Status: tell me if you like the idea and i'll continue. + i'll be camping till august 2nd. but when i get back i'll post a few chapters. maybe 4 - 5 ?

Curtain Call

. u n .

I sat backstage only a few feet from the stage. I glanced around me, only to see nervous chorus men and women fixing each other’s hair and clothing, stage hands flying around fixing the set and making sure everything’s in tip top shape. I quickly withdrew my attention and focused on myself.

Just breath Natalie, you’ve done this hundreds of times. Just take the moment, and live it.
I took a few more deep breaths, until I was interrupted by a fellow cast mate.

“Natalie, are you all right? Ya’ll shaking like a dog after a nice swim.” I laughed at Monica’s quote.

I casual turned around and glanced at Monica. Her hair done in some fancy up do by the amazing broadway hairstylists, I could never get how they did it in such a short amount of time & under all this pressure. Her tan skin shinned under the subtle back stage lighting. Man did they ever grease her up for this performance. Don’t worry, I don’t actually mean grease. Grease is a slang term we use for sparkle gel/shiner they lather on our skin before show time.

“Aren’t I always?” i replied, not really listening to the converstation.

“That’s true, you have me there Pinky” she laughed.

God I hate when she calls me that. They’re these messed up nicknames we gave each other back in the old days of chorus line’s and minor roles.

I shifted my eyes to her, only to be met by her blue ones.

“You know it, Macaroni.”

Out of the shadows appeared a stage hand to nervous for her own good. She urgently tugged on my violet dancers dress and looked ahead.

“Natalie, it’s time.” She spoke quietly for an odd reason.

I started walking on the stage. I glanced at all my cast mates and we all nodded before the curtain went flew up and thousands of faces appeared before me.

Show Time.