Status: Active

The Bench

True Intentions

Seeing him there, sitting on my bench was like being slapped in the face by Hermes thick roll of newspaper. Why was he there, gazing upon the pond like it was some type of master piece? At first I was so angry, I could barely control my powers from breaking out. But then, I was hit with Athena's words. Her promises of happiness and finding The One. Could it be him? Could this mere mortal be the counterpoint of my soul?

No, he couldn't be. He was no god, he was no Hero, he was no demigod. He was nothing, only Zues' pet. He was human.

Lewis Salvatore couldn't help, but see the pain deep in Stefan's eyes. He could see without trying that Stefan was a lost puppy that had been kicked too many times. He could tell that Stefan was angry inside, that his pain had turned to rage and he was using it to power himself. And he could only feel sorry for Stefan. He knew what it was like to be in that situation. To be so broken, so lost, you wanted nothing, but to make others suffer along with you.

"So... you're an artist?" Lewis asked, watching as Stefan slipped out of his tux jacket and rolled up his sleeves.


"What kind of art do you do?"

Stefan turned his head to stare at him blankly.

"What kind of art do you do?" Lewis repeated. "Stencil? Charcoal? Painting? Portraits?"

"Everything. I don't do labels or limits."

Lewis nodded, a big 'oh' look on his face mixed with confusion. His brows furrowed as he thought about what to say next. But when he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Stefan.

"Do you know what would piss John off? Anything? Maybe dynamite in the wedding cake? Or... Ooh! Making out with Beth?"

Lewis stared at him like he was crazy. Did he actually say that or was his ears playing tricks on him?


"Come on, I want to have some fun. And the only way to do that, is to piss off my brother. Wait until you see what he's really capable of."

"Stefan, I don't know what you're talking about, but I really don't like it."

"Oh, pft. Relax a bit. You're so uptight. Why are you like that anyway?"

"I'd rather not talk about it..., hey! Where are you going?"

Lewis stood up to follow him, having to run to catch up. Damn, he was fast. Lewis grabbed a hold of his shoulder, giving a gentle pull so he would stop. Stefan did, turning to face him with an annoyed expression.

"What are you doing?"

"Crashing the wedding. Did you not just hear what I said?" Stefan turned around again, but Lewis forcefully turned him around and punched him in the jaw.

Stefan's head snapped to the side and he blinked in surprise, but other than that, he didn't react. Lewis shook his hand out, realizing he probably caused himself more pain than Stefan.

"What the hell was that for?" Stefan barked angrily.

"You are not going to ruin Beth's wedding day. She's happy, more than I've ever seen her in the entire time I've known her. She deserves this and you are going to stay out of it."

Stefan narrowed his eyes, the unnatural green flashed wickedly. "You have no idea what you're talking about!" Stefan practically screamed the words. "True love? Gods, you guys are idiots! True love doesn't exist. It's nothing, but a big, fat, wishful lie. I'm doing Beth a bloody favor!"

Lewis couldn't help it, he slapped Stefan so hard, he cried out in pain as Stefan shouted in surprise. Once he recovered from his shock, Stefan tackled Lewis to the ground, their thud loud and causing someone in the distance to scream,


They didn't pay attention to the wedding, they were too busy wrestling and trying to lay punches and slaps. In seconds, Beth, John, and other wedding members were surrounding their bodies. Then, John leapt into action, and grabbed Lewis, yanking him up and holding him an embrace he couldn't break out of.

Lewis struggled anyway.

"Stop it, Lewis! Damn it, man, stop!"

He did.

John moved his head so he could glare at his brother, who was picking himself up off the ground and brushing off his pant legs.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Stefan stayed quiet so John looked down at Lewis.


"Stefan was trying to crash your wedding so I punched him. He tackled me."

John released Lewis and stared at his brother, betrayal in his eyes.


"Because, John! You know what happens when you fall for the lies of love! You know what it does to you."

"Stefan, those things only happened to you because you made yourself vulnerable. You can't let your misery and hatred cloud your judgement of your duties -"

"Don't talk to me about my duties. You have no where to talk!"

Beth slowly made her way to Lewis, a sad expression on her face. She took Lewis' arm and walked him to the bench. Lewis turned to watch the brothers arguing relentlessly, sometimes even shoving each other.

"Oh, Lewis, I wish they would stop."

Lewis' attention returned to Beth, his guilt clear in his chocolate brown eyes. "Beth, I'm so sorry. I was trying to stop him -"

"This isn't your fault, Lewis. They've been fighting long before you or I knew them. It's a very long history between the two."

"Why do they hate each other so much? Half the things they said didn't even make sense."
Beth sighed, taking his hand in both of hers. She cradled it under her chin as she curled up against him, resting her head on his chest. "I wish I could tell you, Lewie. I really do. But I can't. It's not my story to tell."

He nodded, wrapping his arms around her and placing his chin on the top of her head. They stayed like that for awhile until John walked over with Stefan in tow. John looked over at his brother pointedly. Stefan just looked annoyed.

"Lewis, I just want to say I'm sorry for kicking your ass."

John elbowed him in the ribs, but Stefan didn't react. Lewis smiled.

"That's alright."

Stefan stared at him with wide, surprised eyes at his response. "B-but I just - Why are you so... what the hell?"

Lewis shrugged. "I forgive you."

Stefan blinked. Shook it off. And walked away, mumbling incoherently under his breath. Lewis just shook his head.

"Is she asleep?" John asked, looking down at Beth with warmth in his bright blue eyes.
Lewis looked down at her too and nodded. "Yeah. You gonna take her?"

"We have a plane to catch in an hour. Honey moon and all."

Lewis smiled and slowly stood up with Beth in his arms, placing her in John's. He smoothed her hair back with his hand and kissed her forehead. Then he looked up at John.

"Take care of her for me."

"Always do."

"If you hurt her, I'll -"

"Castrate me. Yeah, I've heard that before," John smiled at him. "Beth is my everything. Honestly, I'd think you'd get that by now."

Lewis chuckled and said goodbye, wishing them a safe trip before getting into his own car and driving home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Longer-ish. Yay!
Although, I'm sure they won't get any longer, unfortunately. :)