my lip.

“What harm could come of it?” I thought in a ‘Fuck it’ manner.

Before I could let myself stop- I typed Gabilliam in the box and paused. I hit the enter key and hid my face.

A story listing page… innocent enough… I hit the first story. The beginning seemed pretty cliché… predictable. After I’d gotton a good amount in, things started getting a little… shall we say… racy? Starting with a kiss… leading to making out… “Stumbling to the bed”!? “Tore off his clothes”?!

As much as I wanted to- I couldn’t stop reading. It was like a goddamn lava lamp! I found myself picturing the scene progress. How it would feel… how Gabe tasted… Before I knew it I was having a little trouble in the pants area.

At the bottom of the page, the Author’s Note read one word:

Boisechs! >:]
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OK yeah it was damn short and definately not the bast I could've dished out. BUT! I hav an excuse... mostly... I've been wearing a rut in the floor trying to figure out how to finish a chapter of my Rydon (You should totally read it btw! Professional Has Nothing to Do With It <-- :])
Hope you liked this one! Stage time next chapter! There will be Tom Foolery! Lmao wtf? I donno just... Keep it here! Comment! Cuz it helps me a LOT. Thanks soooo much for everyone who is reading and read and following my stuff- It just means the world :))
Dedicated to My best friend Jack! (He bitch got u back for that... u kno who u r ;] )