Status: Active

The Bench

Something Like That

I couldn't believe he'd forgiven me so easily. I'd threatened to ruin his best friend's wedding and I'd completely kicked his ass. Why was he so nice? Why did he forgive me at all? I didn't understand him, didn't see his reasons. There has to be an ulterior motive, something driving him.

Or maybe, Athena was right. Maybe she had been right all along.

Lewis Salvatore couldn't believe he was going through with it. Since when did he listen to himself, let alone his dreams? And since when did he dream about making love on a bench with a man who tried to ruin Beth's wedding? Sometimes, Lewis wondered about his sanity, despite what his therapist says.

Running a hand through his fine, but wild brow hair, Lewis continued to walk towards the bench from last night. He sat down, looking around him for anything interesting. His brows furrowed when he spotted a man across the pond. The man was only wearing a white cloth around his waist and he was on his knees, bowing down as if he were presenting himself to his master.

Deeper investigation showed that his lips were moving in a constant chant and a hazy, pink gleam surrounded his practically naked body. Lewis was beyond intrigued.

Getting to his feet, he walked around the pond until he was merely four yards from the man. The man didn't realize he was there and continued to speak, but his words were too quiet to hear.

Lewis stepped a little closer and furrowed his brows in confusion when the man's voice carried over to him. He wasn't speaking English. Heck, he wasn't speaking in any language dialect Lewis recognized. Shivers slithered down his back as he continued to watch the man.

"What are you doing here?"

Lewis jumped at the sound of the man's voice and realized with embarrassment and dread that it was Stefan Vandousen.

"What are you doing here?"

Stefan's eyes narrowed in annoyance and he stood up slowly with the graceful movement of a feline. Lewis' eyes diverted themselves from Stefan's body, he was barely covering anything.

"I happen to own this bench," Stefan spit the words out between his teeth and Lewis could tell the man hated him. He didn't understand it, so he opened his big mouth.

"Why do hate me?"

Stefan laughed in his face. "Hate you? Hate you? I don't hate you."

"Then why do you keep giving me the cold shoulder? I don't understand what I did. You were the one planning to ruin somebody's wedding day."

Stefan shook his head, eyes moving upward in annoyance. "I despise you, Lewis Salvatore. I despise your ignorance. I despise your refusal to see the truth. And I despise your kindness."

Lewis stared him in confusion.

Stefan rolled his eyes. "Why do I even bother?" He whispered to himself and turned around to pick up the pair of jeans, T-shirt, and leather jacket he had folded and put on the ground. Without even glancing at Lewis, he took off the white cloth from around his waist and pulled on the jeans, shirt and jacket.

Lewis couldn't help, but stare even more.

"Lewis, are you gay?" Stefan asked out of the blue.

Lewis blinked several times and stuttered relentlessly before finally spitting out his response. "U-um, yes. Yes, I am. Why?"

Stefan shrugged. "No particular reason."

Lewis' brows furrowed once again as confusion took over his young face. Stefan walked right up to him, their bodies merely inches apart. Those green eyes looked him over, from toe to face.

"You're just kinda cute, is all."

Lewis blushed furiously and stuttered on his response. "A-are you?"

Stefan shrugged again, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "You could say that."

"S-so, what were you doing out here?"

"What did it look like?" Stefan's eyes flashed smugly, his hands were on his hips.

"It looked like you were worshiping the water."

Stefan simply smiled, "Something like that," and walked off.


Lewis Salvatore caught me worshiping... the look on his face when I changed was priceless. And it gave away everything. He was as gay as a circle was round. I almost started laughing and realized with a stroke of shock that it was the first time I'd ever had the urge to laugh in years. And when I mean years, I don't mean two or three. I mean hundreds.

Lying in bed, Lewis stared at his ceiling with narrowed eyes. He hated his stupid brain and its stupid thoughts. He hated Stefan for burning those images into his memories and he hated his mind for bringing them up. He hated himself for even going to the bench. He hated his body for reacting the way it did.

Because of his thoughts, he now lied in hot, sticky sheets and his body was coated in a thin blanket of sweat. Moaning in annoyance, Lewis rolled over to the side of the bed that still contained some cold and cleanness.

He closed his eyes, begging his mind to let him get some rest. There were bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep and he was frustrated that the one time he did go unconscious, he was startled awake from an orgasm.

Lewis sighed, running a hand up his face and threw his sweaty hair. Damn it, he thought and shimmied out of bed, stepping into his bathroom and turning on the shower, making sure it was cold. He let out a gasp when he stepped in, his muscles stiffening at the touch of freezing water.

After adjusting to the temperature, Lewis washed his body, hoping by the time he got out, his bed would be cold again. Then he remembered he'd have to change them again anyway, they smelled like his -


Lewis screamed at the sound of someone else in his home and quickly turned off the water. Grabbed a towel and cautiously walked into his bedroom where he dropped the towel in surprise.

Stefan Vandousen was in his bedroom, holding his broken door knob in his hand.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing here?!"

Stefan's eyes widened at Lewis' naked body and the simple fact he was caught sneaking in his home.

"I -i, um... y-you -"

"I, what?"

"You um, left your wallet... at the bench. I - I thought I'd come by and give it back." Stefan held out his other hand, Lewis' wallet in his palm.

Lewis rewrapped the towel around his waist and took his wallet, narrowing his eyes at Stefan. "You could've knocked, you know."

"I did as a matter of fact, but you didn't answer."

"So, you just waltzed right in here?"

"The door was unlocked. What idiot leaves his door unlocked at night?"

Lewis scowled at him. "Thanks for giving this back, but you leave now. In fact, I would really appreciate it."

Stefan closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. When he finally looked at Lewis again, regret was shining in his green orbs. "Look, I didn't mean it like that. I know I should've have just barged in like a welcomed visitor, but I used the excuse of your wallet to ask if you'd like to go out sometime."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, snap, that was unexpected. Seriously, I didn't know I was going to end it like that. Haha.