Just Another Man


“I’ve been sat in darkness for ages!” Scarlet wined as she opened the door to Matt.

“Hello to you too!” He smirked stepping inside. “What light is it then?” He asked, she’d called him an hour ago and begged he come to her rescue, there was no one here to change her light blub and she’d managed to fall off the chair twice without succeeding.

Matt couldn’t resist a damsel in distress.

“IThe one in my room,” Matt just nodded following her to the stairs. “I told the girls today, by the way,” Scarlet added, leading him up stairs.

“You did?” The shock obvious in his tone. “About us?”

“Yeah,“ She smiled brightly as she turned around at the top of the stairs and smirked at him. “They took it so well, Sarah threatened to kill you, but both are said they weren’t that surprised!” Matt nodded and hit the light switch to check it still was out.

“Good, means I get to gross them out with public displays of affection!” He smirked, flicking the switch off again and pulling her into a kiss.

“You can have more when you fix my light!” She smirked pulling away and pointing to the light. “So who have you told?” Scarlet questioned Matt, as he stood in her bedroom, trying to change the light bulb for her. “I told Jimmy, and then at band practice I told everyone else,”


“Yeah,” Matt nodded turning round to face Scarlet. “It was the only time I’d see them all without Brian,”

“You had band practice with out my brother?” Scarlet questioned.

“It was just to practice some of Zack’s new parts without having to cope with you’re brothers insane ego or arrogance!” Matt smirked. “Right try the light switch now!” Scarlet sighed getting off the bed and going to turn her light on. Usually her dad or one of her brothers would do this, but everyone was out, and Brian was still at Niki’s so Matt had come to the rescue.

“So how did they all take it?”

“Well obviously Jimmy already knew, yet he still acted as if he didn’t, fake gasped and shrieked in shock, Zack and Johnny seemed pretty cool about it; they hadn’t realised a thing unlike Jimmy! And then Jimmy told JB and Matty, when they turned up, so all the guys know!” Matt nodded, glaring at the light bulb that still hadn’t come on. “Are you sure it’s the light bulb, and not the power?” He asked, obviously not giving his whole attention to their conversation about their relationship. Scarlet looked at him with a small glare.

“Matt please can we just focus on us, instead of this light bulb! I have to figure out how to tell my brother!” Matt sighed and turned to face her.

“Scarlet everything will be okay I promise!” He turned and looked at her; his smile was a tiny bit reassuring.

“You don’t know that!”

“I do because it went okay with everyone else, it will go okay with Brian I’m sure, maybe we tell him when we tell you’re parents?” Matt suggested going out of her room to try other lights in the house, they also didn’t work. “Scar, I think it’s the electrics not the lights, didn’t you realise nothing else in your room was on?” He asked walking back in to see her still glaring at him.

“No Matt I didn’t, since I was reading and only had the light on! Now instead of worrying about this, we are trying too-” She didn’t get to finish because Matt walked up to her and pushed her onto the bed, before attacking her lips with his own. “Mmm!” She groaned, trying to push him off. “Matt seriously!”

“Nope, shut up, and just kiss me women!” He laughed, rolling over and pulling her on top of him. “Empty house, nothing else to do, perfect time,” Matt added with a wink, seeing her straddle his hips.

“Now I’m on top, you can listen to me,” Matt looked up and rolled his eyes, his head falling back onto the pillow; that wasn’t quite what he had in mind. Scarlet went to start talking but the beep from her phone threw her slightly. “I’m going to get that, the I will be back to discuss how we tell my brother!” She warned, hopping off of Matt and leaning over to grab her phone, to see who the text was from.

Matt just smiled, letting his hand fall to her lower back, stroking his fingers along the small gap between her jeans and top.

Hey everyone! Monday, 3:10 at the diner, grab some food and drinks! I feels like forever since I’ve seen you all =) Rhianxxx

“It’s Rhian, she’s obviously back from her fieldwork trip,” Scarlet muttered, before showing the text to Matt. He just nodded passing her phone back.

Cant wait to see you Brit! <3

“We’re going to that?” Matt asked as his own phone beeped; signifying a new text. Scarlet nodded dropping the phone by her side, and leaning back on Matt. “Together?”

“I’ve got school, so I’m gonna be a bit late,” Scarlet sighed. “And if Rhian’s organised it Brian and Niki will obviously be there,” Matt could already see her shaking her head.

“Well then we tell them tomorrow evening, when do they got home?” He pulled her closer to him and kissed her neck softly. “With your parents, maybe he won’t start a fight in front of them!”

“Maybe,” Scarlet sighed, she really hadn’t thought any more about telling Brian. After he’d told her he loved her, she’d been in some kind of happy bliss. She enjoyed the closeness brought by Matt kissing her neck softly, his tongue flicking over her skin, making her giggle; she was like putty in his hands at that point.

