Just Another Man


Scarlet Hanner’s heart was beating faster and faster.

Now if Brian Hanner could see this now his famous quote “Matt will scare any little fucker that touches you,” would have been quite true.

Though no one was in any doubt to the fact, this was not what Brian had meant at all.

Matt’s hands trailed across her stomach and came to rest on her hips, pulling her a little closer to him. She felt him press a kiss against her hair, then her temple, and then her cheek. One hand went back up her neck and trailed across the skin, digging up into her hair, fingers curling around the strands.


“Shh,” He chuckled kissing down her neck, and pulling her around onto his lap. “Just enjoy it,”

Of course Scarlet was enjoying it, the closeness, the attention, the feel of Matt’s hands stroking her tanned skin. Though every time he went a little further, she felt herself needing to push him off. She did not want to push him off, she was enjoying this far too much, but something inside her pushed him off. She didn’t understand why exactly but she kept doing it.

Scarlet wondered if maybe Matt would get fed up of this eventually.

“You’re really pretty aren’t you?” He muttered, as she broke the kiss again. Matt’s soft green eyes taking up all her attention, his face was only millimetres away from hers. Scarlet couldn’t help but giggle, her smile growing as his hands held her cheeks. She couldn’t really say anything though; she didn’t know what to do but lean in and kiss him.

Matt had to admit she’d got a little more confident at least, she’d fill moments where he thought she might talk with kisses. At least she had the confidence to kiss him, he couldn’t deny that was hot, but he craved more.

When a beautiful girl kissed him, what man did not think, when will I get her in bed?

Every guy thinks about sex when talking to pretty girls; he was no exception.

Now him and Scarlet had been together for only a few weeks, he wouldn’t push the issue, but he defiantly wanted to have some fun.

Making out with a pretty girl is good, but sex, it was what he wanted.

“Matt we are missing the movie,” She muttered pulling away from him. Scarlet moved back to watch the film, but kept her hand on his. Holding hands, was that all he got tonight?

Matt sighed, but kept a small smile, his fingers trailing around her hands. He would cope with whatever physical attention he could get. That sounded desperate, and in away he was. He was desperate to be with Scarlet, he was really falling for this girl.

She was beautiful.

She was funny.

She was smart.

She was loyal.

And she had a fiery side.

But she just would not let him go any further.

Matt in his opinion believed they were a really good match. Now if he could just get that connection they had a little closer, if they could get a little more heat in this relationship it would be perfect!

He wondered if he was unfair to be thinking this? Though the thought slipped when her finger tips fell off his hand and brushed against his crotch.

Jesus women are you trying to kill me.

It was as if she had not noticed what she had done, her hand stayed on his but her fingers were resting on the denim of his jeans; they were going to end up getting a lot tighter soon.

He moved his other hand to rest around her shoulders again, she comfortably moved into this position. Her curled up under his arm, against his side, her legs folded under her body. While Matt stretched out on her bed, both gazing at the tv screen.

How they had been before he pulled her onto his lap.

“Did Brian tell you guys about the road trip idea we had?” Scarlet suddenly spoke up, breaking Matt’s trail of thoughts and making him turn to her.

“What?” He muttered, realising this was an actual conversation and her hand was defiantly there by accident. He scoped Scarlet’s straying hand up in his and squeezed it gently; she just looked down and smiled.

“Sorry,” She mumbled back, Scarlet hadn’t quite realised where her hand had been. “Yeah umm there’s a cabin to rent in Big Bear, dad and Suzy aren’t interested but they suggested maybe us lot go use it, there’s loads of space,” Matt nodded. “Brian’s told Niki-”

“Woah as in you, me, Brian and Niki?” He questioned a little shocked by that; but at the same time slightly intrigued. Brian and Niki would be at it like rabbits, so therefore he would have Scarlett all to himself. Maybe that was what she was waiting for, some special moment.


Matt’s plans quickly went out the window.

“As in everyone, it’s more Brian’s plan than mine,” She added. “So he wants all you guys there, so of course Zack’s bringing Sarah, Jimmy’s bringing Rhian, and Johnny’s bringing Lynnz,” Scarlet explained.

“Oh and I get to bring you do I?” Matt smirked, squeezing her hand. “I like that idea,”


“Stop saying no,” He pouted at her. “Tell me we at least get to have bit of alone time up there, cause otherwise this is a pointless trip,”

“I dunno,”


“Matt,” She replied with the exact same annoyed tone.

“Do you want to tell Brian?” Matt shrugged. “Really?” Scarlet looked at him, her eyes scanning his face for any sign of fear or hesitation; she couldn’t see any.

“Yeah why not, what’s the worst he could do?” He replied, making Scarlet groan. Matt was so confident and cocky, and she could understand why sometimes. But right now, Matt had no idea that telling her brother scared her so much. “Scarlet?” Matt noticed the worried look in her eyes. “Hey what’s wrong?”

“Hurt you,” She blurted out. “He could do anything, both of you are so powerful you could really hurt each other. Or ruin your friendship which would lead to the band breaks up, friendships ruined, massive rifts between the lot of you, all cause of one girl; I don’t want to be the blame for that!” Scarlet huffed. “I don’t want to lose my brother, but I really don’t want to lose you either,” Scarlet explained, the fear in her voice and sadness was so obvious. Matt could tell that had been bothering her for ages, and finally she’d managed to tell him how scared she was of ruining this.

