Status: Active

The Bench

Alone Together

What am I doing? Have I lost my fucking mind? I can't go on a date with Lewis. It was against the rules. It was against my rules! At what the hell was all that stuttering? I'm not human! I don't get nervous around mortals! I don't have emotions, I don't care about anyone, but myself and I most certainly don't love.

Lewis Salvatore was stumped. Stefan Vandousen just asked him out on a date and yet, the man looked unsure of his own question and desires.

Lewis swallowed nervously and struggled to say something, but nothing came out, but his own spluttering nerves. "Y-you don't look so sure of yourself," he finally stuttered.

"I am."

"But why would you want to go out on a date with me? I punched you in the face... twice."

"I'll admit, you've got a great punch, but I still kicked your butt."

Lewis rolled his eyes, but Stefan continued to speak.

"And when I taunted you about it, you apologized. I have this sick way of testing people, Lewis and I liked your results." Stefan looked up at him with those gorgeous green eyes of his, that lost puppy look in them. "So... would you mind visiting the bench with me, once more?"

Lewis Salvatore was nervous as he walked towards the bench, his palms sweaty and teeth gnawing at his lip. It was ten thirty PM and the moon tonight was a crescent. As he got closer to the bench, Lewis' nerves continued to get worse. His thoughts nagged at the back of his mind. Did he look good? Was this a bad idea? What if Stefan just wanted sex? Oh, God, I need to shut up.

Lewis straightened his button down shirt, running a hand through his hair. He tended to keep his hair wild and in every direction possible. It wasn't horrible looking, in full honesty, Lewis liked it because it looked like he just got out of bed. He wasn't one for making himself presentable for others, didn't feel the need to. He didn't care what others thought about his looks than himself. If he thinks he looks good, then he looks good.

Well, except for now.

Sitting down on the bench, Lewis' insecurity began to start up again. Is Stefan going to stand me up? He better not, I'll break his nose this time. What if he decided I was ugly or not good enough? What if my test results were lame compared to someone else he met?

"Is this seat taken?"

De ja vu crept over Lewis as he jumped to his feet, startled.

"Oh, Stefan, you scared me. Please, don't do that."

Seeing him so scared like that, it scared me. In an instant, his face had lost all color and his eyes filled with fear. I realized with an odd pang in my chest that Lewis had experienced something that had made him so afraid. Something I probably couldn't even think of. And that alone made me angry.

"I apologize," Stefan said and Lewis nodded.

They sat simultaneously and an awkward silence feel between them. Lewis looked down at his hands and twiddled his thumbs. Stefan looked off into the distance and coughed.

"So... h-how was your day?" Lewis asked. That was a stupid question, you idiot!


"Me, too."

Another silence. Damn.

"So, um, that night, when I found you here...,"

Stefan raised a brow. "Yes?"

"What were you doing?"

Stefan smiled. "Promise you won't tell?"

"Cross my heart."

"I was worshiping the gods. Well, Athena, in particular."

Lewis laughed out loud and Stefan frowned.

"You're joking, right? You have to be joking!"

Stefan's eyes narrowed in anger. "No, actually, I'm not."

Lewis' brows raised. "You don't actually believe in the gods, do you?"

Stefan's teeth ground together. "Yes. I do."

Lewis' face changed in an instant. His laughing stopped with a choke and his expression had the words 'oh, crap' spread out in big letters. "Shit," he murmured. "I'm sorry."

Stefan grunted and looked the other way.

Crap. "Stefan, I'm real sorry. I didn't know. I thought you were pulling my leg. It's not every day you meet someone who believes in the Greek gods these days."

Rolling his eyes, the strange man gave him a weak smile. It was obvious from there that he didn't hold it against him. Lewis smiled back and looked up at the stars. The sky was covered with the silver diamonds.

"I heard there was going to be an lunar eclipse tonight," Lewis said, still looking at the sky. He could feel Stefan tense beside him. "I was wonderin' if you'd watch it with me."

There was a moment of silence, a moment Lewis prepared himself for rejection, but Stefan then whispered.