“Has to happen sometime sweetheart,”

“Fine, we’ll tell them before we go on Monday,” She huffed, turning in his grip to kiss him softly. “You owe me for this,”

“Oh that’s not a problem,” Matt smirked trailing his hands down Scarlet’s back and grabbing her ass. He just laughed as she glared at him. “Don’t look at me like that Scar, you love it!” Scarlet felt herself blush bright red, her head falling to the crock of his neck. “So we’re going together on Monday yes?” He questioned, making sure this idea to make this relationship public was going to go okay.

“We can sit together? Hold hands? Might even give you a kiss!” She mocked him.

“Tease!” Matt smiled putting his hand up to catch hers. “Then I can take you out in public, and we can be an actual couple; not just some crazy kids who hide in each others bedrooms!” Scarlet laughed, her eyes creasing and a broad smile breaking across her lips as she did.

“I can’t wait for that, what are we gonna do on our first outside world date then?” She mocked him, turning round, so she could now lay her head next to his and stretch her long legs out. Matt let her reposition before he answered, putting one arm rounder her shoulders to pull her closer to him.

“Anything you want,”

“Hmm well I guess I’ve got a little time to think about-” Scarlet paused hearing her phone ringing and gazing over to see exactly who wanted her. “Brian,” She muttered grabbing it and pressing a finger to Matt’s lip so he wouldn’t talk. He just sighed and shock his head, watching her sit up straight and answer the phone. “Hey Bro!”

“Scarlet are you going to that thing on Monday?”

“Hey to you too,” She huffed, annoyed at his obvious bluntness. “And yeah I am, why?” She heard Brian groan, and then mumble something obviously to someone else in the house.

“Niki and I, well, we can’t go!”


“We’re stuck in Vegas for a few days,”

“Vegas?! What the fuck Brian?” Scarlet gasped, he’d gone to spend a week with Niki and ended up in Vegas? Bastard, he had all the fun.

“Vegas?” Matt questioned his eyebrows shooting up. Scarlet glared at him, slapping his arm in annoyance; Brian could have heard him.

“Who was that?” Brian had heard him.

“Matt,” Scarlet answered without thinking.

“Matt?” Brian’s voice sounded confused, while Matt looked worried, and Scarlet could hear Niki in the background.

“Yeah he’s just come round to see when you were coming back, apparently you don’t answer your phone!” Scarlet lied through her teeth, looking to Matt apologetically.

“Well we won’t be back for a few days, Niki’s truck is bust, waiting for it too be sorted then we’ll drive down as soon as! Apologise to Rhian for me!”

“Yeah will do,” Scarlet sighed, biting her lip and gazing at Matt. Something in Brian’s voice had changed, he sounded almost worried but that was something Brian Haner was not ever. Maybe she heard him wrong, it wasn’t worry, he was suspicious.

“Okay, well I’ll see you as soon as we get back, and I’ll phone Matt later,”

“He’s still there?”

“Umm yeah just going, bit rude to just shut the door on him Brian!” Matt smiled slightly and shock his head; Brian wasn’t going to keep buying this shit for much longer.

“Alright, alright, catch you later, Scar,”

“Bye bro!” She groaned and put the phone down before collapsing back on the bed. “Good news or bad news?”

“Bad news?”

“I think he knows,” Scarlet groaned.

“What makes you say that?” Matt questioned.

“He was asking questions, and he sounded almost suspicious; I think he think’s something’s up between you and I!” Scarlet groaned, rubbing her face with her hands. “He’s gonna flip! He will think we’ve been lying to him,”

“And the good news in all this was?” Matt sighed, pulling Scarlet round and hugging her tightly. She curled into his grip and smiled sweetly. Scarlet tilted her head and kissing Matt softly, finally relaxed in his grip.

“God you’re comfortable,” She smirked biting down softly on his lip.

“Scar what is the good news?”

“Brian and Niki aren’t going on Monday. We don’t have to tell Brian yet,” Scarlet smiled brightly. “Shall we watch that movie now?” Matt just nodded watching her turn back round in his grip, her back now towards him.

“Love you,” She added squeezing his hand tightly.

He sighed and shock his head.

Was this relationship ever going to go public?
He thought they were getting somewhere today, they had a plan on how to tell Brian and the rest of Scar’s family. It was getting to the point where Matt wanted to show Scarlet off, he wanted to be able to tell everyone that Scar was his girlfriend and he was in love with her.

He wanted to show her how much he loved her.

If she wasn’t willing to sleep with him, or tell her brother about their relationship, or go public with the whole thing; did she really love him at all?
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy. x