“Come here,” Matt muttered, his big arms wrapping around her tiny waist. “Scarlet nothing is going to come between you and Brian, I sure as hell won’t let it, I promise that,” He kissed her nose lightly. “And us, well Scarlet Hanner you will not be getting rid of me anytime soon. Brian can beat me to a pulp, and-”

“No, no beating up, seriously I don’t want either of you throwing punches. You are best friends,”

“I won’t throw a punch,” Matt held his hands up. “But I can’t promise that for Brian, I’ll probably deserve it!” Scarlet groaned leaning over and kissing him hard.

“We don’t tell them yet, I need some time,”

“We have time,” He smiled in agreement; for now he was okay to wait. “Come here,” Scarlet melted into his hold. Relaxing, for once, into a heated kiss.

His hands trailed under her t-shirt, and around her back, grazing over her soft tanned skin. He felt the Goosebumps under his finger tips, she fidgeted slightly and broke the kiss. Her lips parted from his and she just smiled at him, moving back straight away to recreate that kiss.

This time though, Scarlet didn’t push Matt off, she let their fun carry on a little longer. He pushed her down onto the bed, getting carried away when he realised she’d yet to stop this fun. Matt’s large hands pushed under her t-shirt again, moving further up this time. He heard her giggle, as his finger tips tickled her stomach, and he bent down to kiss her neck. He could smell the sweet perfume she’d been wearing, mixed with the faint hint of shampoo and hair spray; as he kissed her neck, he finally felt not only how warm but how soft her skin was. She was just so beautiful.

Scarlet tensed her stomach muscles as his hands explored her body, feeling the nerves take over a little as he ventured further than he had before. Her top was taken off her quite quickly, exposing her black bra, and tanned stomach to Matt’s eyes.

Matt just gazed down at her, taking in the view; of course he’d seen her in a bikini many a time but this was completely different. He was seeing her as Scarlet, not Brian’s little sister; and it was really turning him on.

A devilish smirk broke across his lips, as his hands went to grope her chest.

He wouldn’t deny how much he wanted that bra off her, and for that matter the rest of her clothes.
Though Scarlet had other plans, and she stopped his fun all too soon. Scarlet’s arms went around his shoulders, her hands resting at the back of his neck and pulling him down to kiss her.

He wouldn’t deny a good kiss was perfect, it was getting him hotter and hotter. If he had no self control he’d have Scarlet ridding him hard right now; thankfully the fear of getting his dick cut off by her brother helped a little.


“Oh dear god!” She pushed him off quicker than he’d known possible, jumping up to grab her t-shirt he’d tossed away. Matt groaned, cursing the voice that was calling Scarlet, Niki had rubbish timing.

Though he couldn’t help but let a smirk cross his lips, relasing the effect he had on Scarlet; she was completely flustered. He smirked, watching Scarlet pull her top on then jump back onto the bed, a little bit away from Matt. The film was still playing luckily.


“In here!” She called back, trying to keep her voice under control; no panting or sounding guilty. Matt heard Niki come up the stairs, knock once then open the door.

“Hey, Brian and- hey Matt,” Niki paused gazing at him slightly shocked. “Umm what’s he doing here?”

“Watching a movie,” Matt answered coolly. “Which you are currently interrupting,”

“Fuck off Sanders,” Niki muttered gazing towards Scarlet. “I came to office you pizza, Brian and I are about to order, since he wouldn’t let me stop for food on the way home!”

“Too busy fucking in the car?” Matt questioned, still smirking at Niki, she just rolled her eyes and looked towards Scarlet.


“Yeah sounds good,” Matt nodded in agreement. “We’ll be down in a minute, just pause the movie,”

“Excellent,” Niki smiled at the pair, leaving the door open and walking back downstairs towards a very annoyed Brian. “Stop pouting Hanner, you got some tonight, you aint getting any more! But, neither is Matt by the looks of it,”

“Matt?” Brian questioned wondering why he wasn’t the only one nursing blue balls tonight.

“Upstairs with your little sister,”

“Yeah watching a movie,” Brian answered rolling his eyes at Niki. “They had nothing to do tonight, he’s just watching out for her,”

“If you say so Hanner,”

“Oh come off it Niki,” Brian laughed picking up the pizza menu and grabbing his phone. “Oi Sanders,” He called as Scarlet and Matt were heard walking down the stairs. “Would you tell my insane girlfriend you aren’t fucking my little sister?” Matt laughed as he walked into the kitchen and shock his head.

“Niki you’re mental,” He laughed, at least he wasn‘t lying. Matt really wasn‘t fucking her. He placed an arm round Scarlet’s shoulder, squeezing her tightly. “She’s like my little sister, dude that’s sick,”

Scarlet bit her lip, she knew he didn’t mean it; though her insecurities made her doubt that.

“Told ya, dude since you’re here, we’ve got a bit of time, wanna play Call of duty?”

“Go for it,” Matt nodded in agreement, watching Niki get given the phone and pizza menu.

“Niki order the pizza,” She rolled her eyes and shock her head. “Please,” He added kissing her lips lightly.

“I’ll be ordering it for just me and Scar then!” Niki muttered jumping up to sit on the kitchen counter, her eyes falling to Scarlet. “You aren’t fucking Matt are you?”


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I found this hard to write, and its rather filler (with important bits to remember) but i hope you enjoy xxxxxx