Lewis' reaction shocked them both. He yanked Stefan into a kiss, realized what he did and pulled away, looking off to his side. Stefan stared at him with wide eyes, fingers on his lips
"Sorry," Lewis apologized hastily.

"No need," Stefan murmured.

My Gods, it was him. It was really him. Athena had told me the truth, her predictions were real. The sparks that lit my entire body when he kissed me were incredible. Granted, it was only a moment, but it was the best moment of my entire existence. I found it. I finally found it.

Lewis smiled over at Stefan from where he lied on the grass, looking up at the moon as it began to blacken. Stefan's body was slightly rigid, but it smoothed out when Lewis reached out and took his hand in his. Stefan smiled and looked into his eyes, slowly rolling onto his side. As they continued to stare, Stefan moved so that he was lying on top of Lewis, holding his weight up on one elbow, so that he had his other hand free to hold Lewis'.

In the chocolate of his eyes, Lewis held fear and slight panic, but he wasn't worried about Stefan's intentions. In fact, he was more worried about his own reactions. It's been so long since someone's made a move, or even looked at him twice. But somehow, this gorgeous being took interest in him. And somehow, Lewis was liking the guy who wanted to crash Beth's wedding.

Stefan held his gaze as he bent his head and gently pressed his lips to his. Lewis gasped and weaved his fingers into Stefan's blond hair. The kiss was soft and warm, completely innocent and it felt like Lewis' first kiss, ever. At least, that's what he dreamed it would have been like.

They pulled apart, smiled and leaned in for another. This one was much longer and passionate, their tongues slithered in after a few moments. Lewis' blood rushed through his body, boiling hot. He moaned and tugged at Stefan's hair, itching for more contact.

Stefan rolled them onto their sides and pulled Lewis tightly against him, his fingers plucking at Lewis' shirt. The buttons popped open and Stefan felt up his abs and chest, marveling over the soft muscle and the feeling of silk. Almost like a baby's skin.

Lewis went into a high of pleasure as the kiss continued, Stefan's hand sliding to his bum and gripping it tightly before moving on to his thigh and pulling his leg over Stefan's hip. That hand rubbed up and down Lewis' leg, occasionally brushing his jeans covered bum.

Lewis slipped Stefan's leather jacket off his shoulders and as he started to work on pulling up his white T-shirt, a thunder clap crashed and lightning shot across the air. Lewis jumped and their kiss broke. Stefan was scowling as ran showered from the sky, drenching them both.

They quickly scrambled to their feet and rushed to Stefan's car, for it was the closest shelter. Lewis started laughing once inside, unable to control it and feeling Stefan's stare. And then they were both laughing.
When it finally settled down and it was merely sprinkling, Lewis decided it was time to say goodbye. He looked over at Stefan, waiting for him to end his story about a Greek god, smiling the entire time.

"I should get going," he said when Stefan finished, the reluctance obvious in his tone.


"Yeah. It's late and um, I promised Beth I would watch over her house and the dogs while she was away. I'm sure those poor things are about ready to burst."

"Why weren't you there the past few days?"

"Karen is one of Beth's colleagues. She volunteered for the first week. I might as well cut it short for her. She's got a job to go to."

Stefan smiled at him and murmured, "Alright. Run along, then." Even though his eyes were saying something completely different.

Lewis leaned in, hesitated, then pecked Stefan's lips. Blushing furiously, Lewis scrambled out of the car and into his. He looked into his rear view mirror as he drove off and saw Stefan outside of his Porsche, watching Lewis with a calculating expression on his face.

Watching him drive away from me wasn't easy to do. I didn't understand why I was so attached to him already, why I yearned for him to be with me at all times. It wasn't good and even though I was angry at Zeus for sending that rain, I couldn't blame him for his actions. It was merely a warning and I had to count myself lucky he didn't shoot us with lightning.
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Yay another update! I'm sad that these will be slower in upbringing, but at least they're half way decent, eh? And longer than I've expected. Which is also good. :D